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Permission Information Section

For the permission information section, let's write a new section title to the form with the object Label.

Permission Information Section

The DateTimePicker object is added to the form for the Permission Start Date field. We can implement the option By default today's date is visible in the object by enabling the SetTodayAsDefault property for this field.

Permission Information Section

We add another DateTimePicker object to the form for the Return to Work Date field.

Permission Information Section

In the Proxy User field, the user who will look after the user who has been on leave during the permission period will be selected from the existing users defined in the system. In this case, a query is needed that returns all users defined in the system.

In the development interface, there is a Links section under the Tools heading in the Menu Structure. The Connections section defines different types of connection information to pull data from external sources and use within the project. In the sample application, the information required to connect to the existing database is defined in the connection record named "PREDEVDB". In the process, a connection to the database will be provided through this connection definition.


You should create a connection based on the type of connection you will use to pull data and your own source information, and use the connection definitions that you create for your system in your project.

Permission Information Section

To add a new data source to the project, right-click the DataSource at the bottom of the project structure and select the "New Item" option. When the New Item option is clicked, the source structure type from which the data will be pulled is selected and the query to be created is given a name.

Permission Information Section

When the query type and name are entered and the "OK" button is clicked, the relevant query is created and the query window opens to the screen. In the Property Viewer panel, there is the Description field where the description of the query can be entered, the Connection field where the selection of which connection source to pull the query from, the Operation Type and Command Type fields. These fields are populated according to the query to be prepared.

Permission Information Section

On the query screen that opens, a query is written that pulls user information from the database table where users are kept in the system and the Run button at the top of the screen is pressed. If there are no errors in the connection information or query, the typed query will be run and the results will be filled into the Columns and Result tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Permission Information Section

What needs to be done now is to show the users we have taken with the query in the "Proxy User" field in the form and to enable the end user to select a user from this list. For such a structure, the object ComboBox is used. In the DataSource field in the properties of the Combobox object, Dynamic is selected as the Type. In the Entity source section, the query we added to the project is selected and the columns that are desired to be kept in the view and value parts of the object are selected. The ShowSearch option in the object properties can be activated so that the searched user can be quickly found among all users.

Permission Information Section

In the Contact Number field, the end user is prompted to enter a phone number. Since the phone number information is desired to be entered by all users in a specified format, the use of the MaskInput object for this field, where we can specify a fixed format structure (e.g. 0xxx xxx xx xx), is appropriate.

The Mask field in the properties of the MaskInput object is defined in the format 0999 999 99. Thus, the end user is expected to enter a phone information with the 0xxx xxx xx xx structure.

Permission Information Section

The Description field is where the user filling out the form will enter annotation text if there is a situation they want to specify. Since the text to be entered can be long, the use of a TextArea object is preferred in this field for representation on multiple lines. If a single-line description is desired, the TextBox object can be used for that field instead of the TextArea object.

Permission Information Section