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Project Open Process

The Open Project option is used to open a project in the development interface that has already been created in the development interface and exists in the system.

In the development interface; menu, under the File heading, on the toolbar, on the Start page, and in the Solution Explorer panel, clicking "Open Project" to open an existing project in the system. At the same time, when it is desired to open a project under a solution that is open in the interface, an existing project can be opened in the interface with the "Current Project" option by right-clicking on the solution.

Clicking Open Project will open the screen listing all folders and files in Document Management. Project files are stored in the system with the extension ".eproj". By going to the directory where the project to be opened in the interface is saved, selecting the project file with the extension ".eproj" and pressing the OK button or double-clicking the project file to open it in the development interface.

Project Open Process

Project Open Process

The project opened in the interface appears in the Solution Explorer panel and project development can begin.

Project Open Process