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Export to PDF

The Export To PDF object is used to translate project forms into a PDF-type file. The created file can be stored in the Document Management System within the system and transmitted to the users within the flow.


In order to convert the project forms to PDF file, the template word file to which the data will be transferred must be prepared and uploaded to the Document Management in the system. In the Word template, liquid variable tags are written using the Names of the form objects. (such as {{Lookup1.Value}})

Click to download sample Word template to use in object

The Export To PDF object is dragged from the toolbox panel and dropped onto the stream. When the object in the Flow design screen is clicked, the object properties appear in the Property Viewer panel.

Clicking on the Export to PDF object displays the "Appearance", "Properties", and "Events" tabs in the Property Viewer panel.

Export to PDF


Text Configs

'Object Name' - The name of the object to be used on the system side. On the code side, the object is accessed by the value that is written in the object name field.

'Caption' - The area where the object's title text is entered.

'Is Lock' - This field is activated if the object is not to be moved at the time of design.

'Size' - The part where the width and height of the object are adjusted.



'Type' - Whether the type of the Export to PDF object is alphanumeric, numeric, or a logical value is set from this tab. In the Type field; Text, Integer, Decimal, Date, Money, and True/False types are listed.

'Value Type' - If a constant value is desired, the "Fixed if" option is selected as the value type.

'Value' - The field where the Constant value selected in the Value Type field is defined.


'Continue If Error Occurs' - When the process passes through the Export to PDF object, the block of code written inside the object method is executed and if any error is encountered in this code, it is marked in the web interface if the process is desired to continue without error.

'Error Description Object' - When an error is encountered in the Export to PDF object codes, a Variable object to which the detailed text of the error is assigned is selected from this field.


'Impersonation' - Adjustments made in the 'Properties' tab of the Export to PDF object are converted into code by the system in the object's Execute event. When exporting a project form to a PDF file type, a link opens on the code side. This field is checked if it is intended that this opened link is created by a position object in the flow rather than by a system user, and that the PDF file appears to be created by the person in that position object.

'Creator' - The Position objects in the flow design are listed in the space. Whichever object user of the PDF file is asked to create, the corresponding object is selected from this field.


'Documents' - The area selected as the source from which the document object containing the form to be used in the conversion process is selected.

'Constant Document' - The form selected in the Documents field is the area where the template Word file to which the data will be exported is selected in Document Management.

Export to PDF

Export to PDF

:::d anger WARNING

The Name information of the forms in Documents and the tags on the selected Word template in Constant Document must match, otherwise the data cannot be transferred to the Word file and the PDF content will be rendered incorrectly.


Export Page Size

'Custom Page Size' - The dimensions of the PDF form to be created are determined in this field. If you want to enter custom page size values, this field is activated. When the field is activated, the screen; The fields where Page Type, Unit, Width, Height and Margin data can be entered become active.

'Page Type' - The area where the size of the PDF to be created is selected.

> Available selections: Custom, A3, A4, A5, B4, B5, EnvelopeDL, Executive, Folio, Ledger, Legal, Letter, Quatro, Statement, Tabloid, Paper10x14, Paper11x17

'Unit' - Used to determine which type of values shown in the Width and Height fields will appear. The values listed are Pixels, Centimeters, Millimeters, and Inches.

'Width' - Shows the width of the selected page type. Except for the Custom page type, the width of all types is fixed.

'Height' - Shows the height of the selected page type. The height of all types except the Custom page type is fixed.

'Margin' - The area where it is determined how much space is on the page edges of the PDF to be created.

Export Page Number

'Show Page Number' - This is the area where the pagination features of the PDF document to be created are entered, it comes passively. Once activated, other features become visible.

'Show Page Number on the First Page' - Becomes visible when the Show Page Number feature is activated. When selected, the file is produced with the page number written on the first page of the PDF.

'Page Number Position' - Becomes visible when the Show Page Number feature is activated. The place where the page number is desired is set from this panel.

> Available selections: Top left, Top center, Top right, Bottom left, Lower center, Bottom right

'Custom Font' - Becomes visible when the Show Page Number feature is activated. If a different font is desired, it should be activated.

'Font' - This is the area that appears when the Custom Font is activated. Font type, size, color, bold, right-slate (italic) and underline (underline) options are available.

Export Page Header

'Show Page Header' - It is the area where the header information of the PDF document to be created is entered, it comes passively. Once activated, other features become visible.

'Show on the First Page' - Becomes visible when the Show Page Header is activated. Selected if the header information entered in the content area is intended to appear on the first page.

'Type' - becomes visible when the Show Page Header is activated. It is used to determine the type of data that is requested to be included in the header field.

> Available selections: Text, HTML, Image

'Content' - becomes visible when the Show Page Header is activated. It is used for the entry of the data to be written in the header field. The appearance of the content area changes based on the value selected in the Type field. While the Type field requires expression entry in the Content field in Text and HTML selections, selecting Image opens the Document Management selection panel.

'Show Bottom Border' - becomes visible when the Show Page Header is activated. When activated, a line is added below the information entered into the content area.

'Show Left Border' - becomes visible when the Show Page Header is activated. When activated, a line is added to the content area, which is located on the left side of the information entered.

'Show Right Border' - becomes visible when the Show Page Header is activated. When activated, a line is added to the content area, which is located on the right side of the information entered.

'Show Top Border' - becomes visible when the Show Page Header is activated. When activated, a line is added to the content area, which is located above the information entered.

'Custom Font' - If the information entered in the title is desired to use a different font, it should be activated.

'Font' - becomes visible when the Custom Font is activated. Font type, size, color, bold, right-slate (italic) and underline (underline) options are available.

'Show Page Footer' - It is the area where the footer of the PDF document to be created is entered, it comes passively. Once activated, other features become visible.

'Show on the First Page' - Becomes visible when the Show Page Footer is activated. Selected if the footer entered in the content area is intended to appear on the first page.

'Type' - becomes visible when the Show Page Footer is activated. It is used to determine what type of data is requested to be included in the footer area.

> Available selections: Text, HTML, Image

'Content' - becomes visible when the Show Page Footer is activated. Used for the input of data to be written to the footer area. The appearance of the content area changes based on the value selected in the Type field. While the Type field requires expression entry in the Content field in Text and HTML selections, selecting Image opens the Document Management selection panel.

'Show Bottom Border' - becomes visible when the Show Page Footer is activated. When activated, a line is added to the content area, which is located on the left side of the information entered.

'Show Left Border' - Becomes visible when the Show Page Footer is activated. When activated, a line is added to the content area, which is located on the left side of the information entered.

'Show Right Border' - Becomes visible when the Show Page Footer is activated. When activated, a line is added to the content area, which is located on the right side of the information entered.

'Show Top Border' - becomes visible when the Show Page Footer is activated. When activated, a line is added to the content area, which is located above the information entered.

'Custom Font' - If the information entered in the footer is desired to be used in a different font, it should be activated.

'Font' - becomes visible when the Custom Font is activated. Font type, size, color, bold, right-slate (italic) and underline (underline) options are available.

Export Options

'Begin From a New Page for each Document' - when more than one Document object is inserted into the Documents area, such as when a PDF file within a Document object is created, for example when the file is completed halfway across the page; afternoon A setting that causes a PDF to occur from a document object starting on a new page instead of where it remained on the page.

'Show Page Border' - When selected, a margin is added to all four sides of the page in the PDF.

'Add Watermark' - Activated if you want to have a watermark on the PDF to be created. Once activated, the watermark settings become visible.

'Watermark Source' - appears when the Add Watermark option is activated. It is used to select the watermark that is desired to be used on the document. The watermark must be selected by opening the Document Management selection panel and navigating to the directory where the watermark to be used is located.

'Image Scale (%)' - appears when the Add Watermark option is activated. Adjusting the size of the inserted watermark on the document is done with this option.

'Image Rotation (Degress)' - appears when the Add Watermark option is activated. This is done with this option if you want the inserted watermark to appear rotated on the document.

'Image Transparency (%)' - Appears when the Add Watermark option is activated. This is done with this option if it is desired to change the transparency rate of the inserted watermark on the document.

'Add Watermark to the First Page' - Appears when the Add Watermark option is activated. It must be selected if you want the inserted watermark to appear in multipage documents on the first page of the document.

Export Properties

'Caption' - This is the area where the information to be found in the title section of the document properties of the created PDF is entered.

'Subject' - This is the area where the information to be found in the subject section of the document properties of the created PDF is entered.

'Keywords' - This is the area where the information to be found in the keywords section of the document properties of the created PDF is entered. Keywords help in searching for the document.

'Author' - The field where the information to be found in the document creator section of the document properties of the created PDF is entered.

'Add Create Date' - The area where it is determined whether the created PDF will have a date to be added to the document creation date section in the document properties.

Export Security

'Security Enabled' - Activated if the PDF to be exported is required to have a security setting.

'User Password' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. Used when users are asked to enter a password before viewing the PDF and then view it.

'Owner Password' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. Used when an encrypted PDF requires the document owner to be given a password differently than the users.

'Printing' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If you want to prevent users from printing the document, the Printing feature should not be selected.

'Document Assembly' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If you want to allow the document to be used as part of another document or to allow pages to be added to the document, the Document Assembly property must be selected.

'Content Copying' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If you want to allow copy-paste (Ctrl+C – Ctrl+V) of document content, the Content Copying property must be selected.

'Commenting' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If you want to be allowed to add comments to document content, the Commenting property must be selected.

'Filling of form Fields' - Appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If you want to allow writing to fields that can be filled in the document content, the Filling of form Fields property must be selected.

'Content Copying for Accessibility' - Appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If you want to allow screen reader software to use the text in the PDF file to read the PDF file, the Content Copying for Accessibility property must be selected.

'Degraded printing' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If the user is intended to print the document as a carousel image while it is being printed, the Degraded printing feature must be selected.

'Modifying content' - appears when the Security Enabled option is activated. If the user is to be allowed to modify the contents of the document, the Modifying content property must be selected.


'Path' - This is the section where the file where the PDF is requested to be saved is selected. By clicking on the three dots next to the Path property, the directory where the file will be saved can be selected in Document Management.

'Naming Format' - This is the section where the name format to be used during saving the PDF is specified. Predefined liquid variable data such as {{ProcessId}}, {{ProjectName}} can be used, as well as Variable object content in the flow can be used in file naming. (For example, Charge - {{Variable1.Value}})

> Selections that can be made: {{ProcessId}}, {{FlowStarter.FirstName}}, {{FlowStarter.LastName}}, {{CreatedDate}}, {{CreatedTime}}, {{Title}}, {{Subject}}, {{Keywords}}, {{Author}}, {{ProjectName}}, {{ProcessName}}, {{ProcessCaption}}

'Assign File to the Flow Document Objects' - If the resulting PDF file is intended to be used on the stream after conversion, the option must be activated.

'Flow Document' - Appears when the Assign File to the Flow Document Objects option is activated. Used to assign the post-conversion PDF file to a different document object in the stream.


It is checked by the system that the attached properties on the object are correct. When a missing feature is found, a red exclamation point icon can be displayed on the object, and hovering over the icon with the mouse pointer can display what is missing or incorrect.

Export to PDF



The events owned by the Export to PDF object are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered. To write code for any event, double-click the appropriate event line from the Events tab. The screen is directed to the flow code editor section named "FlowName.cs" and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. The developer can construct any code block he wants in this method. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is specified.

Export to PDF

'OnBeforeExecution' - The event that is triggered before the flow passes through the Export to PDF object.

'OnAfterExecution' - The event triggered after the flow passes through the Export to PDF object.

'Execute' - When the flow passes through the Export to PDF object, the object's "Execute" event is triggered and the code block that writes in this event is running. When the event is double-clicked, the code method block for the object is automatically created on the flow side.


You can manipulate the data that will be inserted into the PDF document to be created in the Execute event.

''csharp public void ExportToPDF1_OnBeforeExecution(object sender, OnBeforeExecutionArguments args) { ExportToPDF1.ExternalParameters = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>(); ExportToPDF1.ExternalParameters.Add("Subject", "New Subject"); ExportToPDF1.ExternalParameters.Add("Author", "John Doe"); for example, when you want to set a value for the {{Subject}} parameter on the word template file with code If usage is provided such as the lines above, the previous value is ignored. In this way, we can send value to the pdf except for the form elements. }