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What is a project?

A project is a customized process package designed around a specific need, made available to meet the need. Each project developed within the system refers to the processes created with different designs and setups to carry out different business requirements.

Projects generally consist of form structures that form the front of the user, where data can be entered and the data entered can be displayed, and workflow structures on the back side where the process steps of the project are executed.

Projects are structures that can contain codes, reference files, folders and files of different types (TypeScript File, TypeScript JSX File, C# Class, C# Controller, Css, Html) written in form, flow, form and flow parts.

The developed project is published and presented to use in line with the form designs, flow scenarios and code controls. The data generated by the projects made available are recorded in the database structures used and the control, follow-up and management of each business process within the system is ensured.

What's the solution?

A solution is a structure that can accommodate one or more different projects. Different projects can be grouped under a single solution. It is commonly used to group projects of the same type and similar functionality under a single structure.

When the solution is built, all projects that are under the solution are compiled.

What is a Form?

The form is the part of the project that users can see and interact with in the web interface. In the web interface, users can fill in fields on form screens, see previously filled in fields, and advance and manage business processes with the data entered into the form and the values selected in the form.

Forms are designed with form objects, each of which has its own characteristics and has been developed for different purposes. Form objects are added to forms by drag/drop.

Different form visuals can be designed for the same form. Based on user, position, title, department, authority, current flow step information, the value of any field, or any other specified status, the form views that users can see can be differentiated. Form appearances and behaviors can be conditionally changed and managed.

In the form structure, in addition to the design screen where visual arrangements are made with the form objects, there are also code editor screens where the behavior, appearance and functions of the forms and the objects on the form will be managed, and C#, Css and TypeScript codes can be written.

What is Streaming?

The flow is where the process steps that the project will proceed are designed. Workflow processes consist of structures consisting of different process steps, where different actions can be taken at each process step, approval mechanisms can be established, and a certain life cycle. These process scenarios are designed and managed in the flow part of the project.

Many operations such as presenting the form screens to the action of different users or users, advancing the process to the next step or sending it back by taking the action determined by the users on the form, establishing reminder mechanisms, changing the flow scenarios with the data provided from a data or another source on the form side and directing the flow to different steps, sending information messages and e-mails, It is designed and managed in the flow part.

All scenarios that can be created on the flow screen are designed with flow objects that can be added to the stream using the drag/drop method. Each of the flow objects has its own characteristics, uses and different purposes. Flows are designed using the relevant flow objects according to the process scenario needed.

Performance reports can be obtained using many recorded data, such as when users receive an action request, when users take this action, what action they take, what step the flow is at now, etc. Road maps of the processes that can be monitored and followed are created.

In the flow structure, along with the design screen where the process steps are created with the flow objects, there is also the code editor screen where the coded operations that need to be done during the flow process can be managed and C# codes can be written.

What is an object?

Objects are visual enhancement interface elements designed to perform a specific function, customized for their intended use.

Form objects are used in the form design screen of the project and flow objects are used in the flow design screen. Each object has its own characteristics and events.

According to the project needs to be developed, the necessary objects are configured by adding them to the form and flow side by drag/drop method. By adjusting the settings of the objects in their property screens or by providing access to the objects on the code side, the objects can be managed and made to work according to the project requirements.

For detailed information about all the objects that can be used in the development interface and their properties, see [Development Environment Objects](.. /ide-objects/index.mdx)**