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Release Notes (2.22.0)

(28 March 2022 - 22 April 2022)

1. Highlights / New Features

'26053' - When defining Event Form to events of Flow Design Objects in the development interface, the defined forma can be sent from an object in the flow or constant value so that the parameters given in the objects within the event form can be used**.

🔗 Click for the walkthrough video on sending parameters to the document object

'19921 [YA22815]' - Enabled sending e-mail in Flow Design Objects - Position/Position Group/Information objects in the development interface, sending as an e-mail attachment in files attached to Related Documents object in the form.

🔗 Click for the video on defining additional representation in objects

'22379' - Added the Show Character Counter property in the Property Viewer on Form Design Objects - TextBox/TextArea/HTMLTextBox objects in the development interface. The web interface shows how many characters are typed in the object on which the feature is activated/total character limit information in real time. The Form Design Objects - HTMLTextBox object shows how many characters are typed in total when the property is opened. The Char Counter Max field in the HTMLTextBox object can limit how many characters can be entered into the object by entering the number value, which shows how many characters have been typed/how many characters can be entered in total.

🔗 Click for show character count usage video

'17809 [YA22156]' - Enabled comparison of the value from two variable objects in the stream in the Property Viewer in the Flow Design Objects - Compare object in the development interface. In order to compare two variables, when adding a new result in the comparison object in the Property Viewer Results field the Liquid option must be selected as the value type, and in the value field the Liquid Template version of the variable to be compared (for example, {{varCompare2.Value}} **) must be written.

🔗 Click for a comparison of two variables usage video

'27587' - By performing API level processing on the Flow Design Objects - Export to PDF object in the development interface, it is possible to transfer the given values to the PDF. In parameters with data from both the code and the form, the data entered in the code is added to the PDF.

🔗 Click for Export to PDF API usage video

'26685' - Added Allow Hiding field to columns added to columns added to Columns in Property Viewer in Form Design Objects - DataGrid object in the development interface to prevent the column from being hidden on the column selector when the field is activated in the column.

🔗 Click for DataGrid Allow Hiding usage video

'5525' - In the development interface, the Coding field has been added in the Feature Viewer area in the flow design, allowing define relevant parameters to avoid the infinite loop that can occur in the flow.

2. Improvements

'27784' - Added addItem method into typescript methods to add items in Form Design Objects - ComboBox object in the authoring interface.

'24769' - Added the S electedRowKeys method to the methods used in the Development interface for the Form Design Objects - DataGrid** object, so that when the method content is full, the corresponding rows are checked in the DataGrid object.

'26394' - Form Design Objects - DataGrid object in the development interface Parameters field added to the Open A Form and Open A Process button types in actionButton that can be added within the Columns and Toolbar Buttons fields in the Property Viewer so that it can be parameterized within the operation** process.

'27943' - Added Icon Source Field to Columns in the Property Viewer on Form Design Objects - DataGrid objects in the development interface. In the object** columns, it was ensured that the icon in the column was shown according to the value entered in the corresponding column in the selected selection by selecting itself or another column.

🔗 Click for DataGrid Icon Source Field usage video

'26069' - Added OnCellEditorInitilizing event to the Client events list in Property Viewer on Form Design Objects - DataGrid objects in the development interface.

'26593' - In the development interface, the Flow Design Objects - Information object has been added the Continue If Error Occured option in the Property Viewer to without stopping the stream if any error occurs in the object while the option is active and continuing the flow by ignoring the error.

'27093' - Added Parameters field in the Flow Design Objects - Document object in the development interface.

'18062' - Added show other application times when more than one application time is found in the Actions section of a rule defined in the Rules Manager section of the development interface, where it appears to be +2 where other application times are hosted, hovering over the expression with the mouse pointer.

'25980' - OnExecuteAction event added to the Client events list in the form's Property Viewer in the development interface.

'27234' - Added the ability to modify the table creation rule in the Data Definition Language (DDL) field in the form's Property Viewer in the development interface. Database tables are created with the values entered in the Prefix and Field Name fields. If Prefix information is not entered, the database table is created as Prefix value project name**. (E_{Prefix}_{DDLName})

'26512' - In the web interface, Document Management will be opened in the Document Management section, when the appropriate viewer is not available for documents whose file view type cannot be detected, the viewer is opened by selecting according to the user's file type.

'27323' - When creating a new version of a file in the Document Management section of the web interface, it is possible to check whether it is the default version in the panel opened with , Complete Work **.

'27686 [YA24838]' - Added the ability to sort and filter within the column by clicking on the project column headings in the fields in the Workflow Management** section of the web interface.

'26798' - Changed the design of the Add, Save, Close buttons in the App Explorer panel on the web interface.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

'15541' - Fixed an error when viewing Office Online and .xls, .xlam, .xlmt, .xltx files and video not playing in files with .mp4 extensions in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'26976' - Fixed Subscriber button appearing when a file is selected in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'22106' - Fixed the incorrect expression in the panel content that opens when adding a new file in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'28338' - Fixed visual anomalies in the pop-up panel by clicking the Share button in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'25633' - Fixed the splitting of the contents of the sheet in the file when viewing Excel files in the Document Management** section in the web interface.

'26861' - Removed showing the preview button when viewing Excel files in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'27199' - Fixed showing sheets of multiple blank Excel files in the panel when viewing Excel files in the Document Management section in the web interface.

'27290' - Fixed displaying other sheet contents of the file in the panel tab when viewing Excel files in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'27291' - Fixed multiple tabs for sheets when viewing Excel files in the Document Management section of the web interface**.

'27374' - Fixed some types not opening in .mp4 files with different encoding information when displaying .mp4 extension files in Document Management** in the web interface.

'27749 [YA24910]' - Fixed that user approvals were not listed in Approvals in the History field in the Workflow Management section of the web interface.

'27103' - Fixed that in the approval list for the project in the Workflow Management section of the web interface, the checklist would not open if the columns to be shown in Workflow Management were customized by the project was previously deleted and re-deployed to the system**.

'20864' - Fixed that if the process progressed by opening the Approvals area in the Workflow Management section of the web interface comes to user approval again, the Approvals list on the home page is not updated when the Workflow Management panel is closed.

'27064 [OR24645]' - Fixed the number of processes listed in the History field in the Workflow Management** section of the web interface was incorrect.

'28389' - Fixed that when a form opened from the fill out a form menu in the web interface is saved by clicking the Save as Draft button on the form toolbar and redisplaying it from within the Drafts tab in the Workflow Management menu, the edit operation on the form cannot be performed.

'22049' - Fixed operations to add new users/edit existing user information in the Users section of the Human Resources section of the web interface so that when the e-mail field is left blank, the transaction can be saved.

'22926' - Fixed unable to enter data in the code field when creating a new company in the Companies field in the Human Resources section of the web interface.

'24060' - Fixed the selected item is not clear in the list selections in the Add new user/edit existing user information operations in the Users field in the Human Resources section of the web interface.

'24065' - Fixed that selecting company selected in the Companies field in the Human Resources section of the web interface from the drop-down list in the process of defining an administrator and clicking OK ** does not register the selected user.

'25240' - Fixed a panel that opened in the process of adding new items in the Salaries field in the Human Resources section of the web interface not displaying the header information.

'26836' - Fixed one opened record without closing the other record from the fields in Organization Maintenance in the Human Resources section of the web interface.

'26841' - Fixed content is blank when editing an attached record in the Position Maintenance field in Organization Maintenance in Human Resources in the web interface.

'24503' - Fixed some of the keys defined in the Admin Keys field in the Human Resources section of the web interface not showing the delete icon**.

'24690' - Fixed a visual error in columns in the Positions and Overtime fields in the Human Resources section of the web interface.

'21737' - Fixed the wording of the title of the User Groups field in the Human Resources** section of the web interface.

'22272' - Fixed panel view changes on low-resolution screens when selecting Node Operation Type eBA Integration in the panel that opens when adding a new item in the Application Explorer section of the web interface.

'26675' - Fixed the display of messages of password rules in the Change My Password field in the My Account section of the web interface after the new password is retyped**.

'26692' - Fixed the showing the new proxy panel when clicking the new proxy button in the My Account section in the My Account section and closing the panel listing the proxies immediately afterwards**.

'27160' - Fixed that the Status column and data were not aligned in the Status column in the Powers of Attorneys and Access Keys section in the My Account section of the web interface.

'22475' - Fixed the Showing members of the previously displayed group in the Members tab when switching between privilege groups in the Security section of the web interface.

'21909' - Fixed that when viewing the content of the Security section in the web interface, clicking the Home button would not load the contents of the section when clicking the Security tab on breadcrumb after the page transition.

'23031' - Fixed the erroneous wording in the panel title when displayed in the Announcements section of the web interface to edit an existing announcement.

'27069 [YA24785]' - Fixed a visual distortion when the menu breakdown with the Search item searched for in the main page on the web interface was excessive.

'21505' - Fixed Unable to write 1 in RGB values fields in ColorPicker object on form in web interface.

'21294' - Fixed no results when searching for data after 100 items listed in the ComboBox object on the form in the web interface.

'27826 [YA25090]' - Fixed the listing of items from the old data source when the data source changes in the ComboBox** object on the form in the web interface.

'28464' - Fixed selected items not appearing in next user in ComboBox , Dropdown , ListBox , RadioList objects in the web interface depending on the data source on the form.

'23998' - Fixed that ComboBox object using selected values from DateRangePicker object on form as parameters in Web interface is not listing data in ComboBox object based on value selection made in DateRangePicker object**.

'19436' - Fixed an ComboBox object that uses value from Switch object on form as a parameter in the Web interface, unable to make a selection in the ComboBox object when the Switch object is not selected.

'26975' - Fixed that items were not listed in the ComboBox object when the Switch object was not selected when the Switch object was not selected in the ComboBox object that used value as a parameter in the web interface.

'27359' - Fixed a click on an option in the ContextMenu** that opens a form in the web interface does not close the pop-up menu.

'27165' - Fixed ability to add new row when DataGrid object on form in web interface is readonly state.

'27841' - Fixed multiple selections and no selection boxes in the panel opened by the Open A Selection Form button in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'26901' - Fixed that the Open A Selection Form button in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface does not work with the Selection Settings properties defined for the opened panel.

'26941' - Fixed an error in the web interface when reloading with code typed on the server side in the DataGrid** object on the form.

'26432' - Fixed an error when clicking the button to make a second selection after making and saving a selection in the panel opened by the Open A Selection Form button on the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'27063 [YA24638]' - Fixed the ability to insert blank data into a Allow Null field no value column in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'27782' - Fixed Unable to select when sorting on columns in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'27889' - Fixed closing of the multi-language panel when performing data entry for the other language in the multi-language column of the object while batch mode is active in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'27923 [OR24938]' - Fixed DataGrid object on form in web interface filtering on date type column with no results.

'28128' - Fixed that the entered value is not shown in the row if zero value is entered in the column of type number in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'28136' - Fixed that filters on column header of time (time) type in DataGrid object on form and in column header of select type, ends, equals, does not work in web interface.

'28298' - Fixed that filtering within column header in DataGrid object on form in web interface does not show DataGrid content again when cleared filtered**.

'28399' - Fixed data entered in a column of type time in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface to be shown incorrectly when editing rows**.

'25386' - Fixed that the date information in the DocumentMetadata object in the form opened from the bound DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface is incorrectly shown** in the DataGrid object column.

'26929' - Fixed that searching with values in the column contents of text and numbers typed using the lookup field of the DataGrid object connected to the Rest data source on the form in the web interface does not return results.

'254722' - Fixed processes/forms opened from DataGrid on CSP Archive Form in the web interface to show a view other than the view that the person who performed the action in was processing when viewing the report.

'27630' Fixed error received when filtering using column headers or lookup field of DataGrid object connected to Rest data source on form in web interface.

'24058' - Fixed center and left align properties not working in the HTMLTextBox object on the form in the web interface.

'24061' - Fixed visual distortion that occurred when clicking on the full screen function in the HTMLTextBox object on the form in the web interface.

'28349' - Fixed the display of continuouslyloading when clicking on the last page in the selection panel in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface.

'28346' - Fixed that clicking on the lastpage in the selection panel in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface would list the page even if there was no data within the page**.

'28253' - Fixed content not loading on the second and subsequent pages in the selection panel in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface.

'28352' - Fixed selection panel contents sometimes not listed in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface.

'24040' - Fixed a position where column headings were not visible when the contents of the Lookup object on the form in the web interface were populated with the LoadFrom method of the object. (Not: A second parameter has been optionally added to the LoadFrom method as Session. By giving Session information to the method, the column headings come according to the culture information in the Session. If the second parameter, Session, is not added to the method, the culture information is automatically retrieved as system.)

'25182' - Fixed the spacing in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface, the representation in the selection panel.

'25197' - Fixed the display that occurs when all columns are hidden by selecting them in the selection panel in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface.

'26693' - Fixed that when changing the number of items to display on the last page in the selection panel in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface, blank rows were inserted as much as the selection when the data was not filled in**.

'27824' - Fixed display of the highlighted control image in the object in the Lookup and Password objects on the form in the web interface.

'28420' - Fixed an issue where the Lookup object using the value in the Switch object on the form as a parameter in the Web interface could not be selected in the Lookup object when the Switch object was not selected**.

'21061' - Fixed display distortion in form DataGrid object in form when SeachBox object is selected in Mirror object on form in web interface and when performing operations in SeachBox in mirror.

'26857' - Fixed that the information in the web interface to the Related Documents object on the form, indicating the directory in which the uploaded file is located is not visible to the next performing user.

'26831' - Fixed that when clicking on the ellipsis icon in an embedded item in the Related Documents object on the form in the web interface, the pop-up panel does not close when clicked anywhere on the form.

'23776' - Fixed that in the Related Documents object on the form in the web interface, the object may delete and save the description defined in the file attached to the object if the object requires annotation when attaching a file.

'23795' - Fixed visual distortion that occurred in the Related Documents object on the form in the web interface, within the panel showing the allowed file types.

'28438' - Fixed an selected items not appearing in the next user in the TagBox object connected to data source on the form in the web interface.

'28286' - Fixed that information about Custom properties in UserMetadata objects on a form in the web interface is not shown when the process is advanced to the next user to take action.

'26001' - Fixed the request date details panel opening in the background when the mouse pointer is positioned on the request date of the flow steps in the panel opened by clicking the Flow History** button on the form in the web interface.

'20112' - Fixed the flow history list to be closed when the opened form is closed when the opened form is closed, when the Flow history panel is opened by clicking the Flow History button on the form in the web interface.

'27351' - Fixed the incorrect representation of Save as Draft button on the form in the web interface when the system is used with the English language.

'26988' - when sending process to next transaction in web interface; Fixed an error in the web interface sending operation if Title object as the source object was selected in the Title object in the stream and system title was selected in the result ** field in the object.

'28289' - Fixed that if the document is defined if the current document is defined is not shown in one of the documents listed in the initiated process in the web interface.

'27766' - Fixed an error when using the Forgot Password option on the login page in the web interface error when the user's Gender information is not defined.

'28261' - Fixed error in project when attempting to transfer value from DateTimePicker object on form to PDF while the process was going through the Export to PDF object when starting the process from the menu in the web interface.

'28256' - Fixed the error received in the web interface in ServiceAPI when the process was started.

3.2. Development Interface

'27552' - Fixed unable to insert a form design object into the contents of the Form Design Objects - Collapse** object in the development interface.

'27700 'Fixed that Expanding can be enabled on only one of the added items when the Accordion feature is turned off in the Property Viewer in the Form Design Objects - Collapse object in the Development interface.

'23808' - In the Development interface In the Development interface Form Design Objects - ColorPicker in the Property Viewer in the Property Viewer the Required property has been removed.

'27088' - Fixed project not compiling when a Open A Selection Form type button is defined in the Toolbar Buttons field in the Property Viewer on the Form Design Objects - DataGrid object in the development interface.

'26077' - Fixed that when a button of type Open A Selection Form is defined in the Toolbar Buttons area in the Property Viewer on the Form Design Objects - DataGrid object in the development interface, the column hidden in the web interface continues to be shown when their appearance is turned off in the generated columns defined to the button**.

'26043' - Fixed Icon Source field not appearing in generated columns after columns are generated by defining Open A Selection Form type button in Toolbar Buttons field in Property Viewer in Form Design Objects - DataGrid object in development interface and selecting the data source on the button.

'25979' - Fixed that Form Design Objects - DataGrid object in the development interface does not list the Icon Source Field field contents of the generated column when new column is created in the Columns field in the Property Viewer without defining a data source.

'27789' - Fixed column generation in the Columns field and inability to select in the Icon Source Field field in embedded columns when the data source is defined in the Property Viewer in the Form Design Objects - DataGrid** object in the development interface.

'27971' - Fixed visual errors in the panel that opens when generating columns in the Columns field in the Property Viewer on the Form Design Objects - DataGrid** object in the development interface.

'27337' - DDL value error fetching in Form Design Objects - DocumentMetadata object in the development interface, has been fixed.

'22977' - Fixed the discrepancy between listed statuses and status hosted by document object by selecting a document object in the Property Viewer in the Flow Design Objects - Document State object in the development interface.

'21900' - Removed the ability to select ContextMenu object on the form as the source object in the Property Viewer in the Flow Design Objects - Variable object in the development interface.

'26716' - Fixed that when Transfer object in form is selected in the Property Viewer in the Flow Design Objects - Variable object in the development interface, and the variable content is used in the system, only the most recently selected value in the Transfer object in the form is shown within the variable object.

'27970' - Fixed that selecting Target Document and Source Object in the Property Viewer in the Flow Design Objects - Variable object in the development interface would show the selected source object in all variable objects in the stream.

'21201' - Fixed the form selection in the Property Viewer in the Flow Design Objects - Document object in the development interface, receiving an error when starting the build process without saving the flow.

'28369' - Fixed an error in the web interface when defining a document to be sent in electronic mail in the Attachments field in the Property Viewer in the Flow Design Objects - Position/Position Group object in the development interface.

'21606' - Arranged to be at the top of the list in the order in which the ProcessItems folder is located in the DataSource section in the Solution Explorer** section in the development interface.

'27166' - Fixed that when REST type item is added to DataSource in Solution Explorer in the development interface and the Caching feature is turned off, the web interface sends the corresponding caching feature as active when requesting the query.

'25586' - Fixed that in the development interface, in the Rules Manager section, when a new item is added in the Actions field of the created rule, the Highlighted Controls feature in the added item is selected and the defined highlighted control feature in the web interface does not work**.

'22473' - Fixed the appearance of removed flow objects in the pop-up panel when the connection arrow is removed from Flow Design Objects in the development interface.

'27022' - Fixed the display of two Visible properties in a event defined in the field if the object has an Events field in the Property Viewer in the Development interface Stream Design Objects**.

'24315' - Fixed that defining the background image in the Development interface in the form's Property Viewer and clicking the Preview button on the toolbar does not show the image defined in the preview phase.

'28245' - Fixed attached statuses appearing incorrectly when displaying the Statuses field in the Feature Viewer of the form** in the development interface.

'24125' - Fixed that when clicking the top left button in the development interface and clicking the Open Solution button on the Open tab in the drop-down menu, the header and file type fields appear incorrectly in the panel that opens.

'20617' - Fixed an error when creating a new empty project into new empty solution in the development interface.

'27905' - Fixed when new empty project is created into new empty solution in the development interface, created project does not open.

'11217' - Fixed user login when not authorized to access the interface in the development interface.

'27685 [YA25013]' - Fixed failure to process data retrieved within the OnChildFormReturn method on the main form when typing parameter send code from the opened form to the main form using the OnUnload/OnChildFormReturn methods in the development interface.

'28513' - Fixed a bug received during the preview phase when clicking the Preview button on the form toolbar** in the development interface

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

'26684' - Fixed the default display of External Accounts on the password entry screen when the mobile app is opened.

'27123' - Fixed the incorrect display of the selected values in columns of type Time, Date, Datetime in the DataGrid object on the form in the project designed as Native+.

'28360' - Fixed the issue that opened the opened form could not be saved even if the object contents were filled in, while the NumberBox was required in the form opened from the DataGrid object on the form in the project designed as Native+.

'25754' - Fixed the current value is not shown when assigning value by code to NumberBox object on form in project designed as Native+.

'27735' - Fixed the Progress bar that shows the load rate when a file is loaded into the Related Documents object on the form in the project designed as Native+.

iOS 4.2.

'26684' - Fixed External Accounts coming up by default on the password entry screen when the mobile app is opened.

'27123' - Fixed the incorrect display of the selected values in columns of type Time, Date, Datetime in the DataGrid object on the form in the project designed as Native+.

'28360' - Fixed that in the form NumberBox opened from the DataGrid object on the form, NumberBox in the project designed as Native+ could not save** the opened form could not be saved even if the object contents were filled in.

'25754' - Fixed that the current value is not shown when a value is assigned with code to the NumberBox object on the form in the project designed as Native+**.

5. Other

'22854' - Fixed erroneous wording in message in sent e-mail when requesting password reset with Forgot Password in the web interface.

'27210' - In the web interface, in the Document Management section, subscribe to the folder and change the button in the incoming e-mail according to the operation performed, the button is not shown when the deletion is performed.

'26709' - Added message indicating which feature should be selected to be used in the authenticator app where the QR ID will be saved when multi-factor authentication (MFA) is turned on in the Security Settings area in the My Account section of the web interface.

'26847' - Fixed subscribing to folder in Document Management in the web interface and not writing subscribed folder information in incoming e-mail according to the operation done on the folder.

'27173' - Improved the display in the web interface if the process is initiating downstream , in the flow history.

'27926 [YA25103]' - Fixed an error when starting a process using the StartWorkflowWithDocument service.

6. Breaking Change

  • Projects should be republished.

  • Position does not work when the value {{Document1.FileId }} listed for the value value is selected when we select the type value as flow in the Attachment property on Position Group objects; Entering {{Document1.DocumentId}} sends the current document attached.

  • DataGrid-Columns-Allow Hiding: false works on new datagrid instances, behaves as true in existing datagrid instances, and can drag columns to the Columns Chooser area even though it is false. For the solution, the existing object must be redesigned in the same way by adding a new DataGrid.

  • When you connect a datasource to a dynamic DataGrid and generate columns, if there is a STATUS column, the Data Definition Language Field Name must be changed by switching from the columns properties to the Control tab. The name STATUS has been updated to a reserved field. Therefore, in existing projects, you need to change the Data Definition Language(DDL) Field Name to the STATUS column.

  • In an imported project, the contents of the datasource are empty; The Selection Settings-Disable Value Column Name field in the DataGrid object does not list the column data. To do this, the corresponding queries must be selected again in the DataSource field.

  • In the Editing Settings area of DataGrid objects, the Save, Edit buttons do not come up in the process of adding rows on the web side due to the fact that the selection for Mode is empty.The project should be published again by selecting mode:row/batch in the corresponding object.

  • The following error is received in the project build process due to views:

> [12:02:19.244][ERROR] : [Flow1][The view named default not found on Form1.]

To resolve the error: 1) The project should be compiled or saved by adding/subtracting an object from the form. 2) The flow with the error should be opened and the Refresh button should be clicked in the View area in the Document object. 3) Recompilation should be done by selecting the view that comes after the refresh operation.

These steps should be applied to all flows that fail.

  • In some projects, the following error is received during compilation due to corruption in DataSource files:

> "Message":"ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Bimser.CSP.DataSource.Generator.Providers.MSSQLGeneratorProvider"

The following steps should be followed to resolve this error:

As in Example1 in 8.1, this error happens because the DataSource appears empty.

In 8.2 source mode, the value of the properties field needs to be converted to json format. (Example2)

8.3 To do this, you need to copy and paste into the devtools what is written in the properties value using Chrome devtools. (Example3)


8.4'The data obtained in blue color just below it should be copied without the leading and trailing quotes and saved by pasting it into the properties field and preceding it with a comma. (Example4)


8.5' When the datasource is opened again, it seems that the content is coming in properly. (Example5) Example5

8.6' then you should right click again and open the welding mode.
"loadOptions": null, the line should be deleted and saved.

8.7 When the Datasource is executed by opening it again and all these steps are repeated for the corrupted datasources, the error will disappear.

In a Lookup object with parameters of 9, a Lookup object whose value type is integer does not receive a value value when attempting to retrieve the value from another Lookup object with fieldSelection. After changing the value type of the related object from integer value to string value and saying save all, it should be changed to integer value again and save all operation should be done.