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Office Online Integration (WebDAV)

The following configs regarding the activation of the file viewing and editing feature with the Office Online integration must be added to the CONFIGURATIONS table in the Database of the relevant environment.

1. KEYNAME: DocumentManagement.Viewers.OfficeOnline


{ "applicationCategory": "external-https", "discoveryUrl": "["](, "webEditingDisabled": false }

2. KEYNAME: DocumentManagement.Viewers.Config 


\[ { "Name": "Text Viewer", "ViewerType": 1, "MimeTypes": \[ "text/css", "text/html", "text/calendar", "application/json", "text/javascript", "text/plain", "application/xhtml+xml", "application/xml", "text/xml" \], "Parameters": null }, { "Name": "Video Viewer", "ViewerType": 2, "MimeTypes": \[             "video/mp4", "video/mpeg", "video/webm" \], "Parameters": null }, { "Name": "PDF Viewer", "ViewerType": 3, "MimeTypes": \[ "application/pdf" \], "Parameters": null }, { "Name": "Tiff Viewer", "ViewerType": 5, "MimeTypes": \[ "image/tiff" \], "Parameters": null }, { "Name": "Image Viewer", "ViewerType": 6, "MimeTypes":  \[ "image/bmp", "image/gif", "image/", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/svg+xml", "image/webp" \], "parameters": null }, { "name": "Office Online Viewer", "ViewerType": 7, "MimeTypes": \[ "application/msword", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "application/vnd. ms-powerpoint", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", "application/", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" \] } \]

**Important Note: After any INSERT or UPDATE operations in the CONFIGURATIONS table, the Invalidate Config Cache action must be triggered via the Postman application in order to be reflected in the environment.

You can access the information on how to perform this operation via the following link:**\_asked\_questions/invalidate\_configurations\_cache\_temizleme

Note: In order to open your Word files in the MS Word application installed on your computer with the Office Online feature, to make revisions in the document content and to update the relevant file in Document Management on the Synergy side of these changes, you must complete the following steps in order**:

1. The "Start Work" operation is performed on the file displayed from the DM.
2. The work-initiated file is opened in the MS Word application with the "Open on Desktop" ** operation.

3. After you are done with the file content opened in the MS Word application, the file is saved and the changes made automatically are transferred to the relevant Document on the Synergy DM side under the "Uploading" status.
4. In order for you to view the changes on the Document on the DM side, the "Refresh" operation is performed.
5. In order to save the change and update the document with the new version, the changes are saved and published as a new version by the "Publish" action.
6. Since the "Tracking Change" feature is also active at the time of publishing, the following information about the document can be checked in the Versions panel of the relevant document on the DM side:

6.1. Version information of the document**.

6.2. Document Name and Surname of the Publisher.

6.3. Date of publication.
Note: (Can be switched between document versions)