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Send Email

The Send Email object is used to send mail at any time during the process, to people defined in the system or to people outside the organization.

The Send Email object is dragged from the toolbox panel and dropped onto the stream. When the object in the Flow design screen is clicked, the object properties appear in the Property Viewer panel.

When the Send Email object is clicked, there are "Appearance", "Properties" and "Events" tabs in the Property Viewer panel.

Send Email


Text Configs

'Object Name' - The name of the object to be used on the system side. On the code side, the object is accessed by the value that is written in the object name field.

'Caption' - The area where the object's title text is entered.

'Is Lock' - This field is activated if the object is not to be moved at the time of design.

'Size' - The part where the width and height of the object are adjusted.



'Continue If Error Occurs' - When the process passes through the Send Email object, the block of code written in the object method is executed and if any error is encountered in this code, it is marked on the web interface if the process is desired to continue without error.

When an error is encountered in the 'Error Description Object' - Send Email object codes, a Variable object to which the detailed text of the error is assigned is selected from this field.


'Type' - Whether the type of the Send Email object is alphanumeric, numeric, or a logical value is set from this tab. In the Type field; Text, Integer, Decimal, Date, Money, and True/False types are listed.

'Value Type' - If a constant value is desired, the "Constant Value" option is selected as the Value Type.

'Value' - The field where the Constant value selected in the Value Type field is defined.

Mail From

'Read Information' - Selected when it is desired to forward a read receipt to the sender e-mail address when the sent mail is read.

Mail To

'Mail to List' - This is the area where the e-mail addresses of the person or people to whom the mail will be sent are determined. Clicking on the field opens a window where the addresses to be sent to the mail can be added. When the inserted row is selected when the Insert button in the window is pressed, the Source Type option is listed in the row properties. Clicking the Source Type field lists the liquid variable data that can be used in the flow design.

Send Email

Mail CC

'Mail CC List' - This is the part of the mail where the e-mail address to be added to CC is determined. The structure for adding a mail address is the same as Post to List in the Mail As option.

Mail BCC

'Mail BCC List' - It is the part of the mail where the e-mail address to be added to the BCC is determined. The structure for adding a mail address is the same as Post to List in the Mail As option.

Mail Content

'Subject Value' - In the field, it is selected where the mail subject text will be fed. Clicking on the field lists the liquid variable data that can be used in the flow design, or it is also possible to enter patient data into the field.

'Message Value' - becomes visible if the Subject Type is selected as Constant or Obtain from Function. The subject of the e-mail to be sent should be written in this field. Clicking on the field lists the liquid variable data that can be used in the flow design, or it is also possible to enter patient data into the field.

'Is HTML Message' - This field is checked if the e-mail message is to be sent in HTML structure.

Mail Attachments

'Edit Attachments' - The field to use to add attachments to the mail to be sent.

Send Email

Clicking on the Atttachments field opens the screen where it will be defined to select the type of attachment that is desired to be added to the e-mail to be sent.

Send Email

In the Attachments editing window, the **"Add" button can be used to define the attachment to add an attachment to the e-mail to be sent to the person in the Information object, the attachment settings can be changed by clicking on the line in the made definition, or the event can be removed from the object by pressing the trash can icon that appears in the details of the attachment line.

Send Email

  • The Type field is the field where the attachment file is located. DM, Flow, RelatedDocuments can be selected.
    • Selecting Type:DM makes the selection in Document Management within the Value field in the panel.
    • When Type:Flow is selected, the object containing the Id of the file to be added as an attachment can be selected as liquid or static data can be written. ({{ Document1.DocumentId }}, {{ Variable1.Value }}, 56669)
    • When Type:RelatedDocuments is selected, the Document field appears to select the Document object containing the form containing the RelatedDocuments object to use. Selecting indicates that the Related Documents field appears in the panel and lists the Related Documents objects within the selected object.

Send Email


It is checked by the system that the attached properties on the object are correct. When a missing feature is found, a red exclamation point icon can be displayed on the object, and hovering over the icon with the mouse pointer can display what is missing or incorrect.

Send Email



The events owned by the Send Email object are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered. To write code for any event, double-click the appropriate event line from the Events tab. The screen is directed to the flow code editor section named "FlowName.cs" and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. The developer can construct any code block he wants in this method. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is specified.

Send Email


In the OnBeforeExecution event, you can intercept the content of the email to be sent within the object.

''csharp public void SendMail1_OnBeforeExecution(object sender,OnBeforeExecutionArguments args) { SendMail1.Subject = "Regarding sending emails via CSP"; SendMail1.Message = "This email has been code-shared for the example of sending email from CSP."; SendMail1.DisplayName = "Bimser Synergy"; SendMail1.FromAddress = "";

SendMail1.ErrorDescriptionObjectName = "Variable1"; SendMail1.ResumeOnError = true; SendMail1.IsHtml = true; SendMail1.ReadNotification = false;

SendMail1.AddTO(""); SendMail1.AddCC(""); SendMail1.AddBCC(""); }