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Release Notes (2.28.0)

(7 November 2022 - 2 December 2022)

1. Highlights / New Features

  • 34658 - In the authoring interface, the DataGrid object is set to Column under the Appearance property Hiding Enabled toggle button added. This property of the DataGrid object is less than the width Ellipsis button to line for easier viewing of columns when added to show the remaining columns in the panel by clicking on this point Provides. The Hiding Priority field in the column properties is displayed in the ColumnWorks with Hiding enabled. The order of columns to be shown in the panel that opens at the bottom is the part where it is entered in number format.
  • 22472 - Requesting browsers are blocked within the application, using this browser Improved the blocking of users from logging in. GetLoginParameters Added "browserManagement" to the endpoint for browser restrictions.

2. Improvements

  • 29555 - Sent to another user when file sharing is performed in the web interface Improved the Selection of file opening language of the file.
  • 35952 - folder creation and file creation in Document Management to the web interface The DeleteFolder method has been developed for use in operations.
  • 18157 [YA22287] - View file property in Related Documents object in web interface When closed and the file is uploaded to the form, the View File button cannot be clicked instead, the hide file feature has been improved.
  • 20763 - In the web interface, when adding New Menu Element to the Application Explorer Node Removed the panel size option from the No Action Type option.
  • 22298 - In the Users section of the Human Resources section of the web interface In the pop-up window to add a new User, select Phone , Registration Number , CitizenshipMaximum character limit and mask entry feature have been added to Number fields. When adding New Work from Job in the Human Resources section, the Job name and JobSpecial character entry is blocked in Code fields.
  • 34869 - After clicking toolbarsavebutton on the Event form in the web interface to make the recording time understandable, the LoadingImproved animation representation.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

3.1.1. Document Management

  • 36442 - Appearing when entering the Document Management page in the web interface console errors have been fixed.
  • 34173 - In the directory settings in Document Management in the web interface, added Fixed Multiple data deletion error when attempting to delete features.
  • 36440 - Add New Folder and File in Document Management in the web interface installation error fixed.
  • 36470 - When accessing repositories in Document Management in the web interface, all ** Empty error when clicking the Warehouses tab has been fixed.
  • 35857 - Web interface in Document Management in newly added PNG-JPG filesresulting visual distortion has been fixed.

3.1.2. No [Workflow Management]

3.1.3. Human Resources

  • 34605 - Status in Companies in Human Resources in the web interface Fixed the sort error in the column.

3.1.4. Web Home

  • 36731 - For the process that comes to approval after flow escalation in form in the web interface Fixed view via mail or confirmations errors.

  • 34637 - When multi-select in a ListBox object on a form in the web interface Fixed the error where selections made were not available in Datasource content.

  • 35441 - In the Flow History of the form in the web interface; Stop Flow object not visible , the duplication and description portion of the Position Group object is an empty one record creation , Problems with the timer object appearing in the flow history Fixed.

  • 36280 [DR3903] - Datagrid object in form in web interface Word Wrap Enabled Fixed the Error of Coming to True feature on the network by default.

  • 36393 [DR3962] - Start a Process in the Datagrid object in the form in the web interface Fixed an error when sending a feed from a Toolbar Button added in the type.

  • 35969 - event form in web interface, event form multiple contents Fixed a common bug that occurred in forms with import.

  • 36452 - In Recent Documents, All within the Main Page in the web interface Fixed repositories not appearing when clicking the Warehouses tab.

  • 32778 - Editing Settings property of Static DataGrid object on form in web interface When Mode: Row is the ShowEditorAlways property in the column properties it has been edited to activate only in the Boolean column, and also When the data in the Datagrid is edited and sent to the next validator, the data Unmodified go error fixed.

  • 32798 - In the Boolean type column of a TreeList object on a form in the web interface when filtering is done children within parent are not filtered out and Fixed the error where the Yes' 'No' filter was not returning the correct result.

  • 26108 - When the Flow History window is open in the Applications section of the web interface when same form or a different form is opened from within the same project, Flow History window staying on screen has been fixed.

  • 33481 - In the web interface, in the Announcements area on the Start page, Fixed error that pops up when filtering on Datagrid.

  • 34567 - Elements of Static Dropdown object and their belonging in form in the web interface Fixed an error where icons were out of alignment with each other**.

  • 34602 [DR3145] - Add via Datagrid associated with the Main Form in the web interface button to open Subforms, then maximize the form's view panel and select After finishing the operations, when we return to the Main Form, we will see the Toolbar Buttons** Not working error fixed.

  • 36244 - Toolbar Button attached to DataGrid object in web interface with panel and form error when the screen size is small** ToolBar Button dysfunctional error Fixed.

  • 34737 - Application in the web interface, type "External Link - In New Tab" Fixed the "Something went wrong" error of the Synergy Start** page when opened.

  • 34765 - Inside Dynamic Card object on form in web interface Fixed slip error of columns to other column.

  • 34898 - In the web interface, the DataGrid object in Static Cell Mode has a Select column Type : Static on the Control tab of the column After selecting Items in the properties error not showing up selected on object when the selected property found is active** Fixed.

  • 35232 [DR3442] - Type Datagrid Open Selection Form in web interface OnRowInserted event not triggered when data is inserted from toolbarbutton bug fixed.

  • 35497 - Vertical when query is bound to Card object in form in web interface Data overlapping and right side of object is blank error in view Fixed.

  • 35523 - When attempting to open a Repeater object in a form in the web interface Fixed an issue where the environment would not open and the environment would fail**.

  • 35540 - character length in TagBox object in form in web interface error when ClearClearButton does not appear in restricted** text selection Fixed.

  • 35541 - Datasource to which ListBox object is bound in form in web interface table, new record in search result The not displaying error has been fixed.

  • 35581 - Document Management in RelatedDocuments object in web interface screen in the table view of the filters filter fields in the process of cleaning Disappear from view error fixed.

  • 34407 [DR3068] - Required via Service Api in the web interface Improved the flow of forms to not be advanced. Save of the ongoing flow with the Service Api Revised to Status 2 in Response.

  • 36605 [DR4031] - button triggering to DataGrid object on form in web interface The error that occurred when attempting to insert a new row has been fixed.

  • 36727 [DR4061] - When a user logs in with the English language option in the web interface In the DataGrid object multiplied by decimal, the decimal numbers bug in display fixed.

  • 36896 [DR4138] - From Columns to Scheduler object in form in web interface added Dynamic Select column values not triggering error fixed.

  • 36914 - Written to Text column of Scheduler object added to form in web interface in addition to correcting the error of data being written to the Number column Date, DateTime** columns arrive as Invalid Date and any columns are Cleanup Fixed error deleting data in all columns by clicking button.

  • 36779 - Related to Timeout time given to Position object in web interface expires Fixed the error of the user not appearing on the Approvals page.

  • 35701 [DR3390] - In the web interface, the Toolbar Button is attached to the form in the DataGrid object panel and screen size are small where the ToolBar Button dysfunction bug fixed.

  • 36651 - A selections of Dynamic Treeselect object on form in web interface The error not coming to the next approver has been fixed.

  • 35213 - Some projects loaded into a FormViewer object on a form in the web interface not opening and also input to objects to enter data within opened projects Once done, the error condition on the way to the other validator has been fixed.

  • 36922 - In the web interface, version or no version when advancing a process Flow Resume in Projects, Accessing the Flow with the Incoming Link to the E-mail integer-array conversions of the packageVersion property for issues that occur reorganized.

  • 21066 - Scheduler object added in web interface when button is triggered Fixed an error in the All Day row on the Scheduler object.

  • 35454 - ContextMenu object added to Static DataGrid object in web interface, events are triggered Error when row data in DataGrid arrives incorrectly Fixed.

3.2. Development Interface

  • 36494 - When a FileSelector object is added to a form in the development interface, the Build and The Failure to deploy available error has been fixed.
  • 34535 - Column Icon of ComboBox object on form in development interface Error received when data validates in Value in Mappers Fixed.
  • 34667 - In the development interface, Import Project when used with English language support Fixed Turkish warning message in English when feature is initialized.
  • 34668 - In the Development interface, search in Open Project and Open Solution options box for the folder name search only within the page displayedDone bug fixed.
  • 34670 - In the Development interface, during the Import Project operation, misspelling of the word **"or" in the title of the screen for selecting a directory to create Fixed.
  • 34715 - Added in the development interface under the project's Schedules folder typo in the Datasource header in Scheduler's RestApi Caller Action** Fixed.
  • 34741 - Background Color of Treeselect object on form in development interface The selected color is due to the transparency bar being last in the property Not showing up has been fixed.
  • 35526 - Rest type created under Datasource folder in the development interface of the Boolean value type added to the Query Parameters field added to the query Errors and variables in the CheckBox selection when clicked againNot closing error has been fixed.
  • 35527 - page error error warning when clicking on a form in the development interface Fixed.
  • 35537 - Form after adding ReportViewer object to form in the development interface when clicking the Preview button on the top tab while it is open, the error of the environment Corrected the export status.
  • 35542 - default in FormMetaData object added to form in development interface Font Size value when it is desired to increase or decrease current valueinstead of starting from scratch error fixed.
  • 35626 - In the development interface, left during project build and publish operations Fixed the light bulb symbol still bug in the menu bar.
  • 36054 - DataGrid object added to form Columns in development interface Column freezing and console errors when clicking on properties Fixed.
  • 36794 - ReportViewer and FileSelector added to form in the development interface Fixed the Error Received When Retaining Objects status.
  • 31497 [DR1473] - In the development interface, using published project address Fixed an issue where Swagger address does not open.

4. Mobile Updates

4.1. Android

  • 26252 - In the mobile interface of Android devices, only in the Dynamic DataGrid object searching on the first page and searching on other pagesno-do error fixed.
  • 34876 - In the mobile interface of Android devices, in Native+ and Webview views Fixed error not adding data from Toolbar button in associated DataGrid object.
  • 34973 - In the mobile interface of Android devices, in the Archive DataGrid object, select time Fixed the error where the data in the column appears as invalid date.
  • 34990 – In the mobile interface of Android devices, the DataGrid object has a Boolean column Null appears if no value is entered, while false in editingState bug fixed.
  • 34999 - In the mobile interface of Android devices, Parametric of type Fill a Form Fixed a no-result error when performing the Save operation on the form.
  • 35830 - In the mobile interface of Android devices, according to the selection in the Radio object when the Visible condition of the object is met spontaneously occurring continuousselection change error fixed.

iOS 4.2.

  • 26252 - In the mobile interface of iOS devices, only first in the Dynamic DataGrid object searching on page and not searching on other pagesbug fixed.
  • 34876 - associated in Native+ and Webview views, in mobile interface of iOS devices Fixed Error not adding data from Toolbar button in DataGrid object.
  • 34973 - In the mobile interface of iOS devices, in the Archive DataGrid object, select time Fixed the error where the data in the column appears as invalid date.
  • 34990 – In the mobile interface of iOS devices, enter the Boolean column of the DataGrid object Null appears if value not entered, while false in editState bug fixed.
  • 34999 - In the mobile interface of iOS devices, Parametric of type Fill a Form Fixed a no-result error when performing the Save operation on the form.

5. Breaking Changes

  • Projects should be published again.
  • A form of DataSource objects added to another form or projectsame query should be added under the Datasource folder. After For Datasource attached objects, this query must be selected again.