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The necessary process options for the roll-out of a developed project or the commissioning of changes made to a project in use are located under this heading.

Compilation; It is the process that allows all project components, design and code parts to be collected into a single output. The options to build the project or solution that are open in the development interface, compile specific parts of the project, publish the built project, or cancel the operation are executed under the Run heading.


  • Build Solution : is the option used to build the solution that is open in the development interface. With the Build solution option, the project or projects in the solution that are open in the interface are compiled. For each project under the solution, the Build Project operation is run.

  • Build Project : is the option used to build the project that is currently open in the development interface. All files, code, design screens and other components in the project become a package ready to publish after the project build process. In order for the developed project to be put into use, it must first be able to be successfully compiled. A successfully built project is ready to be published.

  • Compile Client : Is the option used to compile Html, TypeScript, Css code written to the frontend part of the project, and frontend libraries referenced in the project from external sources. If changes have been made only to the frontend code parts of a successfully compiled project, only the changes to the frontend parts can be compiled with the Build Client option instead of compiling the entire project. If the build is successful, the project is ready to be published again with the current frontend code.

  • Build Server : Is the option used to compile .NET Core code written to the backend portion of the project and backend libraries referenced to the project from external sources. If changes have been made only to the backend code parts of a successfully compiled project, only the changes to the backend parts can be compiled with the Build Server option instead of compiling the entire project. If the build is successful, the project is ready to be published again with the updated backend codes.

  • Compile Workflowu : The option used to compile the designed flow portion of the project. If any changes have been made to the project's flow-only design or code, the flow portion can be compiled by using the Compile Workflowu option instead of compiling the entire project. If the build is successful, the project is ready to be published again with the current flow structure.

  • Cancel : An option that can be used when you want to cancel compilation or publish. Pressing cancel during the build or release process cancels the process that is currently running.

  • Publish : A project created in the development interface must be successfully compiled before it can be made available. A successfully built project is ready to publish for use. A project designed in the development interface and published with the Publish option is now a project that is ready for active use by users or in a task specified within the system. Each time the publish button is pressed for the same project, new versions of the project are created in the system. Each resulting project version can be thought of and used as a separate project. After any changes are made to the project components and the build process is performed, these changes will not be made available unless the publish button is pressed.