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Advanced Applications

📄️ SAP Integration

Two methods can be followed in the integrations to be made by SAP to QDMS. It is the transmission of the data source as a Web Service or as an RFC method. If the RFC method is selected, the following requests must be submitted. If passed as a web service, for example, a request, authantication method, and parameters of the web service should be passed. In case of changes in the existing SAP integration, if the data source is Web Service / API, additional effort will occur. In addition, if a change is detected in the fields in the personnel data, an additional effort change occurs on top of the service change.

📄️ Change of Registration Number

The registration number change is done by the integration team. The change process is done in a planned manner and additional effort occurs. First of all, the changing records are checked, and then, if the data formats are appropriate, the proposal process is started. After the proposal process is approved by you, process planning is made. In order to change the registry, the test system must first be installed. The process is primarily done in the test system and then you are asked to check it. The control should be done in detail by you and you should report it in case of an error. After your checks are completed and approved, the work is done in a live environment. If your test system is not available, you need to create a request for installation via BSS. Below you can see the preliminary information text for the test system installation.

📄️ Web Service/API Integration

Web Service or API integration is a process that takes place as the source of the transmitted address data. With Web Service Integration, data sets such as product, customer-supplier and personnel data are regularly transferred to QDMS. First of all, the data from the address is checked. The data available is compared with the data from the address. Are there any changes or inconsistencies in areas that are crucial to QDMS? Controlled. As a result of the control, the offer process begins. When data is transferred via Web Service/API, effort will occur as an additional application needs to be written. In addition, upon detecting changes in areas that are critical for QDMS, effort will occur in addition to the effort that will occur from the service. After the proposal is submitted to you and approved by you, a plan is created with you for the study/studies.

📄️ Adding Documents to the Help Menu

By logging in with a system administrator user, the System Infrastructure Definitions -`>` BSAT -`>` Configuration Settings -`>` Help Menu Definition page opens. On the page that opens, the "Help" line or the desired menu directory is selected with a single click on the left side and opened with the marked "New" button in the attachment from the top right and the "Additional File" button is clicked as attached. Then the document to be added is selected from the directory and uploaded. Afterwards, the relevant document is added and saved with the "Save" button in the marked field at the top right.