📄️ Sub Action Description
From the Action Module parameters;
📄️ Device Module - Device Identification Report Tags
• SAT `>` BSAT `>` Configuration settings `>` Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "CIHAZRAP.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, and then upload it to the Report formats editing menu for CIHAZRAP.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, in the Device Identification menu `>` the EYS `>` Device Management, the relevant fields will be printed as you have arranged in the excel report you took using the Report.
📄️ Device Module - Work Orders Detail Report Tags
To download and edit the report;
📄️ Device Module - Calibration Report Tags
• SAT `>` BSAT `>` Configuration settings `>` Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "KALRAP.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, and then upload it to the Report formats editing menu for KALRAP.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, by using the EYS `>` Device Management `>` Operation Execution menu, the excel report will be printed as you edit the calibration report of the device for which you have performed the work order.
📄️ Device Module - Cost Report Tags
SAT `>` BSAT `>` Configuration settings `>` Report Formats Editing menu and download the template named "KALMALIYETRAP.xls" in this menu to your computer. You can edit the report using the following tags, and then upload it to the Report formats editing menu for KALMALIYETRAP.xls without changing the name of the report. Then, the relevant fields will be printed as you have arranged in the excel report you have taken using EYS `>` Device Management `>` Reports `>` Cost Report.
📄️ Device Module Authorization Adjustment
Authorization arrangements in the device identification and operation menus are made from the device parameters. On the parameters screen, you can authorize devices by typing "authorization" in the definition section, device principal, operation principal, device location. In the screenshot you can see the device authorization parameters.
📄️ Authorization on Device Module
On the device identification page, the authorization to perform operations on the device is formed according to the value in the parameter 'Authorized Persons (I) Operation Responsible, (C) Device Principal (Separate with commas)' parameter number 18 from the Device module parameters. If the user is not one of the values in the parameter, he cannot take action.
📄️ Multi-Action Creation
1- It is used to open more than one action at the same time, on a single screen.
📄️ Bringing the users to be notified by default to the notification area on the new registration screen in the corrective actions module
Corrective actions are available in the new registration screen. This field allows users to be notified when we want to be notified about the opened record when a new corrective action record is opened. If there are users in each record that we want to be informed, we can ensure that these users come to each corrective action record opened by default. To do this`>` the System Infrastructure Definitions Corrective Action Module`>` Corrective Action Parameters menu opens. From the list of parameters, the number 10 parameter, "User group code for default notification" parameter is selected and opened with the update button in the upper right corner. The code of the created user group for the users who are requested to be notified by default in the parameter value is written and saved. Thus, the users in the user group belonging to the relevant user group written in the number 10 come to the notification area by default to each Corrective Action record opened.
📄️ Activation of the Unplanned Audit feature in the Audit Activities Module
System Infrastructure Definitions`>` Audit Activities Module`>` A plan should be defined in which unplanned audits will be defined in the Audit Plans menu. The number of this plan is updated by updating the value of the "Plan ID to be used for Unplanned Audits" parameter, which is the parameter number 100 in the System Infrastructure Definitions`>`Audit Activities Module`>` Audit Activities parameters menu, and the plan code of the unplanned audit plan is written in the parameter value. System Infrastructure Definitions`>` Confit
In order for the controls to be entered into the calendar in the control module, it is necessary to first edit the e-mail settings.
📄️ Customer Information Action in External Customer Complaints
In the external customer complaints module, an action task can be reduced to a specific role in order to inform the customer.
Receiving a Protection Alert for Printing a Downloaded Document
📄️ Directing the Document Review Task
In order to use this feature, you need to use the 325th grade of the Document module. (Will routing be used in the document review process?) The value of the parameter must be "Yes".
📄️ Document Folder Auto Code Template
There is an automatic code template and counter field in the folder definition After you give the code template a pre-code you want in the form of sample PR-###, you can have it automatically incremented with the # character you will put at the end of the pre-code.
📄️ Document Parametric Field Definitions
1-Date type lblDALAN1(displayed on the Other Information tab for the document), lblKK_DPARAM1((Displayed on the Record Display Tab for Quality Record.)
📄️ Document Storage Period - Destruction Time
Storage Period: It is shown only as information on a folder basis. There is no effect on the process. When the time entered into this information is completed, the document will not be canceled/deleted. The Integrated Management System `>` Document Operations `>` Folder Identification are fed from the Retention Period (Months) field in the Folder Settings tab within the relevant folder.
📄️ Document Management - Additional Document Feature
If a document is related to other documents on the system or if it is attached to the main document, these documents can be revised together with the additional document feature. For this process;
Activating the document field it replaces is performed from the language settings menu. The Language Settings menu opens `>` System Infrastructure Definitions `>` BSAT `>` Configuration Settings. Document Management is filtered from within the modules. Its name is searched in the grid with the name "lblSubstituteDocument" and entered with the update button. It is saved by typing the field name (Substituted Document) in the Value field.
With the button on the image, it can be sent back to the people in the vision matrix.
📄️ Document Shortcut Definition
For this process;
📄️ Removal of progress report in corrective actions module
The progress report on the new registration screen in the Corrective Actions module can be closed if it will not be used in any of the records opened. For this`>` the System Infrastructure Definitions Corrective Actions Module`>` Corrective Actions Parameters menu opens. In the list of parameters, will the number 78 parameter, "Progress Report, be used? The value of the parameter (Y/N)' is updated to No, changed to No, and saved.
📄️ Workplace Physician Identification
In the On-the-Job and Periodic Examination module, confidentiality comes to the fore in transactions. For this reason, not every user, including system administrator users, can access patient records. Patient examination information can only be accessed and processed by users defined on the workplace physician and workplace nurse identification screens.
📄️ Board Meeting Module Associated Action-DÖF Settings
It is entered into the Meeting Template Definition tab by using the "New" button. The "DÖF Compute Resource", "Source Code", and "Who Can See It" fields in this field are the fields specified for the DÖF and Action Module settings that the relevant meeting will be associated with.
📄️ The Relationship Between Agenda and Decision in Board Meetings
The functioning of the Board meeting module is as follows:
📄️ Adding "Format to be Published" in the Board Meeting Template (Source)
On the System Infrastructure Definitions-Board Meeting-Meeting Resource identification screen, pressing the new button opens the meeting resource/template definition screen. The "Format to be Published" on this screen is the meeting report to be taken after the board meetings. This can be edited by the download template and upload template buttons next to the report area.
📄️ About Event Notification Task Transfer Process
If the registration is in the approval task on a user and that user has left the job, you need to transfer the task directly.
A record opened in the suggestion module can be evaluated as a corrective action and directed to the CAPA module in the Pre-evaluation step.
When an employee leaves a job, they may not have completed the work that is pending on them in QDMS. QDMS can take action to a senior supervisor of the person who has left the job as in the image and inform him by e-mail. However, this action is not for the tasks pending on the person who leaves the job, but for the transfer of the duties. The content of this action is as follows: "There are pending works on the person who left the job, these works must be completed or transferred to another user."
📄️ Showing a description in a scored list-type field
In the System Infrastructure Definitions menu, on the Risk Module, Area Definition screen; The type of Probability, Intensity, Frequency fields is the scored list.
📄️ Captcha
What is a Captcha?
📄️ Creating Announcements
In our QDMS application, the announcements to be published to the personnel are defined through the SAT -`>` BSAT -`>` Definitions -`>` Create Announcement menu. As can be seen in the appendix below, announcements can be published according to workplace, department and user groups.
If the personnel whose jobs are to be transferred are passive, you can activate them and withdraw them to the passive after performing the operations.
- Enter the Power of Attorney menu located between the menus below the profile picture.
📄️ Risk Modules Report Formats Menu
You can use more than one report template by using the System infrastructure definitions`>` Related risk module `>` the Report Formats menu.
📄️ Picture Signature Feature
📄️ About Authorization on the Risk Main Form
If you want to authorize the detailed forms defined on the "Risk Main Form" screen under the EYS menu, it is necessary to make the settings of the necessary parameters.
📄️ Activation of the Risk Module in the Corrective Actions Module
System Infrastructure Definitions`>`Corrective Actions Module Parameters When you are above the parameter number 140, click the change button in the upper right corner, then change the value of the parameter to yes and click the save button in the upper right corner. Thus, when the Integrated Management System`>` Corrective Actions menu is opened, the risk matrix is activated on the new registration screen.
📄️ Using the Review Function in Risk Modules
In order to use the review function in the risk modules, it is necessary to adjust the settings of parameters 39, 40, 41 on the Risk Module parameter screen in the SAT menu.
📄️ Defining a New Value in Risk Modules on the List Type Selection Screen
When the end user needs a new value that is not in the list by the end user in a list-type field on the Risk Detail Forms entry screen under the IMS menu, if parameter 29 is checked 'Yes', the end user defines a new list value.
📄️ Determination of the deadline according to the value selected in the list-type field in risk modules
The following steps should be followed in order for the deadline of the measure to be opened in the risk modules to be selected by default according to the value to be selected in the list.
📄️ Theme Color Change
Hover over the username in the upper right corner. From the drop-down menu, click on the User Settings menu. From the drop-down menu, select the color as in the screenshot below and click the Save button. It is seen that the theme color has changed.
📄️ Activating the Due Date feature in the Corrective Actions Module
System Infrastructure Definitions ''`>`''' Corrective Actions Module ''`>`''' Corrective Actions Parameters
📄️ Bulk Risk Transfer
You can transfer risks in bulk via excel.