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Project Compilation and Publishing

A project created in the development interface must be successfully compiled before it can be made available to end users.

Between the project development steps, any errors in development to date are checked with the process details that fall into the Output panel when the project is compiled. [Output] If any error has fallen on the ( panel, the error detail is examined to see which part of the project received the error and the faulty part is corrected.

Project compilation and publishing are performed under the heading Run in the development interface menu structure. compilation

If no errors are encountered in the project, the build output is marked with the message **"Success". build output

When the project builds successfully, a package is created that is ready to be published. In order for a created project to be made available to the end or for the end users to use the current version of a previously created but modified project, a publish process must be performed after the build process.

When the publishing process is completed successfully, the developed project is ready for use. PUBLISHING