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The flow is the component for which the process steps of the project are designed. To whom a process will be sent, which actions will be taken in the steps sent, where the flow will be directed as a result of the actions taken, and the controls and processes to be performed during this time are designed on the flow side. The flow is designed using the Flow Design Objects available in the authoring interface.

When a project's flow in the Solution Explorer panel on the interface screen is opened as the active screen and the flow is clicked, the Property Viewer panel will list the properties that the flow has.


In the Property Viewer panel, there are "Flow Properties" and "Events" tabs for Flow.

Flow Properties

Contains areas where the properties that the flow has are displayed and where those properties can be edited. Streaming features are grouped under subheadings by feature type.


'Flow Name' - The name of the flow to be used within the application. When accessing the stream on the code side and selecting the flow within other objects, the flow name information typed in this field is used.

'Flow Caption' - The title information of the flow is written in this field. It is the flow title text that is desired to be visible to end users.

'Disable Email Sending' - Turning off electronic mail sending on objects throughout the flow can be done by activating this feature instead of clicking on individual objects.

Mail Message Template

'Custom Template' - Confirmation and information emails to be sent on the flow side have a default template determined by the system. If you want to customize the email template, this feature is activated. When the feature is activated, a field named "Mail Template" will be visible.

'Mail Template' - The screen that allows the default email template to be displayed in html format and modified is opened from this area. By preparing multi-language equivalents of e-mails such as Turkish and English in the window, e-mails can be sent to users according to the language they use the system. The designed email template can be viewed instantly in the preview window.



If you want to edit a certain language in the e-mail, the language option in the panel can be changed and the e-mail codes and preview of the selected language can be made.



The language in which users receive e-mail in the system is determined by the selection made in the Default Language field in each user in the Human Resources section.

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>




'Default Manager Profile' - This field lists all administrator profiles defined in Admin Keys in the web interface. If an administrator profile is not selected during the administrator assignment process, it is used to assign to the administrator in the administrator profile selected from this field.

'Use No Manager If User's Manager Does Not Exist' - In the process of assigning an administrator, this feature is enabled so that if there is no administrator, the flow proceeds from the "No Higher" column that emerges from the assignment object without error. When the feature is inactive, the system will issue a warning if the administrator is not found.


'Statuses' - This is the area where the flow statuses are listed. The current state of the flow is specified using these state definitions. These values are used to change the flow state at specific stages of the flow. When one of the flow design objects, the "Flow State" object, is positioned in the flow steps and one of the states defined in this field is selected from its content, the state of the flow is updated to the set state information.

Defined as default in the flow; There are 5 statuses: Not Started, Started, Done, Approved, and Rejected. An existing status can be edited or a new status can be added by clicking the Status field.



'Keep Cancelled' - When using the Position Group object in the flow, the feature is activated if it is desired that the requests within the object do not require approval, so canceled requests (for example, when there are 5 people in the group, the consent of 1 person is sufficient to continue an event such as Send for Analysis and the request of the other 4 people is not required) is desired to appear in the flow history of the process.


'Execution limit' - Used to limit the number of times a step can run on a per-flow basis. If the defined value is 10, the flow can pass through the step 10 times.

'Execution limit for duration' - The StepExecutionLimitDuration property defines the maximum run limit of the step in a specified time period. For example, it is used to define that the step can run up to 10 times in a minute.

'Execution limit duration' - Used to define the duration to stop the duration-dependent cycle. In the developer interface, the working time in the field should be selected. The selected value is of type hours:minutes:seconds.


'Events' - The action that objects used on the flow side will take is determined by the events added to the object. In the Events section, it comes by default; Send, Approve, Reject, Cancel, Resume events are available. Objects used on the flow side are added to the event from the list of events according to the action they are asked to take, and when the corresponding event occurs, the direction in which the flow will go is connected to the next step with the connecting arm for that event, which is removed from the object. No matter how many events are attached to the object, at the time of design, the connecting arms that will express all the events must be connected to the necessary flow steps.

Whichever events are added to the object used at the time of design, the user defined in that object in the web interface sees these event buttons on the form and can take action on them.

New event definitions can be added from the Events area, which the developer specifies. Existing definitions can be properties changed, or an existing event can be deleted.


The event definitions listed in the Events area have editable properties.

IdentityThe id value that represents the event appears in this section. This field is in read-only mode and cannot be changed.
DescriptionThe area where the text portion of the event appears.
VisibleThis feature must be activated in order for the corresponding event button to appear in the web interface.
ValidateIn order to work with the mandatory conditions given in the object properties at the time of form design and the controls written in the validation Rule Manager section of the form, and to give a warning message to the user in cases where the desired condition is not met or the mandatory objects are left empty, the "Validate" field must be checked on the event button clicked by the user.
ReasonWhen an event with a reason field marked is clicked on in the web interface, a field is removed for the user to enter a description of the reason. It is typically used for the Reject event, and when the person wants to reject the form by pressing the Reject button, they are prompted to enter the reason for the rejection in the reason field.
Reason TitleThe field where the reason description is shown in the web interface is the field where the expression in the header is customized.
Digital Signature RequiredClicking on an event in the web interface with the digital signature required field marked will open the screen required for the user to perform the E-signature process.
DefaultThe event or events with the default field checked are automatically added to the confirmations list of approval control objects (Position, Position Group, and so on) that are added to the flow screen.
ConfirmationWhen an event with the Confirmation field marked is clicked on in the web interface, a confirmation screen appears to the user in the form of "Are you sure you want to perform the operation?" When the user clicks the "Yes" button on this screen, the flow proceeds to the next step. Clicking the "No" button returns to the form screen and the flow does not progress. This feature is typically used for the Cancellation event and the user is expected to confirm extra to cancel the process.
EnabledThis field determines whether the event definition can be used.
FormFrom the form field, all the Document objects that are in the flow are listed. When a Document object is selected from this field for any event, clicking on this event in the web interface opens the screen of the defined form within the Document object selected from the Form field in front of the user and the user is expected to fill in the fields in the form. When the user fills out the form that opens and says OK, the flow proceeds to the next step. This completed form becomes the "Event Form" of the corresponding flow object.
IconThe icons of the event buttons that will appear on the form in the web interface are selected from this area. By default, the icons of the incoming events in the system are automatically specified in the icon column.


'Variables' - This field contains variable values where some flow information is kept. By default, in the variables area; Process ID (processId), Request ID (requestID), Creator (processCreator), Start Date (processStartDate), Status number (processStatusNo), Status (processStatus) and Request Date (requestDatr) are listed.

The flow data contained in the Variables area is listed in the process's Flow Information area, on the Approvals, Drafts, and History pages in the users' web interface, and reflects the basic information for that process. If there is a variable that is not wanted to be visible from this information, it can be unchecked in the "Visible" column or the order of the columns can be changed on the pages in Workflow Management by changing the sort of the variables with the drag-and-drop method.

When you want the information contained in the objects on the form to be displayed on pages within the Flow Information or Workflow Management section, clicking the Controls option opened under the Insert button in the panel to open the object definition panel.


The panel shows the Form and Fields fields. The form or forms that contain the object that is desired to be displayed in the form field are selected. After selecting the form, the objects contained in the form/forms selected in the Fields field are listed and the items to be displayed are selected and the definition is done with the OK button and the items are shown with the attached by returning to the Variables panel.



The Caption information of the added controls can be updated and the expression to be shown in the web interface can be changed.


The events that the stream has are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered.

When the events in the Events area are double-clicked, the screen is directed to the flow code editor section called "FlowName.cs" where C# coding can be done and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. The developer can construct any code block within these methods. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is indicated.