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Process Approval Matrix

  1. Click the "Edit" button on the process detail screen.
  2. Select "Approval Matrix" from the left side.

  1. Click the "Add Confirmation Matrix" button.

  1. Selections are made as "User", "Position" or "User Group" from the selection screen and the "OK" button is pressed.

  1. Press the "Save" button.

The matrix can be saved with one of the selections with three options. The default selection will be 'None'. In addition, 'Add matrix to subprocesses' and 'Apply matrix to subprocesses' are other preferences.

'Add matrix to sub-processes': The approval matrix of this process is added to all sub-processes of this process, the matrix in this process will be added without changing the existing approval matrices of the sub-processes.

'Apply matrix to sub-processes': The approval matrix of this process and all sub-processes of this process will have the approval matrix, which is the exact bearer of this process.

The 'Add matrix to subprocesses' and 'Apply matrix to subprocesses' options will only be applied in processes where editing in sub-processes is authorized.