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📄️ Device Module - Device Identification Report Tags

• SAT `>` BSAT `>` Configuration settings `>` Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "CIHAZRAP.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, and then upload it to the Report formats editing menu for CIHAZRAP.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, in the Device Identification menu `>` the EYS `>` Device Management, the relevant fields will be printed as you have arranged in the excel report you took using the Report.

📄️ Device Module - Calibration Report Tags

• SAT `>` BSAT `>` Configuration settings `>` Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "KALRAP.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, and then upload it to the Report formats editing menu for KALRAP.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, by using the EYS `>` Device Management `>` Operation Execution menu, the excel report will be printed as you edit the calibration report of the device for which you have performed the work order.

📄️ Device Module - Cost Report Tags

SAT `>` BSAT `>` Configuration settings `>` Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "KALMALIYETRAP.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, and then upload it to the Report formats editing menu for KALMALIYETRAP.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, the relevant fields will be printed as you have arranged in the excel report you have taken using EYS `>` Device Management `>` Reports `>` Cost Report.

📄️ Bringing the users to be notified by default to the notification area on the new registration screen in the corrective actions module

Corrective actions are available in the new registration screen. This field allows users to be notified when we want to be notified about the opened record when a new corrective action record is opened. If there are users in each record that we want to be informed, we can ensure that these users come to each corrective action record opened by default. To do this`>` the System Infrastructure Definitions Corrective Action Module`>` Corrective Action Parameters menu opens. From the list of parameters, the number 10 parameter, "User group code for default notification" parameter is selected and opened with the update button in the upper right corner. The code of the created user group for the users who are requested to be notified by default in the parameter value is written and saved. Thus, the users in the user group belonging to the relevant user group written in the number 10 come to the notification area by default to each Corrective Action record opened.

📄️ Activation of the Unplanned Audit feature in the Audit Activities Module

System Infrastructure Definitions`>` Audit Activities Module`>` A plan should be defined in which unplanned audits will be defined in the Audit Plans menu. The number of this plan is updated by updating the value of the "Plan ID to be used for Unplanned Audits" parameter, which is the parameter number 100 in the System Infrastructure Definitions`>`Audit Activities Module`>` Audit Activities parameters menu, and the plan code of the unplanned audit plan is written in the parameter value. System Infrastructure Definitions`>` Confit


When an employee leaves a job, they may not have completed the work that is pending on them in QDMS. QDMS can take action to a senior supervisor of the person who has left the job as in the image and inform him by e-mail. However, this action is not for the tasks pending on the person who leaves the job, but for the transfer of the duties. The content of this action is as follows: "There are pending works on the person who left the job, these works must be completed or transferred to another user."