It is the parameter that reports how many of the same record there are if the same value is used in more than one record in the fields we define in the risk forms.
No. 83 "Will there be a record check? Checking:1; Only in Form:2; In All Forms: The "Only in Form" option No. 2 specified in the "3" parameter indicates the number of times the selected field repeats the field value in the detail forms on the basis of the main form, and the "In All Forms" option No. 3 indicates the number of times the selected field value is repeated in the detail forms in all the main forms and how many forms there are.
If the parameter value no. 83 is saved by typing the value no. 2 or 3, the "Will it be checked?" checkbox of the field to be checked should be marked in the function designer menu.
If there are many records from the selected value in the specified field, the "Number of Records in the Same Status" field will be active and it can be listed in other records by clicking on the number written.