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Synergy Deploy Agent Process and Deployment Tracking Settings

The deploy agent service in the Synergy application can monitor the processes of the projects to reduce resource usage and increase performance. During installation, the relevant settings can be adjusted to the desired values and the cycle of process monitoring can be determined. By closing the processes that do not receive requests within the specified cycle (kill), both resource consumption is reduced and the performance of the deploy agent service is increased.

The relevant setting name is : "DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG: '{"CheckIntervalSec":20,"ProcessIdleThresholdMin":5}'". Here, the CheckIntervalSec value determines how many seconds the process control will take, and the ProcessIdleThresholdMin value determines how many minutes the process control will take. When the setting shown above is evaluated; Processes that run every 20 seconds for 5 minutes are checked, and the process that does not receive a request within 5 minutes is closed by killing.

Recommended config settings as an example;

Aggressive Management (recommended if the number of projects is large):à {"CheckIntervalSec":20,"ProcessIdleThresholdMin":5}

Balanced Management:à{"CheckIntervalSec":60,"ProcessIdleThresholdMin":15}

Environment with High Resource Values:à{"CheckIntervalSec":300,"ProcessIdleThresholdMin":60}

If you have 1 project in the Deploy Agentta and you absolutely do not want it to be closed: the corresponding setting values can be left blank.

These adjustments can be made through the configmap file of the Deploy Agent service. After changing the values for an already running service, the settings can be activated by restarting the service.

In order to control the new deployment processes, the SIGNALR_URL value is used on the deploy agent service. For the relevant setting, the realtimeinteractionrouter service url running on the cluster can be defined and monitored via the UI service socket. The example config value is:
SIGNALR_URL: http://realtimeinteractionrouter.synergy.svc.cluster.local:3639/realtimeinteractionhub. The relevant value can be edited via the deploy agent service configmapi file.