📄️ Application of Restrictions on Process Initiation and Approval Processes by Proxy
📄️ Viewing High-Dimensional Excel Documents in the Viewer
📄️ Advancing the Flow Waiting in the Flow Stopper
First of all, you need to design a new form, put a button in it and write some code in the button's OnClick event.
📄️ Creating Validation by Flow
(The necessity of the text box named Name changes relative to the flow.)
📄️ Flow initiator's Department Code
📄️ Assigning a position from a variable in the flow
Create a variable object in the flow and point to the Connection tab from the object's properties. Select the relevant document and select the object that specifies the id of the user in the document.
📄️ User Property Control in Flow
Right-click on the project and open the project properties.
📄️ Increase the size of the file that is added to the attachment object in IIS
📄️ Sample code to get the date of the document in the attachment
📄️ Delete rows from Detail Table
In detail table object properties, the delete button deletes only the last row.
📄️ Detail Table Link Opening
Click on a column on the Details Grid to open a link
📄️ Detailed License Inquiry
📄️ Check if there are files in the DM
You can check the file from the DM with the code at the bottom.
📄️ Check if there is a folder in the DM
You can check the folder from DM with the code at the bottom.
📄️ Retrieving the document with code from the dm and downloading it to the locale
With the code at the bottom, you can download documents from DM to local.
📄️ Export data from form to pdf via template with DocumentBuilder (using excel template)
Sample code for exporting data from the form to PDF via the template with DocumentBuilder is available at the bottom.
📄️ How to set the Custom Theme color in eBA?
In the eBAConfigurationEditor.exe `>` Advanced `>` Web branch, add the ThemeColor key key and add the value section as an example
📄️ Renaming OK and Cancel Button in Event Form in eBA
📄️ Saving the Form with Code
You can also save the form with code by using the code at the bottom of onModalReturn if the user forgets to save it.
📄️ eBA Group Object Sending Reminders by Time
In eBA, you can send a reminder e-mail to the users with the following method if a process that has been approved by the user group does not advance the process or does not take action within the specified time period.
📄️ Number of Pending Processes for Approval of Individuals
📄️ Create a Form with Code
You can Create a Form with the code at the bottom.
📄️ Annotate with code
You can manually record the DOCUMENTNOTES table with the code at the bottom.
📄️ Opening the Mail Process Approval or Information Link on Mobile
In Document Management, the link to open the mobile application can be hosted in the e-mail sending by updating the mail template file in the relevant language under "system/settings/workflow mail templates" with the following.
📄️ Uploading to Relation DM with code
With the code at the bottom, you can upload documents in relation to the DM.
📄️ Hiding Relations Dowloand Button
Sample code block to hide the optional download button in the related documents object
📄️ Prepare a SQL SERVER Maintenance Plan
Follow the steps below in order, and then restart the SQL Server services.
📄️ Process link creation
You can create a process link with the code at the bottom.
📄️ How to allow all users to change personal settings (Theme color)?
To allow all users to change personal settings (Theme color), you need to define the StaffSettingCanChange key in the eBAConfigurationEditor.exe `>` Advanced `>` Web branch and mark it as the value true.
📄️ Add a version to an existing file
You can version the document in the DM with the code at the bottom.