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Add the project to the Applications menu

In order for the project to be available to end users, it must be added to the Applications list in the web interface. In order to add a new application, log in to the web interface with an authorized user and click on Application Explorer from Settings.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

Clicking "Add"** on the Application Explorer screen adds a new record to the applications menu.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

When the Add option is clicked, the window will open on the screen where the application details will be entered. To add all Human Resources processes under a single heading in the menu, let's first create the main menu title named "HR Processes". Clicking on this node will not open any form or process, only the applications added under this node will be listed. Therefore, the "None" option is selected in the "Node Transaction Type" field. And the "Assign Root Node" field is made passive.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

The "Profiles" tab opens. Since no new profile has been added yet, the profile named "admin" that comes by default is selected in this field and the Add button is clicked.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

The application node activated in the profile named "admin" is saved by pressing the "Save" button on the Application Explorer screen.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

To create the menu record for the "Annual Leave Process" project under the "HR Processes" heading created, click the **"Add" button again from the Application Explorer. On the screen that opens;

  • In the Title section, "Annual Leave Period" is written.

  • To open the form full screen when clicking on this application from the menu, select "3" from the Panel Size field.

  • Clicking on this application from the menu will start a new flow of the designed project in the development interface, so the "Start a Flow" option is selected from the Node Compute Type** field.

  • From the Projects field, select the "Request Annual Leave" project created in the development interface.

  • From the Flows section, select the flow of the "Request Annual Leave" process.

  • By activating the Assign Root Node field, the "HR Processes" main node just created is selected from the list.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

By selecting the "admin" profile from the Profiles tab, this application node is also activated in the admin profile. After this process, the "Annual Leave Process" application is added under the "HR Processes" heading in the Applications menu. The edit must be saved from the Application Explorer screen.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

Now, the application title named "Annual Leave Process" can be displayed in the Applications menu by users with "admin" profile privilege and the process can be started when clicked. In order for this process to be accessible to all users in the system, not just users with the "admin" profile, a new menu profile called **"All Users Profile" must be defined, to which all users will be authorized.

From the Profile area on the Application Explorer screen, the **"Add" button opens the page for adding a new profile to name the profile.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

After the new profile definition is added, when that profile is selected from the Profile list, all application registrations in the application menu appear as passive. Since the "HR Processes" and the "Annual Leave Process" application headings under it will be activated in this profile, the "Edit" button is pressed from the details section of both. By opening the Profile tab, the newly added "All Users Profile" is also added to the application profiles.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

Once both application titles are activated in the "All Users Profile" profile, the profile changes are saved via the Save button from the details of the Application Explorer screen. Users who are now authorized for the "All Users Profile" will be able to see and use these two menu titles.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

After the menu profile is created, it is time to authorize the menu profile to all users in the system. For this, the web interface is logged in with an authorized user. Under Settings, click on the Security menu.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

By clicking the **"Add Group" button on the security screen, a name and description are entered into the group to be created.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

The new group definition appears as added to the group list. Clicking on this group definition will take you to the "Members" tab on the right. The "Add" button adds the user group definition "everyone" to the group.

Adding the Project to the Applications Menu

You then move to the "Permissions" tab and expand the "Menu" heading. Under the menu authorization, all menu profiles defined in the system will be listed. From this list, the definition of "All Users Profile" just created is authorized by the "Allow" option, and then the edits are saved with the "Save Changes" button. Thus, all users in the system can see the HR Processes and Annual Leave Process headings defined in the All Users Profile and start a new process when they click on the Annual Leave Process heading.