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RelatedDocuments object; is an object that allows the upload of files on the form, in the local directory or in the Document Management System.

Uploading files to the object can be done by using the drag/drop method or by selecting the file to be uploaded. A selection of multiple files can be performed on batch file upload operations.

The upload status of files selected for upload to the object can be monitored in the upper-right corner of the screen, with the user continuing to fill in other fields on the form while the file upload continues in the background.

Clicking on **"View File" from the file details uploaded to the object opens the file preview screen in the side panel. Thus, the uploaded file can be viewed in the web interface.


Clicking on the object displays the "General" and "Events" tabs in the Property Viewer panel, and the properties of the object can be viewed and edited. The inheritance scheme by which the properties of the object are transferred is as follows;



'Name' - The name of the object to be used by the system. Inside another object and on the code side, the object is accessed by the value written in the namespace.


'Title' - The part where the label text of the object is edited.

'Position' - The part of the object label that regulates whether it is positioned on the left, right or above the object.

>Choices Available : Left, Right, Top, Bottom

'Width' - This is where the width of the label field is set.

'Height' - This is the part where the height of the label field is set.

'Font' - The part of the text in the label area where the font, font, font size and color are set.

'Ellipsis' - The portion where the label text is set to appear for the part of the text that does not fit, whether the ellipsis (...) appears.

'Visible' - The part where the label field is set to be hidden or visible.

'Show Colon' - Colon next to label text (:) is the part where the expression is set to appear or not.

'Horizontal Align' - Label text; This is the portion where right-just, left-just, or center-justify settings are performed.

>Choices Can Be Made: Left, Center, Right

'Vertical Align' - Label text; This is the portion where the Justify, Snap Down, or Center settings are performed.

>Choices Available : Top, Middle, Bottom

'Mark Char' - To make the object stand out, enter *, ! is the area where characters such as can be entered.

'Mark Position' - The part where the character designated as the mark character is set to be shown at the beginning or end of the label text.

>Choices Can Be Made: AtFirst, AtLast


'Visible' - This is the part where the object is hidden and made visible. When this field is active, the object is visible on the form. When the field is made passive, the object becomes invisible.

'Client Visible' - When the object is not visible when the form is first opened, when it is desired to make the object visible, to make the object visible when a certain condition is met, this field is made passive so that the object is invisible on the client side. When the condition set by the code or the Rules Manager is met, the object can be made visible again. When server visibility is inactive, the client cannot intervene, but the server can intervene when client visibility is inactive.

'Enabled' - The active mode of the object is set from this field. When this feature is active, data entry can be provided to the object and the object can be edited. When the feature is passive, the object is in non-editable mode and appears passive.

'Client Enabled' - When the form is first opened, the object is not active, when a certain condition is met, etc., this field is made inactive so that the object is not active on the client side. Once the condition set by the code or the Rules Manager is met, the object can be activated again. When server activity is inactive, the client cannot intervene, but the server can intervene when client activity is inactive.

'Background Color' - The area used to give the object a background color.

'Title' - Hovering over the object with the cursor while the form is open in the interface, the text typed in this field is shown as a hint. It is a feature used to direct the end user when detailed information about the object is desired.

'ClassName' - The field in which the object visibility can be changed by defining a class written in the CSS file of the form.


'ReadOnly' - This is where the object is set to be in edit mode. When this feature is enabled, the object does not allow data entry, it is in read-only mode. The property must be passive for data entry to be allowed into the object.

File Settings

'Add New File Enable' - The property that determines whether new files can be added to the object. When activated, a new file can be added to the object by displaying the button(s) of the allowed upload types in the Adding Mode area. When the feature is disabled, the file attach buttons are also passive and no files can be added to the object.


'Delete File Enable' - The property that determines whether the file uploaded to the object can be removed from the object. When activated, tap the ellipsis (...) next to the attachment file In the pop-up opened by clicking , the deletion process occurs with the Remove button.


The Delete File Enable feature does not delete the file from the directory where it was uploaded to Document Management, the link within the object is removed.


'View File' - The property that determines whether the file loaded into the object can be viewed on the object. When activated, the View button is clickable in the pop-up opened by clicking on the three dots on the object.


'Show Category Description' - When this feature is activated, the description entered in the attached category in the Categories field will be visible in the object.


'Show File Description' - This feature is activated if the description text of the file attached to the object is desired to be displayed in the object. To enter a description of the attached file, type the file (...) By clicking on the "Enter Description" button that appears when the "More" icon is clicked, the description text can be added to the file and this description can be made to appear in the object.

'File Description Required' - Becomes visible by activating the Show File Description feature. It is used to determine whether the description should be mandatory in the uploaded file. With this feature enabled, the end user cannot advance the form without annotating the attached file.


In order to perform the obligation check, the Validate option in the event in the Events on the relevant object in the flow or the Validate property in the button to be added to the Toolbar Button field of the form must be active.

'Show Content For Image Files' - When an image-type file is added to an object, the feature must be activated if it is desired that the file be shown as a thumbnail instead of the extension icon.

If an image file is attached to an object and this feature is turned on, a small preview of the inserted picture file is shown on the object. This way, the user does not have to click on the "View File" button to see the image.


To use this feature, the Show File Extension feature must be enabled.

'Show Create Date' - The property to show the date the file was added in the object.


'Show Path of File' - A feature for displaying the system-based path information of the downloaded file in the object.


'Show Creator' - A feature that allows the user who uploaded the file to display the username information in the object.


'Show File Extension' - A feature that allows the icon of the file type to be shown when the file is uploaded in the object.

'Adding Mode' - The area where the object is determined to be uploaded by selecting a file from. The listed items can be selected from three different selections: Selected from Computer, Selected from Document Management, and All.

  • 'Selectable from Computer' - If this option is selected in Adding Mode, the Selectable from Computer icon appears. The object will only be uploaded using files from the end user device. RelatedDocuments
  • 'Selectable from Document Management' - If this option is selected in Adding Mode, the Selectable from Document Management icon appears. The object will only be selected through Document Management in the system and the file will be uploaded to the object. The repository/folders to be displayed in the file selection process on Document Management may vary depending on the authorizations of the end users. RelatedDocuments
  • 'All' - If this option is selected in Adding Mode, the Can be Selected from Computer and Selectable from Document Management icons appear. The file will be uploaded to the object by selecting it from the end user device or via Document Management. RelatedDocuments

'View Type' - The area used to change the appearance of the object. The items listed are Card View, List View, Minimized View, one of three different selections can be preferred.

  • 'Card View' - comes as the default selection in the View Type field, the files loaded in the object will be displayed as cards. RelatedDocuments
  • 'List View' - If this option is selected in the View Type field, the files loaded in the object will be displayed as a list. RelatedDocuments
  • 'Reduced View' - If this option is selected in the View Type field, the object will be displayed as more compact.

'Save Path (DM)' - Files added to the object are stored in a directory specified in document management. From this field, the choice is made of which directory to keep the files to be added to the object.

Clicking on the Save Path field will open the document management structure as a window. From here, select the directory where the files are desired to be kept and click the "OK" button. Thus, the user is determined in the directory where the files added to the object are stored in the DM interface.


The selection in the field is the default file upload directory, and if no new categories are added and customized is made in the Categories field, the files added to the categories will be uploaded to the directory selected in the Save Path (DM) field.


If desired, you can select the directory to upload the file to by using the Save Path (DM) field in the categories defined in the Categories field without selecting the Save Path (DM) field.


Files selected from Document Management are not moved to the directory you select in the Save Path (DM) field, the selected files remain in their current directory.

'Categories' - The area where users can specify which category of files they can attach to the designed form.

Files added to the object must belong to a specific category. By default, the object is attached a category named **"Default". If the object category definitions are not tampered with by the developer, the files added to the object in the interface are added to this Default category.

The Categories field is clicked to make changes to the existing category definition, or to add new categories and edit the object.


Clicking on the Categories area will open the category editing window. From this screen, existing category fields can be edited, an existing category definition can be deleted, or a new category definition can be added to the object.


The customizations you make on the category using the Reset button are made as they were when you opened the panel, for example, adding a new category and customizing some areas of the existing category, but it can be used when you want to give up this process and return to the way the panel was opened. Reset works if the panel content is not saved, it cannot be reset on saved category properties.

When adding a new category to the object using the Add button, the changes made in the panel using the Save button are saved.

The "General" tab of category definitions contains the category name, category description, the directory where the files uploaded to the category will be stored in Document Management (Save Path (DM), and Active information.


The Save Path (DM) field in the category retrieves directory information from the object if the Save Path (DM) selection on the object has been selected. If desired, the Save Path (DM) field on the category can be customized to upload to a different directory than the one selected in the object.

In the "Properties" tab;

  • 'Min File Count' - This is the area where the minimum number of files to be added to the corresponding category can be determined.
  • 'Max File Count' - This is the area where the maximum number of files to be added to the corresponding category can be determined.
  • 'Max File Size' - This is the area where the maximum size limit value of the files to be added to the corresponding category can be entered. The field must enter a value for the file size and choose whether to limit the value to KB (KiloByte), MB (MegaByte), or GB (GigaByte).
  • 'Supported Extensions' - This is the area where it is possible to specify which file extensions are allowed to be added to the relevant category.


Data Definition Language

'Field Name' - The field in the database of the system that determines the name of the column it will create for the object. In the "Name" section, the object can be given another name and the column name to be created for the object in the database table can be created as a different name.


The events owned by the object are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered.

When the events in the "Client" field are double-clicked, the screen is directed to the form code editor section called "Formedi.ts" where TypeScript coding can be done and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created.

When the events in the "Server" field are double-clicked, the screen is directed to the form code editor section called "Formadı.cs" where C# coding can be done and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created.

The developer can construct any code block within these methods. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is specified.


Formed methods;

