📄️ LDAP Configuration
Configuring LDAP as a method of entry into the eBA System.
🗃️ System Manager User's Guide
19 items
🗃️ eBA EBYS Training Document
6 items
2 items
📄️ Show flow steps in line chart with sequence number
With the Flow View feature, it can be used as an alternative to the flow chart or both can be used in the form of a line graph by ordering the flow steps in the form of 1-2-3.
📄️ Substream
📄️ Sub-Process Initiation
Through one process, a different process can be initiated. This function will help meet many different needs.
📄️ Import data from the details object in the main flow's form to the details object in the subflow's main form
When a sub-process is started, if it is desired to transfer the data in the details in the form in the main flow to the details object in a form of the sub-process, this process can be achieved by adapting the underlying code.
📄️ Changing the View for Forms Opened from the Archive
The ability to detect this when entering the form from the archives;
📄️ Copy Attachment
tring sourcePath="",destPath="";
📄️ Multi-Language Support
1. Adding a new language to the system
📄️ Detail table delete selected record
Detail When the DELETE button, which is the feature of the table, is used to delete the records added to the table, it starts to delete from the last record. The following code example can be used to delete the selected row.
📄️ Detailed License Inquiry
📄️ Setting the file limit of the Files (Attachment) object
The file upload size limit, which is 4 Mb by default, can be revised to be application-wide, or it can be limited by controlling the object in the process with code.
📄️ Announcement
Thanks to the "Announcement" function developed to publish announcements that can be seen by everyone within the institution, it is possible to send information to all users via the eBA Web interface.
📄️ What is eBA Deploy Management?
It is an application that enables the process of taking the package of the processes developed in eBA and moving/transferring these packages to another environment or making backups. It is located in the Common folder in the directory where eBA is installed.
📄️ eBA Document Management : Document Operations
Document Operations
📄️ eBA Document Management File Transfer Document
1. Document Management File Transfer Operations
📄️ eBA Document Management: Basic Operations Document and Library Operations
eBA Document Management is a set of systems that minimize processes such as creating, versioning, monitoring, distributing and accessing documents in electronic environment and provide savings.
📄️ eba_dokuman_yonetimi_olusturma_is_akisi_dokumani
Choosing the Creation Workflow in Document Management
📄️ eBA Document Management: Features Document
eBA Document Management- In the Features document; view information about libraries, directories and documents; File-folder profile and metadata form, custom profile field, publishing and creation workflows, versioning, indexing, subscription and watermarking are explained how to do it.
📄️ eBA Document Management:Authorization Document
📄️ Basic Operations in eBA Document Management:
With the directories added under the library, documents can be easily accessed by grouping.
📄️ eBAFormData.dll Document
📄️ eBA Form Update
if (!eBAConfigurationHelper.ApplicationConfig.DefaultInstanceEnabled)
📄️ eBA License Increase and Licensing Document
1.Create a License File
📄️ eBA Menu Manager: Authorization Document
1. Authorization Process in the eBA Menu Manager
📄️ eBA MIS & MailServer OAuth2 Settings
1. The "OAuthConfig.json" file in the Common directory is populated with the information from the relevant provider.
📄️ Changing the Logos of the eBA application
The eba logo on the login screen is located in the "eba.net/Desktop/Images/Design/HeaderText" folder in the directory where the eba application is installed.
1. Information
📄️ Show Flow Steps 1-2-3
First, the "ShowFlowView" key I is added to the bottom of the advance -`>` web in the config and the value is set to true.
📄️ 1.Giriş
1.1. Amaç
📄️ Limit Control on Form
Before coming to the code part, open the project properties by right-clicking on the project and add the following DLLs to the system.
📄️ Recycle Bin
It is possible to activate the recycle bin feature for files hosted in the Document Management module and then undo or delete the deleted files.
📄️ Number of records to display on grid page
In the grid structures in the interface, you can add the key in the visual to the eBAConfigurationEditor and give the number range values to determine the number of records to be displayed on the page as many times as you want.
📄️ Create a Strong Password
In the eBAConfigurationEditor, the Enable value on the Security.Strongness tab is set to true.
📄️ Organization Information Transfer Structures
📄️ Message
It is a function developed for the purpose of sharing information with other users in the relevant process.
📄️ How can I find out the number of licensed users?
Step 1
📄️ How to enable columns in user selection screens?
We can add or remove the columns we want by entering the key on the User Selection Grid through the eBAConfiguration Editor.
📄️ Turning off the Login Image Verification (Captcha) feature
The following key should be added to the eBAConfigurationEditor to set its value to false and saved.
📄️ Search in Menu
Search Feature in eBA Menus
📄️ File Display in Menu
Direct file viewing with file link in eBA menu
📄️ Login with Okta
First, Okta information must be defined and entered in the configuration section.
📄️ 'Forgot Password' Removal
To remove the forgot password feature, set the ForgottenPasswordEnable value on the Security.PasswordManagement tab in the eBAConfigurationEditor to false and saved.
📄️ Project Copying
The project you want to copy opens in the Workflow Studio.
📄️ Installing Redis in Linux Environment
📄️ Ribbon Button Examples
The operations that can be done about the RibbonBar in eBA Forms are as follows.
📄️ Hide ribbon groups
The following code can hide the groups contained in the RibbonBar.
📄️ Conditionally Modifying the List Object DataSource
using eBAPI.Connection;
📄️ SDP Plan Transfer (Standard Document Plan Transfer)
1. Click on ....\eBA\Common
📄️ Change the Style of a Table Object
override protected void internalOnPageLoad(Object sender, EventArgs e)
📄️ Table and Details Object Sorted by a Certain Column
The following code example loads sequentially by the Text1 field in the Details1 object.
📄️ Top Menu Notification Settings
The notifications that fall on the user's top menu show the projects selected from the project manager screen. The order in the visual comes to the project manager
📄️ Defining the category on the report screen
What is Categorizing?