📄️ Balanced Scorecard
Ensemble Balanced Scorecard Yardım Dokümanı
📄️ Karne - Gösterge İlişkisi Tanımlama
Ensemble Performans Yönetiminde Karne - Gösterge İlişkisi Tanımlama Yardım Dokümanı
📄️ Süreç Yönetimi
Ensemble Süreç Yönetimi Yardım Dokümanı
📄️ How can I download the ensemble document?
In order to download an ensemble document in the system to your computer, first of all, the document list is opened by clicking on the Documents option under the System Definitions tab.
📄️ Record the action under different main actions for each model
Each action must be tied to a main action. We can open all actions under a single main action, or we can use different main actions for each model. For this, we click on the Model option under the Performance Management heading in System Definitions.
1- On the System Parameters page, the "Risks" tab is selected and the "Use Pagination in the Risks Tab in Process Detail" option is activated.