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Frequently Asked Questions

📄️ How to Activate the Unplanned Audit Feature in the Audit Activities Module?

System Infrastructure Definitions`>` Audit Activities Module`>` A plan should be defined in which unplanned audits will be defined in the Audit Plans menu. The number of this plan is updated by updating the value of the "Plan ID to be used for Unplanned Audits" parameter, which is the parameter number 100 in the System Infrastructure Definitions`>`Audit Activities Module`>` Audit Activities parameters menu, and the plan code of the unplanned audit plan is written in the parameter value. System Infrastructure Definitions`>` Confit

📄️ Document Code Space and Inappropriate Character Error

Due to the security policies of the browsers and infrastructural reasons, the presence of inappropriate characters in the document codes, such as spaces or warnings, is blocked in the flow because it causes an error. For this reason, when uploading or revising documents, document codes should not contain spaces or inappropriate characters as in the warning. Before revising your document, you should use the SAT `>` Dock. You can check the document again after deleting the spaces in the document code of the relevant document from the Document Code Changer menu `>` the operations, or adding characters such as _ - instead of spaces, and saving.

📄️ How to bring the users to be notified by default to the notification area on the new registration screen in the corrective actions module?

Corrective actions are available in the new registration screen. This field allows users to be notified when we want to be notified about the opened record when a new corrective action record is opened. If there are users in each record that we want to be informed, we can ensure that these users come to each corrective action record opened by default. To do this`>` the System Infrastructure Definitions Corrective Action Module`>` Corrective Action Parameters menu opens. From the list of parameters, the number 10 parameter, "User group code for default notification" parameter is selected and opened with the update button in the upper right corner. The code of the created user group for the users who are requested to be notified by default in the parameter value is written and saved. Thus, the users in the user group belonging to the relevant user group written in the number 10 come to the notification area by default to each Corrective Action record opened.

📄️ How to create a user who is not affected by the integration?

You can manually define personnel as "Non-Transfer" in the "Category" field through the Personnel Identification menu. Afterwards, you can authorize the menu to the relevant personnel by following the steps below. If you do not have an Active Directory system, the relevant users can log in to the system with the registration number and password you have determined by making the parameter value numbered "5" as "O" through the SAT `>` BSAT `>` Configuration Settings `>` Parameters menu.

📄️ Job Application Examination

The job application examination is carried out for people who have applied for a job but have not yet been hired (the definition of personnel in the qdms has not been formed). The app gives the staff a record like InspectionXXX when starting this inspection. When the person officially starts to work and the QDMS personnel record is formed, the system infrastructure definitions-bsat-definitions-recruitment examination comes to the end menu, select the inspection record and press the change button, and when you select the original record in the Select personnel field and say save the definition on the page that opens, the examination record in the ExaminationXXX registry will be reflected as a job entry examination to the person in the registry.

📄️ Creating Inspection Type Specific Report Format

SAT`>`On-the-job periodic inspection`>`Inspection Type Identification menu, select the type you want to create a report format for and click the report format button. On the screen that comes up, give a name as in the appendix. Copy the full name of the file you have attached to the report formats and add it to the *report format field. In order to add the format you have prepared to the report formats, open the sat`>`bsat`>`k.a`>`report formats editing menu, click the new button and add your file. You should request the tags you will use while creating the format from BİMSER.

📄️ Suggestion - Survey Question List

Questionnaire for Suggestion System Module is the menu where the lists of questions are prepared for the relevant functions. For users who do not have a Survey Operations Module, the Survey operations module is used to design a Survey template for the relevant function in this module, as in the Survey template screen that opens. This function is the "Recommendation Scoring" function. When the "Suggestion Scoring" function is selected as a function on the Survey Question Lists (Suggestion System) screen, the template surveys are designed and saved in this menu in the system within the logic of the Supplier Evaluation module by clicking the (questions) button at the top right.

📄️ Customer Complaints User and Workplace Based Record Display Authorization

In the customer complaints module, users can be prevented from viewing all complaint records. The relevant blocking can be done on a user-based or workplace-based authorization. In user-based authorization, users will only be able to view the complaint records for which they are responsible on the Complaint transactions page. When workplace-based authorization is made, users will only be able to view the records opened specifically for the workplace to which they are affiliated.