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The form is the component in which the visual interface of the project is designed. The form is designed using the Form Design Objects available in the authoring interface.

When a project's form in the Solution Explorer panel on the interface screen is opened as the active screen and the form is clicked, the Property Viewer panel will list the properties that the form has.


In the Property Viewer panel, there are "General" and "Events"** tabs for the Form.


Contains fields where the properties that the form has are displayed and where those properties can be edited. Form properties are grouped under subheadings by property type.


'Caption' - The header information of the form. This header information is shown to the user in the fields where the form name is displayed in the web interface.

'Background Color' - This is the part of the form where the background color is set. By default, the form comes with a white background color. Optionally, the background color of the form can be changed.

'Background Image' - The image loaded from this area can be set as the background image of the form.

'Padding' - Contains areas where the spacing to be left from the top, bottom, right and left edges of the form can be adjusted. The design can be edited by entering the margins values that the developer will specify for the form design in these fields.


'ReadOnly' - When the field is activated, all objects added to the form are shown in a read-only state, preventing changes to all object contents in the form in the web interface.

> For example, the form has two modifiable TextBox objects. When the ReadOnly option on the form is enabled, it also affects the objects within the property and prevents changes from being made.

'Form Type' - The field where the type of form is specified. The values listed in the Form type field identify form types to be used for different purposes.

  • Standard Form : These are the types of forms used in workflow processes, where the objects added to the form are reduced to action steps in the flow to be filled in and action is taken by filling in the form fields.
  • Parameterized Form : A parameter form is a form in which data filled out on a form is saved and used as a data source in other forms and objects on the form. The completed form is not sent to any action steps, only the entered data is saved. > For example; A parametric type form is prepared, a table object is placed on the form, and the cargo companies with which the company has a contract are entered and recorded in this table object line by line. During the incoming document process, this parametric form is shown as the source data of the "Shipping carrier bringing the document" selection field on the standard form and the data added to the parametric form can be listed in this selection field.
  • View Form : A view form is a type of form used to design an archive form. It does not create records in the database, it is only for data representation.
  • Checklist Form : Used to design a form if a checklist is intended to be customized. If a checklist form has been created, entering the approvals opens the designed form.

'Statuses' - This is the area where the statuses of the form are listed. These values are used to change document state at specific stages of the flow. One of the flow design objects, the "Document State" object, is positioned in the flow steps and selecting one of the states defined in this field from its content updates the status of the document to the set state information.

Statically defined in the form; There are 8 statuses: Default, Approval, Rejection, Cancel, Timeout, Invalid, Draft, and Creation. An existing status can be deleted or a new status can be added by clicking in the Status field.

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'Public Fields' - The field in the web interface that sets whether a generated form displays Form Title, Document ID, Status, Created By, Creation Date, Status No, and General ID to users.

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'Identity Format' - Each form created in the system has a unique "Form Id" value given by the system. This value is given to the newly formed form as an ascending number as one excess of the largest formid value in the system.

There may be a need to create custom format form IDs that are more meaningful to users. For example, as form id; date-based or form-based (e.g. Form numbers for the Contract Form will start with "SOZ-") indicating words may be requested. In such cases, the form id format can be specified from the "ID Format" field.

When the Id value is selected in the **"Select Metadata Type" field in the properties of the "DocumentMetadata" object placed on the form, the formatted id value given to the form can be displayed on the form.


If the definition made in the Identity Format field is desired to be assigned in the relevant form, it should be used by activating and using one of the Pull Number On Start or Pull New Number properties in the DocumentMetadata object or by making the necessary definitions in the Document No Assignment object in the flow. If these operations have not been done, the identification number given on the form will not appear.

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With the "Choose a templates here" option, you can choose from the preset ID formats offered by the interface. With the "Define new one and use" option, new ID formats can be defined on the form. In the Name field, the desired naming for the ID must be entered, while in the Format field, the liquid variable information must be entered to define the identity information. The variables that can be used are;

  • Year{%year%}
  • Month {%month%}
  • Day {%day%}
  • Time {%hour%}
  • Minutes {%minute%}
  • Seconds {%second%}
  • Custom {%date yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.fff%}
  • Counter {{c}}

> Example > > {%year%}-{%month%}-{{ccc}} = 2019-12-001 > > {%year%}-{%month%}-ABC{{c}} = 2019-12-ABC1


For example; Given the format {%year%}-{%month%}-{{ccc}}, form numbers are; It will be formed in the structure "2019-12-001", "2019-12-002", "2019-12-003", "2020-01-004", "2020-01-005", "2020-02-006", "2020-02-007".

If "Use template for counter grouping" is selected and {%year%}-{%month%} is typed in the "Grouping Template"** field, the form numbers will be; It is formed as "2019-12-001", "2019-12-002", "2019-12-003", "2020-01-001", "2020-01-002", 2020-02-001", "2020-02-002".

The number of increasing numbers can be determined from the "Counter Start Value" fields and the number of increases can be determined from the "Counter Increment Value" fields.

'Toolbar Buttons' - It is the area used to add buttons to the form opened in the web interface to perform the desired operations related to the form.

When button registrations added to this field are clicked in the web interface, the button's unique key value is sent as a parameter to the **"onToolbarButtonClicked" event on the "Events" tab of the form. The desired operation to occur when the button is clicked can be encoded in the "onToolbarButtonClicked" event using the incoming button parameter value.

The types of buttons to add are Save, Print, and Button. When the Save button type is added, a button appears on the form bar to enable the form to be saved. If the print button type is added, the button will appear to allow the form to print. By adding the button type, the operation can be coded by writing the desired code in the **"onToolbarButtonClicked" event on the "Events" tab of the form.

  • Key : This is the area where the key information of the button is entered.
  • Name : This is the area where the name information of the button is entered.
  • Caption : This is the area where the header information is entered where the button will be displayed on the form, it supports multi-language input.
  • Enabled : This is the area where the button is selected whether it will be active or not, the feature must be activated if it is desired to display it on the form.
  • Icon : is the area where the icon desired to be defined for the button is selected.
  • Validate : The field is activated to ensure that the rules that are validated in the Rules Manager work.

'Variables' -

'Versioning Enabled' - This is the area where the form is determined whether or not to version. When form versioning is active, separate records for each version of the form are created in the database. Thus, when changes are made to the form, records of previous versions are kept. When versioning is not active, the form's record in the database will keep the form's last updated data.

'Can Save As Draft' - The field used when the form is requested to be saved as a draft. When the feature is activated, the Save as Draft Button appears in the form on the web interface. When the button is clicked, the form is saved as a draft and can be accessed from the Drafts section in the Workflow Management section of the person who saved it.

:::d anger WARNING

If the Can Save As Draft feature is activated on the form and the form is used with a flow, the Save as Draft button is not shown in the form. If you want to activate the Draft feature on a form with flow, the Can Save As Draft feature in the Start of Flow object must be enabled.


Data Definition Language

'Prefix' - In the system's database, the naming name E{ProjectName}{DDLName} is used when creating the database tables to be created for the form. By entering information in the Prefix field, the developer can change the format of the table name. If the Prefix information is not entered, the Project name is taken automatically and the naming is made.

'Field Name' - The field in the system's database where the name of the database table to be created for the form is determined. The form name comes by default. In the "Field Name" section, the form can be given another name and the name of the form's database table can be created as a different name.


The events that the form has are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered.

Double-clicking on the events in the "Client" field takes the screen to the form code editor section called "Formedi.ts", where TypeScript coding can be done, and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. Double-clicking on the events in the "Server" field takes the screen to the form code editor called "Jersey.cs" where C# coding can be done and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. The developer can construct any code block within these methods. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is specified.


Formed methods;

