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📄️ Defining a Parametric Field Based on the Action Source

In the Action Planning module, resource-based special fields can be defined for the action items defined in the main action plan, depending on the action source selected in the main action plan. The first step to do this is to open the System Infrastructure Definitions `>` Action Planning `>` Action Parameters menu. Search for parameter 30 in the parameter no field. Will the parametric field be used on the basis of Action source No. 30? Update the parameter by clicking the change button at the top left. Mark the parameter value Yes and click the save button at the top left.

📄️ Whether the Finding Type Selection in the Unplanned Audit Module Should Be Made on the Basis of Audit or on the Basis of Findings

In the unplanned audit module, it is possible to select the values defined as "Finding Type" during the audit definition phase. However, in some cases, it makes it possible to select the "Finding Type" during the audit or in the planning, and in these scenarios, the process can be managed through a parameter defined in the system. In this way, it is possible to make a selection specific to the findings found.


In Procedure and Instruction preparation/revision processes, delay notifications can be sent by determining the waiting time of the Procedures and Instructions that are drafted and stored with the "Save" button. The relevant Procedures and Instructions can be reported to the superiors through the agent program. Ability to send delay notifications; The waiting time should be specified in days for the parameter value No. 208 in the Policy and Procedure Parameters menu `>` Policy and Procedure `>` System Infrastructure Definitions.

📄️ Risk Status Chart by Revision

The numerical value fields of the forms defined in the risk assessment detail may change on the basis of revision. These fields, where the numerical values in the forms of the process risks are entered, that is, where the risk measurement values are located, may vary on a detailed basis, and the value indicators of the relevant fields can be reflected in the graphs. These values can be transferred to the graph by setting the value of Parameter No. 84 to "Yes".


The assessment of risks can be revised on a form-by-form basis. If a rejection type button is defined and rejected during the revision phase of a form, the actions planned up to that stage can be canceled. It is entered with the "Button Identification" button in the Event Notification value No. 4 found during button identification (SAT `>` Risk Notification `>` Function Designer). While defining the relevant "Rejection" button, these functions can be set up when a record is rejected thanks to the "Cancel Revision" and "Cancel Open Actions" checkboxes.