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Release Notes (2.20.0)

(31 January 2022 – 25 February 2022)

1. Highlights / New Features

 19586 [YA22555] – Viewer for viewing documents on the web interface
Its use was activated.
 22357 – Requirement in Form Design objects in the development interface (Required)
When the property is enabled, in the Rules Manager, in the FormRequiredFields rule, click
by adding Highlighted Controls on actions, in addition to the mandatory field message (toaster)
provided visual indication that it is mandatory around the corresponding form object.
 21953 – Form of "Form Design Objects – DataGrid" object in the authoring interface
Added the Display Type property to specify the area it will occupy on. Display Type
The equivalent of the options in the field is as follows.
  1. If AutoGrow (default selection) is selected, the object is sized to the height of the row it contains.
  2. If AutoFill is selected, the entire DataGrid object has a height value equal to the height of the form OK.
  3. If MaxHeight is selected on the Property Viewer the Height field is shown and the object height The maximum field can grow up to the value entered.
  4. If FixedHeight is selected in the Property Viewer on the Height field, the Height field is shown and the object height is

remains the value entered in the maximum field. (^) https://bimsercozumyazilim-✌️/g/personal/kozen_bimser_com_tr/Eaz5aba6T3NLtjuEeX2722wBSP7mu gfwwzmEaHTHRQnd5A?e=HSbLS  21876 [YA23534] – "Form Design Objects – DataGrid" in the authoring interface" object on a form display in a compact design when there is no data in the object provided. https://bimsercozumyazilim-✌️/g/personal/kozen_bimser_com_tr/Ebf8bCzvvJhGsSJa49eM810BFTfCxX gsltqQhItJXRW50w?e=TVeMnk

 19588 [YA22468] – In the development interface "Flow Design Objects – Position/Position Group" objects by adding the panelSize property when the form is opened with user approval sized according to the selected value. https://bimsercozumyazilim-✌️/g/personal/kozen_bimser_com_tr/EUo7W3qduOVLiGDzyfcfC2UBP8Pb LK2m0R6n9Y4zAxaGaw?e=bzJnLA**  24542 – Integrated usage with Chinese language.

2. Improvements

 23536 – In the authoring interface "Form Design Objects – DataGrid" object In the Selection Settings area of the Property Viewer, set the Mode property to multiple added the Select All Mode and ShowCheckBoxMode properties and the Highlight Row, Select By Row Click, Selection Type properties removed.  23602 [YA23950] – Code flow history using ServiceAPI in development interface Added the GetFlowHistory method to be obtained with . void Button1_OnClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { ServiceAPI serviceApi = new ServiceAPI(new LoginWithTokenAuthenticationPar ameters() { EncryptedData = Session.EncryptedData, Language = Session.Language, Token = Session.Token }, "");

WorkflowInstance wf = serviceApi.WorkflowManager.Create("WF220117",
"Flow2", 1001 ). Result; 1001 = process number to retrieve flow history
ProcessHistoryWithML history = wf. GetFlowHistory();

} (^)  23302 – In the form field in Solution Explorer in the development interface, in the CSP When Archive/Process Archieve forms are created, the forms are created check for deleted documents in queries (documents. DELETEDAT IS NULL) query has been added to the .  20950 – Toolbar Buttons in the form's Property Viewer in the authoring interface In the Save button, set the Validate property to off by default (false) is set to come.  25160 – In the "Form Design Objects – DataGrid" object in the authoring interface Added the batch type to the options in the Mode field in the Property Viewer.  22255 – When adding a new menu item in Application Explorer in the web interface, the top Enabled the top menu selection area to be hidden when the menu option is inactive.  23966 – Rest to "Form Design Objects – DataGrid" object in the development interface type data source is defined and the data is defined in the Columns field in the Property Viewer when generating columns according to the source, when the data type is not found, the corresponding columns are passive** was made to appear as .

 22786 – In the "Form Design Objects – DataGrid" object in the authoring interface To be able to add/edit/delete rows to an object with typescript The rowChangeAction** method has been added.

async Button1_OnClick(args: Controls.EventArgs.IClickEventArgs) {
NewColumnUp to 1-6
let row = {
key: 1 ,
type: "insert",
data: {
NewColumn1: 1 ,
NewColumn2: "experiment",
NewColumn4: false
this. DataGrid3.rowChangeAction(row);
async Button2_OnClick(args: Controls.EventArgs.IClickEventArgs) {
let row = {
key: 1 ,
type: "update",
data: {
NewColumn2: "test",
NewColumn4: true,
NewColumn5: { value: 2 , text: "Test2" },
NewColumn6: { "en-US": "experiment", "en-US": "unnecessary" }
this. DataGrid3.rowChangeAction(row);
async Button3_OnClick(args: Controls.EventArgs.IClickEventArgs) {
let row = {
key: 1 ,
type: "remove",
this. DataGrid3.rowChangeAction(row);

} (^)

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

 24360 – new menu item added in Application Explorer section in web interface, not appearing in the menu fixed.  23878 – While in design mode in the Application Explorer section in the web interface, visual error in save pop-up fixed.  22152 – Departments/Positions in Human Resources on the web interface Fixed ability to write in lookup type fields when adding new items in fields.  19754 – Start/End in Salaries in Human Resources section in the Web interface In the date filters, the equals, does not equal, greater equals, less equals options have been removed.  20866 – In the Admin Keys field in the Human Resources section of the Web interface filtering fixed.  20914 – Compensation in the Salaries field in the Human Resources section in the web interface Fixed missing filter types in column.  22122 – Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface section error message content shown when the person tries to create a power of attorney Fixed.  22116 – Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface section when creating a new proxy of the time before creation time Fixed the ability to enter.  23774 – Only on the Power of Attorney received in the My Account section on the web interface while there is a document view authorization, the proxy is transferred to the account received and the document In the Management section, click When versioning is done on the file, the error detail not showing fixed.  22115 – In the web interface, in the My Account section, click Switch to the proxy account and make the page fixed the fact that the proxy letter is not shown when refreshed.  23012 - File with Share button in Document Management section in web interface past date can be selected in the Specify expiration date field when creating the access link Fixed.  23015 – When viewing with Document Management Table View in the web interface fixed search results to be shown as Card View when searching.  23157 - file with Share button in Document Management section in web interface automatically marked with View authorization when creating the access link Fixed.  23273 – added Favorites in Document Management in the web interface Fixed the order of items to be shown in proper order when the page is refreshed.  23010 – File with Share button in Document Management section in web interface Specify expiration date does not appear in full when creating access link Fixed.

 10976 – In the Document Management section of the web interface, the contents of the file are deleted Fixed error when attempted.  25132 – In projects on all tabs in the Workflow Management section of the web interface, Fixed the display error that occurred when the overflow variable column was shown.  25742 – In finished processes or user in Workflow Management section in the web interface Ability to make changes to forms sent to the next person by taking action on Fixed.  23980 – When creating a new announcement in the Announcements section of the web interface, click Finish Fixed the ability to select the time on the Start Date earlier than the time on the Start Date.  24127 – When searching ComboBox object on form in web interface Fixed a search by uppercase/lowercase case with no results.  21107 – Background Col or Fixed selected color not appearing in the property.  24488 – Type Number in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Unable to search/filter in column fixed.  24345 – batch property on DataGrid object on form in Web interface is turned on Fixed getting an error.  24783 [YA24254] – The columns of the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface, Fixed the object moving when adding/deleting/editing operations.  24311 – inserting a new row in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface Fixed Save button not appearing when feature was active.  23714 – Row filters in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Fixed the cleaning button not appearing.  23716 – Export button in DataGrid object on form in web interface Boolean fields are not exported based on user language when used Fixed.  23462 – add/edit/delete in DataGrid object on form in web interface buttons inactive the leftmost column of the DataGrid object still appears fixed.  23271 – In the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface, the multilingual type Fixed filtering not appearing in columns.  23710 – Fill Form feature is enabled in DataGrid object on form in web interface Fixed the object not overlay when it happened.  23571 [YA23896] – In the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface Fixed OnSummaryChanged event not working.  25042 – When editing a row in) in a DataGrid object on a form in the Web interface Fixed disappearance of focus cursor in cell.  25234 – Toolbar Button in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface with new Fixed the ability to open a form other than the specified form in the toolbar when the form is opened.  25253 – Rows inserted in DataGrid object on form in web interface not showing up fixed.  24850 – Change to DataGrid in DataGrid object on form in Web interface row Fixed the fact that the change is not reflected when it is made.

 25131 – When inserting new rows" in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Fixed the mandatory when data is not entered in the columns, warning messages do not appear.  25421 – filtering is active in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface filtering features not appearing in columns fixed.  25429 – Last in inserted rows in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Fixed clicking the delete button twice to delete a row.  25432 – Between pages in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface the line with Show Command buttons when toggled (Save, Edit, Delete) and the line to which it belongs is not aligned fixed.  25469 – Of the attached row in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface When the values are updated and saved, the unupdated column Fixed data not display.  25507 – Open with Toolbar Button in DataGrid object on form in Web interface A Selection Received when the form is opened and desired to be saved by making a selection in the form that is opened bug fixed.  25508 – Open with Toolbar Button in DataGrid object on form in Web interface A Selection Form is opened and a selection is made, the process is sent/canceled and the new form is Fixed the fact that old selections continue to appear when the same action is done by opening it.  25515 – Number of times paging in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface Fixed the number of items shown on the object not updating when it changes.  25565 – As an actionbutton in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface added in the column Start A Process type by clicking the attached button in modal view Fixed event buttons not appearing in the pop-up form.  25581 – As an actionbutton in a DataGrid object on a form in a Web interface added Start A Process type in the column by clicking the button attached event in the opened form buttons not appearing fixed.  25705 – Open with Toolbar Button in DataGrid object on form in Web interface A Selection Form is opened selected and then saved again When the Selection Form is opened , selected items do not appear checked Edited.  25722 – Summary Type in column in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Fixed properties not showing properties in the object when active.  25740 – Filtering on columns in DataGrid object on form in web interface and fixed the filter result is not deleted when the filter is cleared.  25741 – Open with Toolbar Button in DataGrid object on form in Web interface A Selection When the form is opened and selected from different pages, the selections are multiplexed. Fixed the append to object.  23503 – In a form that is bound to a bound DataGrid object on a form in the Web interface, Changes to the form even if the user does not have the right to edit the form Fixed**.

 22960 – Create A Process in bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface Receiving a No authorization error when opening a different form in the same project with a Toolbar Button Fixed.  24901 – In the object column in the bound DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface When displaying the date value in the DocumentMetadata object in modal form, the date information is not displayed in the selected format in the DataGrid column fixed.  25400 – number in bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface column when the Use Thousand Separator property is active, the display of the thousand separator fixed not working according to input language.  23568 – Process by adding rows to bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface when sent to the next user to perform the operation, the DataGrid object is in the user Fixed the Edit button on the line not working.  25474 – row is added to bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface when an edit is made to an inserted row, the edit made is not made when the object is treated Fixed showing by adding a new line instead of a row.  24087 – Active Date in DateRangePicker object on form in Web interface Fixed not working according to selected values in the Types and Disabled Date Types fields.  23799 – Defined in DocumentMetadata object on form in Web interface Fixed number formation different from format.  25194 – When selecting within the Lookup object on a form in the Web interface Fixed the fact that the filter clearing button in the Selection panel opened from the object did not work.  24048 – A static item with attached" in a RadioList object on a form in the web interface When one is shown as selected, the search is performed within the items of Fixed the result of .  23783 – Show Path of When the File feature is on, the file is uploaded from the document management and the process is the next operation When sent to the user who will display the file path incorrectly in the confirmation Fixed.  23451 [YA23806] – In the Related Documents object on the form in the Web interface horizontal scroll bar does not appear when viewing uploaded file fixed.  24273 – Object title in TabMenu object on form in Web interface (Caption) continues to display when it is off fixed.  25102 – In the TreeSelect object on the form in the Web interface, the selected element is not a Fixed not appearing in the next user to take action.  25721 – Elements within the object in the TreeView object on the form in the Web interface expand the arrow or object elements in a field next to the checkbox if the checkbox is active Fixed items within the object disappearing when clicked.  17589 – Date format in UserMetadata object on form in Web interface the data is sent for user approval, in the wrong format when the person logs in with the English language show fixed.

 22212 – Document under Docs button on form in web interface selected in public fields in TagBox/ListBox/Transfer objects on the form not showing all items fixed.  22209 – When clicking the Flow Properties button on the form in the web interface when there are too many features in the panel shown** it will be displayed beyond the page Fixed.  23833 – row header is long in the Flow Properties panel on form in web interface Fixed the visual bug that occurred when it happened.  24057 – When the object with value type date on the form is found in the web interface form not opening fixed.  23235 – security shown when entering password incorrectly on the login page in the web interface Logging in when the login is attempted by entering the username password correctly with the picture incorrect Fixed.  21898 – CSP Archive/Process Archieve forms displayed in web interface When requested, the Flow object that comes in the archive query is now in the flow design Fixed receiving object reference error when not found.  22292 – document (e.g. pdf) instead of form in the approval process in the web interface When displayed, in the Creation Date field in the Flow Properties Panel, click the date information not showing fixed.  24016 [YA24037] – When an operation is performed in the web interface in a process that comes to group approval, flow history not being able to understand the information of the person who is performing operations on it has been fixed.  25140 – When the process is submitted for approval in the web interface, the validator in the user Fixed the inability to Save/Confirm operations.  25420 – To the upload manager) that appears when the file is uploaded in the web interface (Upload Manager) does not open the property panel when clicked.  24461 – Replace placeholder text expression in Search field on home page in web interface multilingual notation fixed.

3.2. Development Interface

 25462 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – In the DataGrid" object, in the Property Viewer by adding a column of type number to the column Fixed the inability to select SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, AVG properties.  25499 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – In the DataGrid" object, in the Property Viewer, select allPage in the Selection Mode field and select The error received when saving the form has been fixed.  25862 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – Fixed the page closes when the form is displayed containing the DataGrid object.  24089 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – DateRangerPicker" objects in the Disabled Date Type field in the Property Viewer Fixed Past Disabled selecting today in object in web interface.  24247 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – DateRangerPicker" objects in the Property Viewer Disabled Date Range field Fixed the dates entered not being able to be selected in the object in the web interface.  24394 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – DateRangerPicker" objects in the Property Viewer Disabled Date Range field , range end date cannot be selected in object in web interface Fixed.  25541 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – DocumentMetadata" object in Property Viewer as Metadata type Id Fixed the selection not being saved.  23821 – In the Development interface "Form Design Objects – TreeSelect/TreeView" objects in the Property Viewer as Hierarcy Type Fixed an error in the web interface when Children by was selected.  23952 – When creating new form in Solution Explorer in the development interface when the project is published with an outage error "Flow Design Objects – Document" Fixed the appearance of two of the forms that were attempted to be created in the object.  18818 – When a newly created project in the development interface is compiled for the first time, the "Flow Design Objects – Document" object receives form not found warning fixed.  22273 – In the "Flow Design Objects – Export to PDF" object in the development interface When the Custom Font in the Feature Viewer is activated and the color value is changed, Fixed Error getting in export to PDF in web interface.  22276 – In the Development interface "Flow Design Objects – Export to PDF" object In the Feature Viewer, select Add Watermark Active and select Watermark Source in the when watermark image is selected , in the web interface Error when exporting to PDF Fixed.  22281 – In the "Flow Design Objects – Export to PDF" object in the authoring interface When data is typed into the Caption field in the Property Viewer, the inserted information is in the pdf not showing** fixed.

 18183 – In the Development interface "Flow Design Objects – Scheduler" object Timeout when Time Out Day in the Feature Viewer is entered as 1 and higher event not working fixed.  24017 [YA24015] – In the form field in Solution Explorer in the development interface, in the form field CSP When the Archive/Process Archieve forms are created, the DataGrid object in the form belongs to fixed the enclosure of culture information as tr-TR in the data source query.  23616 – In the development interface form imported when importing form from outside When the name and the treated form name are different, the application in the Rules Manager is running fixed their time.  23804 – In attached query in DataSource section in development interface Fixed the Execution Type field to leave blank and compile.  21870 – new CSP Process Archieve Form in Solution Explorer in the development interface when creating error when selecting an unsaved stream in the rendering panel Fixed.  23953 – When creating a new form in Solution Explorer in the development interface When the project is published with a time-out error, the Multi-language feature is turned on in the DataGrid Fixed columns of the object not forming.  22925 – In the development interface asset folder when project is imported even if the file extension of the files is shown, in Document Management in the web interface Fixed file download without extension when downloaded in asset.  24310 – In the Development interface, in the Project Manager section, the project is deleted and changed to the same name Fixed an error when re-creating and publishing a project.  25204 – Done when project is selected in Project Manager section in the development interface selection disappearing fixed.  22257 – Data source with integer type parameter in development interface in the bound form object select field selection in the parameter and set the parameter value to "Form Design Objects – UserMetadata" object with department ID in the form Fixed Properties of the UserMetadata object are not listed when attempting to select it.  19677 – In the development interface Technical domains in the Feature Viewer Corrected non-English wording.  23901 [YA24019] – Customized electronic in flow design in development interface When the mail template is active and the HTML code in the field is deleted and saved the HTML code fixed that it keeps appearing.

3.3. Mobile

3.3.1. Android

 23455 – Hidden in DataGrid object on form in project designed as Native+ Fixed the Row Column attribute from active to not hiding matching rows in the property.  23682 – In the project designed as Native+, the Actions field in the Documents list Fixed it to come blank.  23773 – Multi DataGrid object on form in project designed as Native+ Fixed the disappearance of expression entered in the column supporting language input.  24156 – args.cancel in typescript in DataGrid object on form in project Fixed not canceling the operation made if used.  23338 – In the project designed as Webview, the DataGrid object on the form When a new form is created with the Toolbar Button, the visibility of the opened form is turned off Fixed the appearance of NumberBox objects, which should be.  24588 – Document list in Actions in the project designed as Native+ Fixed it to come blank.

3.3.2. iOS

 23682 – In the project designed as Native+, the Actions field in the Documents list Fixed it to come blank.  23773 – Multi DataGrid object on form in project designed as Native+ Fixed the disappearance of expression entered in the column supporting language input.  24156 – args.cancel in typescript code in DataGrid object on form in project Fixed not canceling the transaction if used.  23338 – In the project designed as Webview, the DataGrid object on the form When a new form is created with the Toolbar Button, the visibility of the opened form is turned off Fixed the appearance of NumberBox objects, which should be.  25816 - In Chart objects on form in project designed as Native+ fixed tags appearing on top of each other.

3.4. Other

 24371 [OR24132] – Instance in SYSTEMCONFIGURATION table in database
When the value of the Localcache value is added to the value of the key, the additional contains electronic
fixed their mail not being sent.
 24606 [YA24230] – New SAP connection in Connections section of development interface
When creating/editing the existing connection, enter the Remote Agent IP field with the message "system
 25026 – Property on "Form Design Objects – Charts" objects in the development interface
The Interaction with values field in the Zoom and Pan area of the viewer
its renaming has been changed to Zoom region key.
 21613 [YA23964] – replacing the language parameter with api/web/shared/createlink
when a form is linked to access in different languages, the Tabs object in the web interface
Fixed the element title to be shown in other language.
 10166 – Various visual edits in the Document Management section of the web interface
 10165 – Filled out the new profile form in the Document Management section of the web interface
Various visual edits were made to the panel.
 21767 – Document versioning in Document Management section in web interface,
Various edits have been made to the file content, relationships panels.
 21734 – Changed the DataGrid view in the Workflow Management section of the web interface.
 23828 – Proxies and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface
The field in the DataGrid view has been changed.
 24363 - Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface
Visual arrangements were made in the area.

4. Breaking Change

1 - Projects must be published again

2 - Before running the Android mobile app, the data from the apps on the device is wiped should be opened.

3 - Working Type is empty in queries under the DataSource folder in the project build process If;

"Message":"Error converting value {null} to type 'Bimser.Synergy.Entities.DataSource.Providers.Database.MSSQL.MSSQLExecutionType'.

error. To do this, check the files under the DataSource folder and empty them A selection should be made for the Work Type that is dropped, and the project should be compiled as such.

4 - Available after Remote Operation enhancement to TreeView and TreeSelect objects Data will not be listed in objects in projects. For this reason, for objects in existing projects; The desired selection should be made in the Hierarcy Type field from the Feature Viewer field and should be linked to The project should be published by selecting the resulting parent key/children key.

5 - Project import In the imported form, the datasource field objects in the imported form are subject to DataSource Although the feature appears to be full, the selection appears empty when turned on. For this reason, data on the web is also is not listed. In these objects, the datasource field is checked and selected again and the project should be published.

6 - After adding the Scheduler object to the form and connecting the datasource, from the columns editor If the source is not specified in the columns, the following error is received in the Save operation. This In this case, the save operation should be done by making the corresponding selection in the Columns field.

"Message\":\"For scheduler control, you must fill in the source field key value. SchedulerName : #Scheduler2 ColumnName : #id\",\"Data\":null,\"InnerException\"

7 - In the Editing Settings area in DataGrid objects, the web is blank because the selection for Mode is blank Save, Edit buttons do not come in the process of inserting rows on the side. mode:row/batch should be selected and the project should be published again.

8 - Due to corruption in DataSource files in some projects, during compilation, the following error is received:

"Message":"ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Bimser.CSP.DataSource.Generator.Providers.MSSQLGeneratorProvider" The following steps should be followed to resolve this error:

8.1- As in Example1, this error occurs because the Datasource appears to be empty.


8.2- In source mode, the value of the properties field must be converted to json format. (Example 2)


8.3- To do this, using Chrome devtools, the properties value is copied and copied to devtoolsa must be glued. (Example3)


8.4- The data obtained in blue color just below it, without adding the leading and ending quotes it should be copied and saved by pasting it into the properties field and preceding it with a comma. (Example4)


8.5- When the datasource is opened again, it is seen that the content comes properly. (Example5)


8.6- Then you should right-click again and open the welding mode.

The line "loadOptions": null should be deleted and saved.

8.7- When the datasource is executed by opening it again and all these steps are corrupted datasources When repeated for , the error will disappear.

9 - The following error is received in the project build process due to views:

[12:02:19.244][ERROR] : [Flow1][The view named default not found on Form1.]

To resolve the error:

  • The project should be compiled or saved by making an object in the form by making add/subtract.
  • The flow that occurred with the error opens and in the View area of the Document object, click the Refresh button must be clicked.
  • Recompilation should be done by selecting the view that comes after the refresh operation.

These steps should be applied to all flows that fail.

10 - When the name of the form created with the CSP App Form is changed and the corresponding flow is opened on the web side When attempted, a 404 is returned on the ping endpoint and the form does not open. Therefore:

  • The corresponding flow created in the CSP Flow Designer opens.
  • Flow's Document properties are reset and the information is entered as up-to-date.
  • Saved and republished.

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