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Flow Design

To design the flow of the created project; Double-click the flow that comes with the default name Flow1 under the Flows folder. The flow design screen will open with the default flow design in the interface. In the project to be created, objects that will not be used are deleted from the flow structure that comes by default according to the flow scenario and the design is changed according to the current scenario.

Flow Design

The flow scenario steps of the Annual Leave Request process will be as follows;

  • Step One: In the web interface, the user who will request annual leave starts the Annual Leave Process from the menu. This user corresponds to the Flow Initiator (FlowStarter1) object on the flow screen. If the user who started the flow fills in the fields on the annual leave form and presses the "Submit" action button, the flow proceeds to the next step. However, if he stops advancing the form and presses the "Cancel" action button, the flow will end.

  • Step Two: When the user who started the flow requests annual leave and submits the form to the next step, the flow will go to the user selected by the initiator of the flow from the "Proxy User" field on the form. The person selected to give the power of attorney will see the form filled out by the initiator of the flow, and if appropriate on the dates of the permission entered, proceed to the next step with the "Confirm" action button sent to him. However, if he is out of the company at that time or has another work planned, he sends the process back to the initiator of the flow via the "Reject"** action button to have someone other than himself selected as a proxy user.

  • Step Three: When the person selected as the delegate approves the proxy given to him/her, the process falls to the approval of the administrator of the user who initiated the flow. The administrator of the requesting user checks the entered permission dates and advances the request to the next step with the "Confirm" action button. If there is a lack of resources during the entered leave dates or if there is a planned work for those dates, the administrator sends the process back to the user who started the flow with the "Deny" action button to make adjustments to the leave dates.

  • Step Four: After the manager of the initiator of the flow approves the annual leave request, the process is sent to the Human Resources Department for them to enter a record that the person who initiated the flow will be on leave on the relevant dates. 1 person from the personnel in the Human Resources Department takes the necessary action and advances the process to the next step with the "Confirm" action button.

  • Step Five: When all the process steps are completed and the annual leave request of the user who started the flow is approved, as a final step, the user who started the flow is sent a notification mail that the annual leave request has been approved and the process is completed.