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Advice & Amenities

📄️ Additional File Requirement According to Action Source

With the 5.26 version, the field where you can determine the additional file requirement according to the main action or your action source has been added to our application during the action approval stages you have requested. In order for this feature to be available, you must first activate the relevant field and use the value of the parameter "63 (Statuses where additional file is mandatory (1 = Opening, 2 = Realization, 3 = Delay, 4 = Opening Confirmation, 5 = Closing Confirmation)" from the SAT `>` ACTION `>` Action parameters as blank. After emptying the relevant parameter value, CONFIGURATION SETTINGS `>` SAT `>` BSAT `>` Go to the Language Settings menu After selecting the action module, in the titles section, in the name section As I have conveyed in the attachment (Language Settings), write lblEkRequiredSteps and provide an entry with the change button. In the value field, write the name of this field that will appear on the main action and action source screen, we preferred it as Additional File Mandatory Statuses, but this choice is up to you. After making this addition, the field where you can choose at which approval stages the additional file may be mandatory in the main action and action source menus will be added to your application, as I have conveyed in the attachment. According to your preference, you can either decide at which approval stage the additional file is mandatory in the main action, or you can make the same additional file requirement specific to the action source. According to the selection you have made, it will be mandatory to add an additional file at the relevant approval stages, if the user does not add an additional file during the process, the system will receive a warning message that he needs to add an additional file. To use this feature, your QMDS version must be version 5.26 or higher.

📄️ Device List Default Filter

In the Device Management module, the status of our devices as a result of processes such as calibration and verification is defined on the SAT `>` Device Management `>` Status Definition Page. The list of operations performed on our devices is displayed in the Device Identification menu `>` Device Management `>` IMS. In order to integrate the relevant situations into the device list with the default filter feature, it is done by checking the "Default" checkbox in the status defined in the status definition menu.

📄️ Customer Complaints Parametric Field Addition

Adding parametric fields in External and Internal Customer Complaints modules: After selecting the Customer Complaint module on the SAT`>`BSAT`>`Configuration Settings`>`Language Settings page, the following type of parametric field can be added to the Complaint processes. -DATE -LIST -PARASL -UNIT OF MEASUREMENT -TEXT -PERSONNEL -QUERY For example, to add a text-type parametric field to the Complaint other fields tab, you can add a field by typing lblPARAM in the NAME field, as can be seen in the screenshot below, using any of the values whose TR field is empty. When you open a field with an empty TR field with the edit button and enter the name to be given to the field in the Value section, and then click the Save button, the value will be automatically added to the Complaint transactions Other fields tab. ''lblLPARAM'' for a list-type field, ''lblDPARAM'' for a date-type field, 'lblPPARAM' for a staff-type field, 'lblQPARAM' for a query-type field, can be used. Parametric fields can also be added to pages such as Result Report, Action, Progress Report, Closure from the complaint processes. lblAdeğer action sheet; Parametric fields can be added to the lblSdeğer page in the form of lblGdeğer to the Result Report Page and to the lblKdeğer page in the form of a to the Result Report Page.

📄️ Decapa module Opening confirmation Rejection Cancellation - Rejection detail

In the case of the opening approval in the döf module, the approver has the authority to reject the registration. There are two types of rejection. The first of these is the rejection detail process. With this action, the approver sends the record back to the user who opened it for editing. It asks the user who opens it to resend the edited version to themselves. Another rejection process, the Rejection cancellation process, also rejects the registration for no action. Registration Rejection is withdrawn to cancellation status and cannot be processed.

📄️ Colon Selector Usage

To make data management in grids easier and more flexible, the field editor has been added, so users can add and remove columns as they wish and personalize the data display experience. Grouping by columns is now available, so users can view data in more organized and meaningful groups and access the information they want faster. In addition, by adding a 'Clear Filter' button for data filtering operations, users can easily clear the filters and switch to new filters. Finally, a 'Clear User Settings' button has been added to reset users' personal preferences, column rankings, and filtering history.

📄️ QDMS Integrations

For its integration, first of all, a data structure will need to be prepared in accordance with the excel template sent to you and the information will need to be transmitted to us. By using data sources such as SAP RFC, Web Service, SQL, or Oracle view & table as the data structure, your IT team can prepare the data structure. Important points while preparing the data structure, Registration Numbers, Department & Title codes should not change for users in the existing QDMS system for personnel integration. For Product, Customer & Supplier integrations, Code structures should not change. In case of change, the old records are deactivated and the new records are transferred to the system. By paying attention to these points, if the data can be prepared and the information can be sent to us with a new notification, we can do the integration work.

📄️ Contractor Personnel Pool Filling

If this process will not be done by the contractor, you can perform this process manually on the EYS`>`Contractor Work Permit`>`Contractor Personnel Pool page. If this operation is to be carried out on behalf of the contractor, the personnel who will perform the operation must be defined in the relevant roles in the parameters parameter of the roles that have the authority to perform the operation instead of the contractor number 34 (When there is more than one role, write the role codes separated by commas.) by selecting the contractor work permit module from the filter tab on the SAT`>`BSAT`>`Configuration Settings`>` Parameters screen.