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Docs Explorer

It is the area where documents are displayed in the folder and scene structure. Doc Explorer consists of 6 basic scenes. The image below shows the Document Explorer Home page. The Document Explorer can be accessed with the help of the marked buttons in the image. Recent Documents, Favorites and Start scenes can be accessed via this screen.

Opening the Document Explorer via the Document Management Home Page

Document Explorer also has a Context menu and Top-menu to perform operations on items.

Doc Explorer has card and table view options. These view options can be changed from the view switching drop-down menu in the top menu.

Card View

> In the image above, the status of the scene below the card view option is included.

Table View

> In the image above, the situation of the scene under the table view is shown.

Doc Explorer Scenes

1. Recent Documents

This is the scene where the recently opened documents are listed. The user can continue his operations on the recently opened documents by accessing this scene from the document management homepage and the document explorer.

Recent Documents Scene

2. Favorites

It is the scene where the items added to favorites are listed. The user can easily access these documents by accessing this scene from the document management homepage and document explorer and adding the documents that he will use frequently to the favorites.

Documents added to favorites can be removed from favorites via the context menu or the top menu.

Favorites Scene

3. Rubbish bin

This is the scene where deleted files are listed through the document explorer. Deleted documents can be restored to their original scenes. The trash can be accessed from the left menu of the Docs explorer. Trash can auto-delete settings can be changed with the setting button located on the trash can menu item. When the automatic deletion setting is activated on this screen, deleted documents are kept in the trash within the specified number of days and then completely deleted.

Trash Can Scene

Below is a customizable authorization table for restricting or using trash bin operations.

Authorization Key PathAuthorization Statement
View > Document Management System > Recycle BinIt is required to be able to access the trash.
Document Management System > Recycle Bin > DeleteRequired to be able to delete the trash and items in the trash.
Document Management System > Recycle Bin > RestoreIt is required to be able to restore items in the trash to their deleted location.
Document Management System > Recycle Bin > SettingsIt is necessary to be able to open the settings window located in the trash can menu and change the settings there.
Document Management System > Recycle Bin > View AllThis entitlement setting is required so that all users can delete, restor, and view items that they move to the trash.

> The 3 scenes described above can be accessed from the left menu in the image below.

Scenes accessed via the Document Explorer left menu

4. Beginning

The start scene is the one where the repositories in the document explorer are listed. Repositories are similar to folders in terms of working logic. It is the root element in document management. Folders and Documents in document management are located in a repository.

Inception Scene

5. Search Results

It is the scene where advanced search results are listed through the search boxes on the document management homepage and document explorer top menu. The advanced search returns results that match the filters specified on the toolbox and the expression entered in the search box.

Search Results Scene

6. Folder

It is the scene where the items in each repository and folder on the document explorer are listed.

Folder Scene

Context Menu & Top Menu

The context menu and top menu allow operations to be performed on document management items and scenes. The operations that can be performed from these menus differ according to the selected item, the scene and the authorization status.

Context Menu

The context menu is opened with the help of right-clicking on the item in the document explorer.

Context Menu

Top Menu

The top menu has menus that can be performed on the current scene and the selected item. The Advanced Search box, which is also available on the Document homepage, can also be accessed here. Next to the search box, there is a button where you can change the document management view. Below this area is the navigation area. In the navigation area, there are buttons where we can access the forward, backward and upper index between scenes, a refresh button and a Breadcrumb (Content Map) where we can view the path of the scene we are in. By clicking on any path on the breadcrumb, you can go to the relevant scene.

Top Menu

> A visual of the status of the top menu is included when an item is selected above.

Top Menu Selected Item Menu > The image above shows the operations in a submenu in the top menu when an item is selected.