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View Usage

In CSP Forms, views are intended to group different representations on a single form.

As an example, there is a standard user who makes an Expense Statement as an approver on a process and an Accounting staff member who sends these requests to the bank. Here, the objects and appearances that the standard user will see and the accounting staff will see will differ from each other. Views are used to manage the contents of this different view.

View Manager

  • The view manager can be opened by shortcuting Shift + V or by selecting 'View > View Manager' in the top panel in the IDE.

  • Views are selected in the view manager that opens, allowing transitions to different views.

  • A new view can be added by clicking the + button at the top right of the task manager.

  • Find it on the right side of an existing view by clicking on the 3 dots
    1. Clicking on the 'Edit' button will edit the name and description.
    2. A new view is created by copying the existing view by clicking the **''Duplicate'' button.