Repositories are characterized as the root directories where documents are kept. Folders and documents are created under Repositories. In case of a request to perform operations on a warehouse, hover over the warehouse and select the round seçim area that appears on the right side of the warehouse in order to view the relevant transactions, or the operations that can be performed on the object are displayed pencerede_ opened by clicking _sağ. At the same time, if it is desired to make changes on more than one object; The round selection areas on the right side of the warehouses to be selected are marked and more than one warehouse is selected. Actions that can be performed in bulk are filtered by selections, and changes are made from the actions area or from the window that opens by right-clicking.
- New Repository: Allows you to create a new repository. The new repository can only be created in the Başlang I ç directory. The Name and Description of the Repository to be created in the window that opens can be defined specifically for each of the languages available in the system.
- **Properties**: Although object-oriented titles are variable, it is an area where information about the object is presented and adjusted under the headings _Genel, Metadata, Index Settings, New Dosya_.
- **General**: **Tags** of the relevant warehouse can be defined and the objects in the desired tag can be filtered and searched through these tags. Filtering by tag is available in the table view.
- **Allowed File Types**: Files that can be added to the relevant repository can be limited by selecting from the files of the listed types.
- **Maximum File Size**: This is the area where the maximum file size is set for each of the files to be added to the repository.
- Metadata: This is the field where the desired profile form is defined when any folder or file is added to the repository.
- **Profiles**: This is the area where a profile form is added by clicking the **+** button in the table. After the project selection is made, one of the Metadata-type forms in the relevant project is selected. If it will be mandatory to fill out a profile form, the **Required** field is activated. When adding to the file, folder or both objects from the **Type** field is provided, the profile form is opened.
- **Fields**: This is the field where it is selected which of the fields in the selected Form will be created as a column in the table view of the relevant repository.When a file is wanted to be added to the repository, the added file is selected and saved by filling out the profile form determined from the MetaData field.
The fields selected in the profile form will be visible in the Table View mode of the repository where the profile form is added. In this way, profile form fields added to folders or files can be viewed and filtering can be done through these fields.
- Directory Settings: Csp Document Management allows you to make OCR on your files. By making adjustments from the Directory Settings menu of your repository or folder, you can get the content of the files you upload in plain text and save them to the system. Then you can perform a search operation all text from the Document Management search screen. By searching for a single phrase in your file, you can access all the files in which the relevant phrase appears.
From the directory settings menu, first of all, you need to uncheck the Get from Parent Directory box, if any. (We'll talk about what the Get from Parent Directory sign is at the end of the page.) From the "File Type" section, you must select which file types you want to search all text. From the processor configuration, you must choose which processor (OCR engine) you want to use. Then click the Ok button. You can enter more than one record.
Note: OCR Engine configuration requires installation and DB configurations.
Along with the OCR process, automatic artificial intelligence-supported categorization is also performed on the uploaded files.
Note: By default, your actions on the Metadata and Directory Settings menus also apply to subdirectories. Thanks to "Get from Parent Index", you don't need to bother to make these adjustments again in subdirectories. If you want to set the subdirectories differently, just uncheck the "Get from Parent Directory" box
- **New File**: This is the area where a process is defined that should start automatically when a new file is added to the Repository. If Project and Flow are selected, the selected flow will start automatically when the file is added. Note: Your feed must have the following variables.
'''StartedFrom (string), CreatedFileId (long), CreatedFilePath (string)'''
Details: This is the area where the number of files, folders, and content available in the repository is presented. When the Calculate button is clicked, the total size of the warehouse is calculated.
Security: It is a security tab that allows various authorizations such as viewing, downloading, printing specific to the repository to be defined specifically for people within the organization (such as users, user groups, security groups, etc.). In the search bar on the left side, the group to be linked to the object is typed and selected. For the selected group, the authorizations in the Viewing, editing breakdowns and all sub-breakdowns on the object are defined by clicking the Grubu Object Bağla button. Any changes made afterwards are saved by clicking the Değişiklikleri Kaydet button.
Show Profile: If there is a profile form defined on the repository, it is opened and edited from here.
- Activities: Brings up a panel screen that allows users to broadcast a message on the object and view the messages they have published or the actions they have taken on the object.
- Activities: Brings up a panel screen that allows users to broadcast a message on the object and view the messages they have published or the actions they have taken on the object.
Add to Favorites: By clicking this button, the user can add the relevant repository to their favorites. Favorites can be accessed via the breakdown on the left.
Refresh Indexing: A re-indexing is started for the selected Repository and the information of the relevant repository is updated in the index report.
- Rename: This is the field where the name of the selected Repository is changed.
- Delete: This is the feature that allows the selected repositories to be deleted. When this button is clicked, the user who performs the transaction is expected to perform the transaction by entering the repository name for security purposes.