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Frequently Asked Questions


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<details> <summary>Do you have a demo address where we can access the Ensemble app?</summary> <p> Our ensemble application has a "demo" system. It can be accessed from the following address, with any browser. You can request demo login information from the sales manager.


</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the application run in the console or browser?</summary> <p> The application is web-based and works in all browsers. No additional programs will be installed on your computer. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is the application installed on our servers or yours?</summary> <p> The application can be installed on–prem (on your corporate servers) or on a cloud server (private cloud) to be provided by you. In the near future, it will also be able to be installed in its own cloud environment provided by Bimser. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the Ensemble app have cloud support?</summary> <p> Currently, the Ensemble application can be installed in a cloud environment provided by our customer. Installation in the cloud environment provided by Bimser will be made in a short time. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How does Ensemble benefit my organization? What will it bring to my organization?</summary> <p> Some of the benefits of Ensemble to institutions can be summarized as follows: Some of these are; It benefits the reduction of labor, time and poor quality costs. It helps to eliminate duplicate activities. Supports teamwork, ensures the follow-up of process risks control activities. Together with performance management, it directs the management with targets and your improvement activities in the light of these data. You can contact your sales manager for more details. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do we have the option to rent the app?</summary> <p> Yes, we have a rental option. With the rental option, you also do not pay maintenance money. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do we have licenses? Or is it a timed purchase?</summary> <p> You have two different licensing options as perpetual and term-based. In perpetual licensing, you can use the license without any time limit by paying the licensing fee at once. The warranty period for this type of licensing is 1 year. After 1 year, our customers can continue to receive support by making a Maintenance and Version Update Agreement if they wish. In the case of Term Licensing, our customers pay the license fee for as long as they continue to use the solution. At the end of the commitment period, he can stop using the solution at any time.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do I need a user license?</summary> <p> A user license is required to use Ensemble. The Ensemble license fee covers the active user license only. There are 2 types of user licenses in Ensemble. 1- Admin User (Indicator Manager, Process Modeler), 2- End User (Indicator Data Entry, Approval User, Control of Process Management, Approval Opinion User) </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do I need a user license?</summary> <p> A user license is required to use Ensemble. The Ensemble license fee covers the active user license only. There are 2 types of user licenses in Ensemble. 1- Admin User (Indicator Manager, Process Modeler), 2- End User (Indicator Data Entry, Approval User, Control of Process Management, Approval Opinion User) </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Which users are included in the license?</summary> <p> A license is requested for the users who will bring data into the system and will be in the infrastructural setup. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can users be automatically transferred from the system?</summary> <p> Yes, users can be transferred from systems automatically. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is Active Directory and/or LDAP integration available for HR information?</summary> <p> Active Directory and LDAP integration is available. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there user-based authorization?</summary> <p> User- or user-group based authorization is available in the application. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can the holding and affiliated companies use the joint Ensemble?</summary> <p> Yes, it can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What are the advantages of the holding and its subsidiaries if they use a joint ensemble?</summary> <p> Group companies with common processes ensure standardization under the roof of a single Ensemble. Thus, transparency is ensured in the group companies. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What are the advantages of the holding and its subsidiaries if they use a joint ensemble?</summary> <p> Group companies with common processes ensure standardization under the roof of a single Ensemble. Thus, transparency is ensured in the group companies. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can group companies perform different implementations/installations within a single Ensemble?</summary> <p> It can perform . </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does it work on Linux-based systems?</summary> <p> Our current version cannot run on Linux-based systems. We will be providing this feature in future versions of the application. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What databases does it work in?</summary> <p> MS SQL and Oracle </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How is access to the application provided?</summary> <p> Access can be provided via intranet, VPN, web according to the preference of our customers. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does it have a mobile app?</summary> <p> Not available in our current version. In our next versions, the Mobile Application feature will also be added. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do you have any examples of international projects?</summary> <p> We have project examples in many countries. You can get support from the Sales Manager to get detailed information. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there Mail integration?</summary> <p> Mail integration of the application is available. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there SMS integration?</summary> <p> It can be done through a provider that the customer has agreed with. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there a module-based user authorization?</summary> <p> User authorization is available on a module basis. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What is the average take-live time of the Ensemble app? How do you calculate this time?</summary> <p> Depending on the number of modules taken and the number of people who will work on the project, the duration of the live varies. You can get support from the Sales Manager for project duration samples. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is bulk data transfer possible?</summary> <p> We have functions with bulk transfer feature. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How do you provide after-sales support?</summary> <p> It is provided through the Bimser Support System portal offered by Bimser to its customers. This service is provided free of charge within the warranty period. After the warranty period, there must be a "Maintenance Contract". </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can flows suitable for our institution be created in the modules?</summary> <p> Yes, it can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can special fields be added to our institution?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How many admins should we manage Ensemble?</summary> <p> The size of the institution may vary according to the number of locations. In general, 2-3 admin users may be sufficient for a medium-sized company. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How many users do you recommend?</summary> <p> The size of the institution varies according to the number of locations. An estimate of 1 or 2 end users per department can be considered. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the application have integration capability?</summary> <p> Ensemble has advanced integration capabilities. In general, personnel, customer, supplier, product integrations are made at the beginning of the project. Module-based integrations are decided when necessary by talking to the technical team. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>What is the difference between Ensemble Process Management and eBA Workflow?</summary> <p> We can define this point of separation as "Legislative" and "Executive". In legislation, the rules of the processes are laid down and the framework is determined. In the execution, the details of these processes are defined and implemented. Ensemble is an automation application that enables the standardization of job descriptions/flows and regulations and the drawing of process flows, (creation and management of models). By monitoring the process as a whole, it serves to produce useful/beneficial results for the internal or external customer. "eBA Workflow" is an automation application that enables the activities in the processes modeled in "Ensemble" to be implemented / managed in electronic environment. If we compare Ensemble to the control/management/decision panel of the factory, we can say that eBA is the embodiment of the factory.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Who owns the backups?</summary> <p> Backup operations are the customer's responsibility. When Bimser moves to its own cloud system, the planning of this business may change.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Who owns the backups?</summary> <p> Data security operations are the customer's responsibility. When Bimser moves to its own cloud system, the planning of this business may change. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Do you share source codes?</summary> <p> Source code is not shared. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How many modules does the ensemble consist of?</summary> <p> Ensemble; It consists of 3 modules: Process Management, Performance Management, Balanced Scorecard. However, there are modules that it works integrated with our other applications. For example; Such as Strategic Planning, Document, DIF, Action, Risk, Legislation, eBA Workflow. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How is it different from Visio?</summary> <p> Processes that are statically created in Visio are managed more dynamically in Ensemble with all process stakeholders. The process control in Ensemble, the opinion approval mechanism ensures that the relevant users are included in the process. At the same time, automatic process distribution and revision tasks to the relevant users are automatically dropped. In addition to establishing corporate rules with Ensemble, it ensures that stakeholders such as risk, control, opportunity, documentation, resource, input-output, performance indicator are also involved in the process while performing process activities. With the integrations to be made, you can monitor the data on the process models instantly with the TDA feature. You can assign performance indicators for the created process models, set targets for the indicators, and perform measurement activities with the data you have obtained manually and / or integrally. With this data obtained, you can also manage improvement activities.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can modules be licensed individually? Or are all modules of the application licensed?</summary> <p> From the modules included in the ensemble, the institution can only choose and purchase according to its own needs. The BSC module is built on top of the performance module. Therefore, if our customer does not have performance management, the license should be offered separately.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can modules be licensed individually? Or are all modules of the application licensed?</summary>

<p> From the modules included in the ensemble, the institution can only choose and purchase according to its own needs. The BSC module is built on top of the performance module. Therefore, if our customer does not have performance management, the license should be offered separately.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is there a document where we can find answers to questions about using modules?</summary> <p> Yes, there is. You can request this document from the sales manager.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we prepare special / extra reports for our institution in Ensemble application?</summary> <p> Institution-specific changes can be made on the existing reports in the application. New report requests must be entered as a request from the Bimser Support System. After being evaluated by the product management and if it is suitable for the software infrastructure, it can be brought to the system in later versions.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we revise the reports in the Ensemble application specific to our institution?</summary> <p> Yes, it can be revised.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we establish a relationship with the Legal Legislation and Legal Legislation articles to which the processes depend</summary>? <p> Yes, you can. It works integrated with the Legal legislation module of QDMS. You can establish a relationship between the legal legislation and legal legislation items defined in the QDMS application and the process, process steps.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Are there reporting screens where we can monitor performance data? </summary> <p> There are reporting screens where you can monitor the performance indicators and data you will create. With integrations and manual data entries, you can see the actual and planned data on the process drawings. There are also visual reporting screens.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is it possible to transfer the processes that have already been drawn?</summary> <p> The process models you have already drawn can be imported into the Ensemble.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>In which formats should the drawn processes be in order to be imported?</summary> <p> Drawings in PRM/PRMR, Visio, BPMN formats can be imported into Ensemble.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is it possible to outsource the processes drawn in Ensemble?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. It can be exported in PRM/PRMR, Visio, BPMN, IBM BPMN, PNG, PDF formats.

</p> </details>

<details> <summary>Are processes integrated with flows?</summary> <p> After you create the process models in Ensemble and create the workflows in the eBA, you can perform management that relates to each other. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we follow KPIs through process models?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. You can associate the performance indicators related to the process and process steps you have created and perform performance follow-ups through the model. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we identify the risks associated with processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. By creating the process risk inventory, you can associate your risk forms with the relevant processes and process steps, and create your process risk maps. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Is it possible to manage risk?</summary> <p> Risk management is managed in the QDMS application, where our Ensemble product works in an integrated way. You can create your risk methodology and manage your risks, measures and revisions. You can associate the risk forms you create with the Ensemble process and process steps. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does the process owner receive information when the risk is revised?</summary> <p> Yes, the process goes to the owner. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>When the process is revised, is the information sent to the owners of the risk form with which it is associated?</summary> <p> Yes, the information goes to the risk owner. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we identify opportunities associated with processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can the revision of the processes be done through the application?</summary> <p> Yes, it can be done. Process revision processes are initiated on the application and sent to the control by the responsible user at the stage when the process revision is finished. After the user approves the process, the control falls to the approval users. With the final approval, the old revision is withdrawn and stored as the old revision, and the new revision is published by informing the users in the distribution list. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can the revision of the processes be done through the application?</summary> <p> Yes, it can be done. Process revision processes are initiated on the application and sent to the control by the responsible user at the stage when the process revision is finished. After the user approves the process, the control falls to the approval users. With the final approval, the old revision is withdrawn and stored as the old revision, and the new revision is published by informing the users in the distribution list. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we keep old versions in the system? Can we reach it when we want to?</summary> <p> You can store old revisions in the system. Delegated users can access old revisions at any time. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we compare the process models with their old revisions?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we define resources for processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. You can then report on which processes and process steps the related resources are being used in. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we identify documents related to processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. You can then report on the processes and process steps in which the relevant documents are used. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we define input-output to processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. You can then report on which processes and process steps the relevant "input-outputs" are used. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we upload documents to Ensemble?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. You can use these documents you upload in the process and process steps. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Should we manage documents in QDMS or Ensemble?</summary> <p> If you want to use and associate documents in processes and process steps, you can do so in Ensemble. However, if you want to manage the documents, our address will be the Document module of QDMS. In the document module, you can manage your documents as well as use them in process and process steps because it is integrated with process management. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>When the QDMS documents I associate with the process are revised, are they automatically revised on the process?</summary> <p> Yes, it is automatically revised. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>When the QDMS documents I associate with the process are revised, are they automatically revised on the process?</summary> <p> Yes, it is automatically revised. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we draw with BPMN icons?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Are we able to demonstrate the responsibilities of the activities in the processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. On the process definition screens, you can make these definitions on the "Responsibles (RACI)" matrix and report them. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Are we able to demonstrate the responsibilities of the activities in the processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. On the process definition screens, you can make these definitions on the "Responsibles (RACI)" matrix and report them. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>At what levels can we measure performance?</summary> <p> You can measure performance at institutional, location, workplace, department, position, etc. levels. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can indicator data be retrieved with integration?</summary> <p> Yes, it can be taken. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Which methods can you integrate with?</summary> <p> Integration with SQL, Oracle Ole DB and ODBC, web services, .NET, C# methods can be provided. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can data integration be provided with ERP systems?</summary> <p> Data can be pulled from SAP systems with the help of RFC and integration can be done. Integration of Netsis and Logo applications with their own .dll can be provided. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Which databases can we integrate with?</summary> <p> Data integration can be provided with all databases. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>How is data entry performed?</summary> <p> We have 3 different data entry methods. You can automatically pull your data from corporate databases, create formulas, perform manual data entry. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we use the documents in QDMS in the processes?</summary> <p> Yes, you can. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does Bimser own SQL licensing?</summary> <p> SQL licensing is owned by the customer. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Does it work in SQL Express?</summary> <p> Yes, it can work. However, there are some limitations. These restrictions are; SQL Server Express edition can use a maximum of 1GB of RAM. Therefore, the application will not work with much performance. There is also a maximum limit of 10 GB on the database size. We can store the documents in the database and search according to the words in the documents with the full text search feature. If your files are over 10gb in size, you should keep the files in the file system instead of the database. In this case, the search feature according to the word in the document will not work. You can use it if you accept these limitations of the Express edition. We recommend the Standard version so that you can take full advantage of the features of the application. </p> </details>

<details> <summary>Can we use a licensed SQL server in the enterprise?</summary> <p> Yes, it is available. </p> </details>