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It is an object that allows the end user to add types such as meetings, events, appointments in a certain date/date range on a calendar and to list them visually.

While the active screen is a form in the authoring interface, the Toolbox panel lists form objects. The object is added to the form by drag/drop from the toolbox panel.

Clicking on the object displays the "General" and "Events" tabs in the Property Viewer panel, and the properties of the object can be viewed and edited. The inheritance scheme by which the properties of the object are transferred is as follows;



'Name' - The name of the object to be used by the system. Inside another object and on the code side, the object is accessed by the value written in the namespace.


'Title' - The part where the label text of the object is edited.

'Position' - The part of the object label that regulates whether it is positioned on the left, right or above the object.

>Choices Available : Left, Right, Top, Bottom

'Width' - This is where the width of the label field is set.

'Height' - This is the part where the height of the label field is set.

'Font' - The part of the text in the label area where the font, font, font size and color are set.

'Ellipsis' - The portion where the label text is set to appear for the part of the text that does not fit, whether the ellipsis (...) appears.

'Visible' - The part where the label field is set to be hidden or visible.

'Show Colon' - Colon next to label text (:) is the part where the expression is set to appear or not.

'Horizontal Align' - Label text; This is the portion where right-just, left-just, or center-justify settings are performed.

>Choices Can Be Made: Left, Center, Right

'Vertical Align' - Label text; This is the portion where the Justify, Snap Down, or Center settings are performed.

>Choices Available : Top, Middle, Bottom

'Mark Char' - To make the object stand out, enter *, ! is the area where characters such as can be entered.

'Mark Position' - The part where the character designated as the mark character is set to be shown at the beginning or end of the label text.

>Choices Can Be Made: AtFirst, AtLast


'DataSource' - The field in the object that will be used to be able to list values from a data source. The data source definition that is added to the DataSource section of the project in Solution Explorer and that compiles successfully becomes selectable from the DataSource portion of the object.

'RunAtServer' - This option determines whether the query connecting to the object is run from the server or the client.

If this option is enabled, when clicking on the form in the web interface, the query is run on the server side before the form is opened, and when the form is opened, the query result is loaded into the object. When the option is made inactive, when the form is clicked in the web interface, the object starts to load the result values of the query after the form is opened.

The wait time for the query result to load takes effect at the time the form is opened with this feature active, and at the time the data is loaded into the object after the form is opened quickly when the feature is passive.


When data source is defined on the object, value/display expression fields will not be active. The appropriate data for the Data Source columns will be displayed in the Columns field.

:::d anger ATTENTION!

When you add a Data Source to an object, make sure that the data source you define returns absolutely Id, Title, Start Date, and End Date columns. The 4 columns listed are mandatory for the use of the object with the data source.



'Enabled' - If any of the editing features are to be used in the object, the field must be activated.

'Addable' - If you want to activate the process of adding elements in the object, the field must be activated. The Enable field must also be active.

'Deletable' - The field must be activated if it is desired to activate the process of deleting the attached item in the object. The Enable field must also be active.

'Editable' - The field must be activated if it is desired to activate the process of editing the attached item in the object. The Enable field must also be active.


'Visible' - This is the part where the object is hidden and made visible. When this field is active, the object is visible on the form. When the field is made passive, the object becomes invisible.

'Client Visible' - When the object is not visible when the form is first opened, when it is desired to make the object visible, to make the object visible when a certain condition is met, this field is made passive so that the object is invisible on the client side. When the condition set by the code or the Rules Manager is met, the object can be made visible again. When server visibility is inactive, the client cannot intervene, but the server can intervene when client visibility is inactive.

'Enabled' - The active mode of the object is set from this field. When this feature is active, data entry can be provided to the object and the object can be edited. When the feature is passive, the object is in non-editable mode and appears passive.

'Client Enabled' - When the form is first opened, the object is not active, when a certain condition is met, etc., this field is made inactive so that the object is not active on the client side. Once the condition set by the code or the Rules Manager is met, the object can be activated again. When server activity is inactive, the client cannot intervene, but the server can intervene when client activity is inactive.

'Background Color' - The area used to give the object a background color.

'Title' - Hovering over the object with the cursor while the form is open in the interface, the text typed in this field is shown as a hint. It is a feature used to direct the end user when detailed information about the object is desired.

'ClassName' - The field in which the object visibility can be changed by defining a class written in the CSS file of the form.

'Columns' - The section where the areas to be shown in the elements on the object are designed. By default, the columns No, Title, Start date, End date are coming. In the default columns, the 'No' column is used as the primary key, the 'Title' column is used to determine the title of the item to be displayed in the Scheduler, and the 'Start/End date' columns are used to determine the range at which the item is shown in the Sheduler.

In the Columns area, columns of Boolean, Date, Date Time, Number, Select, Text, Time can be added.

To get information about the characteristics of the types, you can examine them by opening the panel of each type below.

<details> <summary>Click for Boolean column properties</summary> <div>


Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.

Control Properties

Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.

</div> </details>

<details> <summary>Click for column properties of type Date</summary> <div>


Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.

Control Properties

VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the server side.
Client VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the client side.
EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the server side.
Client EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the client side.
Background ColorThis is the property in which the background color of the column is changed.
TitleHovering over the column in the web interface is used to determine the information to be displayed in the content of the hint expression.
ClassNameIt is the area in the column where the object visibility can be changed by defining a class written in the CSS file of the form.
ValueIt is the area where the value of the column is determined, when it is activated, the column will appear as selected in the web interface.
PlaceholderIt is the property used to display the data information requested to be entered by the end user into the column for informational purposes within the object.
Text AlignThe column is the area used to determine where the expression entered into it will be aligned. Left-align, center-align, right-align selections can be made.
Size TypeIt is the area where the column size can be determined.
ReadOnlyIt is the part where the column is set whether it will be in edit mode or not. When activated, no data entry is performed in the column, it works in the read-only state.
Tab IndexBy entering numeric values in the field, pressing the tab button determines the order in which to focus between the form objects.
RequiredIt is the area in the column where it is determined whether data entry will be mandatory or not.
FormatThe date and time is the field in which the display format is specified. By default, the date format is defined as "YYYY-MM-DD" and the date and time format is: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm". The different format structures to be displayed can be specified in this field.
Show TimeIt is the area in the column where it is determined whether to show time information. When this feature is active, clicking the object in the interface makes the time selection field visible next to the date selection field.
Show TodayWhen selecting the date in the column, it is the feature that allows the button named "Today" to appear at the bottom of the selection screen.
Show Today As DefaultWhen the feature is activated, today's date is visible in the column by default.
Allow ClearWhen the feature is activated, it is ensured that the date selection made in the column in the web interface can be removed if desired.
Disable beforeWhen activated, settings (definition of day, month and year values) will be activated to prevent date selections before a point in the past from today.<br/> Disable before years: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from now until x years ago. Going back x years + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable before months: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from now until x months ago. Going back x months + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable before days: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from now until x days ago. Going back x days + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/>
Disable afterWhen activated, settings (definition of day, month and year values) will be activated from today to prevent date selections after a point in the future.<br/> Disable after years: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from x years from now until the future. Moving beyond x years + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable after months: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active until x months from today. Moving beyond x months + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable after days: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from today until x days into the future. Moving beyond x days + 1 day will not allow selection.
Field NameIt is the field in the database where the SQL column name that the system will create for the field is determined.
Allow NullIt is from this section that the database field to be created for the column will allow null values.

</div> </details>

<details> <summary>Click for column properties of Date Time type</summary> <div>


Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.

Control Properties

VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the server side.
Client VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the client side.
EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the server side.
Client EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the client side.
Background ColorThis is the property in which the background color of the column is changed.
TitleHovering over the column in the web interface is used to determine the information to be displayed in the content of the hint expression.
ClassNameIt is the area in the column where the object visibility can be changed by defining a class written in the CSS file of the form.
ValueIt is the area where the value of the column is determined, when it is activated, the column will appear as selected in the web interface.
PlaceholderIt is the property used to display the data information requested to be entered by the end user into the column for informational purposes within the object.
Text AlignThe column is the area used to determine where the expression entered into it will be aligned. Left-align, center-align, right-align selections can be made.
Size TypeIt is the area where the column size can be determined.
ReadOnlyIt is the part where the column is set whether it will be in edit mode or not. When activated, no data entry is performed in the column, it works in the read-only state.
Tab IndexBy entering numeric values in the field, pressing the tab button determines the order in which to focus between the form objects.
RequiredIt is the area in the column where it is determined whether data entry will be mandatory or not.
FormatThe date and time is the field in which the display format is specified. By default, the date format is defined as "YYYY-MM-DD" and the date and time format is: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm". The different format structures to be displayed can be specified in this field.
Show TimeIt is the area in the column where it is determined whether to show time information. When this feature is active, clicking the object in the interface makes the time selection field visible next to the date selection field.
Show TodayWhen selecting the date in the column, it is the feature that allows the button named "Today" to appear at the bottom of the selection screen.
Show Today As DefaultWhen the feature is activated, today's date is visible in the column by default.
Allow ClearWhen the feature is activated, it is ensured that the date selection made in the column in the web interface can be removed if desired.
Disable beforeWhen activated, settings (definition of day, month and year values) will be activated to prevent date selections before a point in the past from today.<br/> Disable before years: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from now until x years ago. Going back x years + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable before months: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from now until x months ago. Going back x months + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable before days: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from now until x days ago. Going back x days + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/>
Disable afterWhen activated, settings (definition of day, month and year values) will be activated from today to prevent date selections after a point in the future.<br/> Disable after years: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from x years from now until the future. Moving beyond x years + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable after months: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active until x months from today. Moving beyond x months + 1 day will not allow selection.<br/> Disable after days: Based on the value entered, date selection will be active from today until x days into the future. Moving beyond x days + 1 day will not allow selection.
Field NameIt is the field in the database where the SQL column name that the system will create for the field is determined.
Allow NullIt is from this section that the database field to be created for the column will allow null values.

</div> </details>

<details> <summary>Click for column properties of type Number</summary> <div>


Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.
Summary TypeThe operation definitions (Sum, Max, Min, Avg, Count) selected in the field appear below the column in the web interface, showing the operation results of the numeric values in the corresponding column.
Auto incrementIt is used to determine whether the column value will increase automatically.

Control Properties

VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the server side.
Client VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the client side.
EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the server side.
Client EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the client side.
Background ColorThis is the property in which the background color of the column is changed.
TitleHovering over the column in the web interface is used to determine the information to be displayed in the content of the hint expression.
ClassNameIt is the area in the column where the object visibility can be changed by defining a class written in the CSS file of the form.
ValueIt is the area where the value of the column is determined, when it is activated, the column will appear as selected in the web interface.
PlaceholderIt is the property used to display the data information requested to be entered by the end user into the column for informational purposes within the object.
Text AlignThe column is the area used to determine where the expression entered into it will be aligned. Left-align, center-align, right-align selections can be made.
Size TypeIt is the area where the column size can be determined.
ReadOnlyIt is the part where the column is set whether it will be in edit mode or not. When activated, no data entry is performed in the column, it works in the read-only state.
Tab IndexBy entering numeric values in the field, pressing the tab button determines the order in which to focus between the form objects.
RequiredIt is the area in the column where it is determined whether data entry will be mandatory or not.
MaxIt is the area where the maximum value that can be entered in the column is determined.
MinIt is the area where the minimum value that can be entered in the column is determined.
StepIt is the area where it is determined that the column value will increase or decrease as it passes. Increase and decrease operations are performed with the arrow buttons next to the object.
PrecisionThis is the area that determines how many characters are after the comma. Automatically arranges the value typed after the comma according to the number of characters given by rounding it up or down.
Use Thousand SeperatorA feature that allows an automatic thousands brace to be added to the value entered in the column.
Field NameIt is the field in the database where the SQL column name that the system will create for the field is determined.
Allow NullIt is from this section that the database field to be created for the column will allow null values.
SizeThe size that the column will hold in the database field is determined in this field. Based on the values in the Size and Precision field, the column size is created in SQL.
PrecisionThe size that the column will hold in the database field is determined in this field. Based on the values in the Size and Precision field, the column size is created in SQL.

</div> </details>

<details> <summary>Click for select type column properties</summary> <div>


Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.

Control Properties

TypeThe choice of which type of data to add in the column is made from this field. The field lists two options, "Dynamic" and "Static." Depending on the type selected, the properties that appear in the data source section will vary. Selecting Type=Dynamic will show the DataSource, Run At Server, Value Expression, Display Expression, and Display Format fields, while selecting Type=Static will display the Items field.
Data SourceSelecting Dynamic in the Type field makes it visible. A field to use to list values from a data source. The data source definition that is added to the DataSource section of the field in Solution Explorer and that compiles successfully becomes selectable from the DataSource portion of the column.
Run At ServerSelecting Dynamic in the Type field makes it visible. It is the option that determines whether the query that connects to the column is run from the server or the client.
Value ExpressionSelecting Dynamic in the Type field makes it visible. This field becomes visible when a data source definition is selected from the Data Source section. All columns returned from the selected data source are listed in this field. When the user selects from the interface, it is determined in this field what column value the registration field of the selection will be as the value of the selected item.
Display ExpressionSelecting Dynamic in the Type field makes it visible. This field becomes visible when a data source definition is selected from the Data Source section. All columns returned from the selected data source are listed in this field. When the user selects from the interface, it is determined in this field which query column the expression that will appear in the column will come from.
Display FormatSelecting Dynamic in the Type field makes it visible. The column or columns selected from the Display Expression field are automatically added to this field as well. The area used to specify the appearance format for element text to list in the object. In order for the elements to be displayed in a desired format, the corresponding format structure can be specified in this field. After object selection, the value to be displayed in the column can be seen in the web interface to the end users in the specified format. The types of formats that can be used in formatting can be accessed from the link ( in the information message that appears when the focus is on the field
ItemsSelecting Static in the Type field makes it visible. When it is desired to list the elements that are added manually at the time of development, not the records from the data source, the element identification process is done from this field. Clicking in the Items field opens the window for adding elements. By clicking the Add button, new element items are created for the object. The Value and Title fields of the entered element are populated. If the element is desired to have an icon, it can be selected from the icon library within the Icons area. If the Selected field of the element is active, this element will be automatically displayed as selected in the object in the web interface. By pressing the "Save" button, the process of adding elements to the object is completed. When the object is clicked in the web interface, the element records specified in the Elements area are listed for the user to select.
VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the server side.
Client VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the client side.
EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the server side.
Client EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the client side.
Background ColorThis is the property in which the background color of the column is changed.
TitleHovering over the column in the web interface is used to determine the information to be displayed in the content of the hint expression.
ClassNameIt is the area in the column where the object visibility can be changed by defining a class written in the CSS file of the form.
Icon ExpressionSelecting Dynamic in the Type field makes it visible. The columns of the data source are selected in the column and used to display the data in the selected column in the icon with the data according to certain conditions.
Icon MatchersSelecting Dynamic in the Type field makes it visible. The Icon Expression field is the area where the data in the selected column defines which icon should be shown according to which data.
PlaceholderIt is the property used to display the data information requested to be entered by the end user into the column for informational purposes within the object.
ReadOnlyIt is the part where the column is set whether it will be in edit mode or not. When this feature is activated, data entry is not allowed, it is in read-only mode.
Tab IndexBy entering numeric values in the field, it is determined in which order to focus when the tab button is pressed. Instead of clicking the cursor on the object to be entered, pressing the tab button allows direct focus on the indexed objects in a certain order.
RequiredIt is the area in the column where it is determined whether data entry will be mandatory or not. When this feature is activated, it is not possible to advance/save the form without entering data into the object.
Value TypeIt is the area where the type of column elements is determined. Based on the type specified here, the Value field type of the row inserted in the Elements field is changed. Also, when a parametric query is bound to the object, the parameter type must match the type value selected in the Value Type field. When Type : Static is selected in the Datasource field and a static element is added, the Value Type field becomes non-selectable.
Allow ClearIt is the property used to clear the selected value in the column. When the user makes a selection in the web interface when it is activated, a × (Cross) sign appears. By pressing the marker, the selected value can be deleted and another object element can be selected.
Show SearchWhen the feature is activated, it is the feature that allows finding the elements in the column with automatic filtering by entering data.
Size TypeThe object selection area is the portion to which the size is set.
Field NameIt is the field in the database where the SQL column name that the system will create for the field is determined.
Allow NullIt is from this section that the database field to be created for the column will allow null values.

</div> </details>

<details> <summary>Click for column properties of type Text</summary> <div>


Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.

Control Properties

VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the server side.
Client VisibleIt is the feature where the visibility of the column is determined, it works on the client side.
EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the server side.
Client EnabledIt is the feature that determines whether the column will be active or not, it works on the client side.
Background ColorThis is the property in which the background color of the column is changed.
TitleHovering over the column in the web interface is used to determine the information to be displayed in the content of the hint expression.
ClassNameIt is the area in the column where the object visibility can be changed by defining a class written in the CSS file of the form.
PlaceholderIt is the property used to display the data information requested to be entered by the end user into the column for informational purposes within the object.
Text AlignA field is the field used to determine where to align the expression entered. Left-align, center-align, right-align selections can be made.
Enable MultilanguageIt is the area where data entry can be made in multiple languages. By activating it, the multi-language button is displayed so that the user can enter data for more than one language.
TextIt is the content value of the colon. When the form is opened in the web interface, the text typed in this field appears as the default text in the field. It works with the Enable Multilanguage Text feature, if the feature is active, the button for writing a multi-language expression will appear in the Text feature.
Show Character CountIf you want to show how many characters the expression written in the field is, it is activated. When activated, a counter is visible that shows what the maximum limit that can be entered on the entered expression/object is.
Size TypeThe area for which the field size can be determined.
ReadOnlyIt is the part where the column is set whether it will be in edit mode or not. When this feature is activated, data entry is not allowed, it is in read-only mode.
Tab IndexBy entering numeric values in the field, it is determined in which order to focus when the tab button is pressed. Instead of clicking the cursor on the object to be entered, pressing the tab button allows direct focus on the indexed objects in a certain order.
RequiredIt is the area in the column where it is determined whether data entry will be mandatory or not. When this feature is activated, it is not possible to advance/save the form without entering data into the object.
Max Lenght The maximum number of characters to enter in the object is determined in this field. The numeric value given in this field can limit the number of characters entered in the object.
Field NameIt is the field in the database where the SQL column name that the system will create for the field is determined.
Allow NullIt is from this section that the database field to be created for the column will allow null values.
SizeThe size that the column will hold on the database is determined in this field.

</div> </details>

<details> <summary>Click for Time type column properties</summary> <div>


Column NameThe field in the object where the name of the inserted column is defined.
Column TitleThe object is the area where the header is defined to display the embedded column in the web interface.
SourceIt is active when a data source is selected in the Data Source field on the object. Used to map a column in the data source to a column in an object.
WidthIt is the property to which the column width is set, input from the pixel value is required.
VisibleIt is the area where it is determined whether the colon will appear in the web interface.
Edit TypeA property where the column type (boolean, text, date, and so on) is shown.
AlignIt is the property in which the alignment direction of the data to be entered in the column is selected.
Primary KeyThis option must be activated if the column needs to be marked as a primary key.
EditableIt is the feature that determines whether changes can be made to the column or not.

Control Properties

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'Show today button' - By activating the field, the Today button is displayed on the object. When navigating the date range in the object, it should be activated if it is desired to return to the present.

'Show date navigator' - If you want the object to be able to navigate between dates, the field is activated. Clicking on the right arrow-left arrow-date range, which allows navigating between date ranges in the object by activating the field, shows the calendars that open. When off, only the current day/week or month content is shown based on the item selected in the Supported view.

'Show all day panel' - This feature that should be activated when a full-day event can be found (which must be at least 24 hours) when the area is activated. By activating, the object shows the All Day row, and if there is activity covering the entire day, it is shown here.

'Show tooltip' - If the feature is active, clicking once on the attached items on the object opens the pop-up to show the defined information of the item in it. The pop-up will show the title, date, time range and, if authorized, edit/delete icons.

'Show view switcher' - The area in the object where the display of the calendar can be changed. When activated, a drop-down list appears in the object from which attached items can be selected in the Supported views area. Depending on the selection made in the list (Day: Calendar in daily view, Week: Calendar in weekly view, Month: Calendar in monthly view), the object calendar view will change.

'Supported views' - The area in the Calendar view where items are selected to determine which types are available. One or more selections can be made. When multiple selections are made, the Show view switcher feature should be activated if it is desired to allow the user to be changed in the web interface according to the selections made.

>Possible Choices : Day, Week, Month

'Default view' - This is the area in the web interface where the calendar is opened and which view (Day/Week/Month) is determined when it is opened. When a field of supported views is selected, the items that can be selected in the field are listed.

'Start hour' - The area in the calendar display where the start time is set. Time zones are shown within the object based on the selection made.

'End hour' - The area in the calendar display where the end time line is set. Time zones are shown within the object based on the selection made.


'ReadOnly' - This is where the object is set to be in edit mode. When this feature is enabled, the object does not allow data entry, it is in read-only mode. The property must be passive for data entry to be allowed into the object.

Data Definition Language

'Field Name' - The field in the database of the system that determines the name of the column it will create for the object. In the "Name" section, the object can be given another name and the column name to be created for the object in the database table can be created as a different name.


The events owned by the object are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered.

When the events in the "Client" field are double-clicked, the screen is directed to the form code editor section called "Formedi.ts" where TypeScript coding can be done and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created.

When the events in the "Server" field are double-clicked, the screen is directed to the form code editor section called "Formadı.cs" where C# coding can be done and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created.

The developer can construct any code block within these methods. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is specified.