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Step Five

As the last step of the flow, the person who started the flow will be sent an e-mail informing them that the annual leave request has been approved and the flow will be terminated.

The Information object, which will be used to send the notification mail, was placed in the flow after the position group object in the previous step. In the "Group Content" attribute of the information object;

  • The Group Type field selects which type of user to assign to the group. Since mail will be sent to the user who started the flow with the information object, the "Position" option is selected here.

  • In the Content Type field, it is selected which type of contact to add to the notification mail. The options listed here also list the "Stream Initiator" option, which is selected to add the user who initiated the flow to the notification object.

Step Five

If you want to add the form of the completed process as an attachment to the information mail, the document object to which the form is linked is selected from the Docs field in the properties of the information object.

Step Five

Your e-mail to be sent; Edits: Title, Message and Mail Content Sections can be made.

Step Five

Since the flow will be completed after the notification mail is sent, the arrow extracted from the Informational object is connected to the End Flow object. Thus, when someone from the HR Department group approves the form, the flow sends an email with the notification object and ends.

Step Five