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App Features

Bimser Synergy is a SAAS (Software as a service) application that runs on the Azure Cloud. Thanks to the technology used in the infrastructure, the application has the following features;

  • App Data Accessibility: By storing data in the cloud, users can access app data from any internet-connected computer or mobile device. A powerful advantage of the SAAS application is that it can work through the internet browser. So it doesn't matter which operating system is used to access it. The user can access the application from Windows, Mac, or Linux machines, or from Android, IOS devices.

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Improvement: Without any installation, it is ensured that the changes made within the application (new features, resolved bugs, package with improvements) are continuously optimized and published to the system. With the updates made, new versions are formed and the system continues to work on the new version as of that moment. This ensures that there are no cross-environment version incompatibilities.

  • Uninterrupted Application Updates: The system is not stopped when any update is made to the application, the update process is managed in a controlled manner while users continue to work on the system and it is ensured that end users are not affected by this situation.

  • Ease of Installation and Resource Management: The hardware costs required for application installation and to increase the available application resources in on-premise systems and the resource costs required for application management are carried out by the service provider together with the SAAS systems. Instead of long hours of manual installations, the institution that wants to have the application can configure an appropriate usage package online and start using the system in the environment allocated to it.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Depending on the advantage of the infrastructure used, the application has a flexible structure to deal with problems. It offers a system that manages the vital problems experienced in traditional on-premise systems, such as slowness and inability to respond (server crashes) due to lack of resources in line with the access request loaded to the server, and responds to clients with stable and efficient performance.

There is an infrastructure that constantly observes the system in the form of increasing the necessary resources when the density is experienced in the system and reducing the increased resources when the density situation is eliminated and ensures that it is scaled according to the need. This provides a flexible, performant experience that can be automatically managed by the system, rather than manual resource augmentation when resources are not sufficient. While it is ensured that end users do not experience slowness problems due to density, the effort spent by system administrators on resource management is eliminated.

  • Multi-tenancy Model: An architectural infrastructure in which a single instance of a software application will serve multiple tenants. For each tenant, workspaces are rented that are completely isolated from each other and allocated to the relevant tenant. Tenants can develop their own applications in isolation from other tenants.