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Running a DataSource with Code

Using the following codes, the DataSource can be run with the code on the Flow side and read the returned result.

Required Libraries

using Bimser.Synergy.Entities.Workflow.EventArguments; using System; using Bimser.CSP.Runtime.Common.Extensions; using Bimser.Synergy.ServiceAPI; using Bimser.Synergy.ServiceAPI.Models.Authentication; using Bimser.Synergy.ServiceAPI.Models.Form; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Bimser.Synergy.Entities.Shared.Business.Objects; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Generic; using Bimser.CSP.FormControls.Common;


The result returned from the query is written to this class. public class UserData { public string UserName{get;set;}


public void Position1_OnAfterExecution(object sender,OnAfterExecutionArguments args) { The parameters to be sent to the query are given in this section. var parameters = new { ID= ".." parameter value }; var result = ServiceApi.DataSourceManager.ExecuteQuery("PROJE_ADI", "<UserData>DATASOURCE_ADI",parameters). Result; if (result. Count>0) { foreach (var resultItem in result) { LogExtension.Log(resultItem.UserName,args. Context); }

} else{ LogExtension.Log("noresult",args. Context); } }