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Form Design

To design the form of the created project; By default, the form named Form1 under the Forms folder is double-clicked. A blank form screen will open in the center of the screen.

Form Design

When the form is open in the authoring interface screen, the Toolbox panel lists the form objects that can be used when designing a form. The form structure that end users will see is designed using these objects. The objects listed in the Toolbox panel that are required for design are positioned on the form by drag/drop.

Form Design

The main areas that can be found in the form of the Annual Leave Request process are as follows;

Form Information
Document Number :This is the field where the unique id number to be given by the system to the form will be displayed
Document Date :This is the field where the creation date of the form is shown
User Information Requesting Annual Leave
Name Surname :This is the area where the first and last names of the user requesting annual leave, that is, the user who started the flow, will be shown
Department :This is the field where the department information of the user who started the flow will be shown
Permission Information
Permit Start Date :This is the field where the permit start date will be selected
Return to Work Date :This is the field where the date of return to work will be selected
Power of Attorney :This is the field where the user who will give power of attorney to the user who is on leave during the permission period will be selected
Contact Number :This is the field where the user who will go on leave will enter the phone number
Description :If the user who will go on leave wants to enter an extra description, he can specify it in this field