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Release Notes (2.32.0)

(1 March 2023 - 31 March 2023)

1. No [Highlights/New Features]

2. No [Improvements]

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

3.1.1. Document Management

  • 37684 [DR4421] - Web interface in Document Management ServiceApiFailure of Createbranch , Createcommit, and Completebranch** methods Fixed.
  • 36786 - Web interface Select a document in Document Management and click Electronic Signature Fixed error 500 return of GetDocumentSignatures parameter when clicked.
  • 39747 - Web interface with scroll bar from Trash in Document ManagementContinuous request discarding error fixed as you scroll.
  • 42125 - Scrolling of icons in the Contents in Document Management area of the web interface issue fixed.
  • 42565 - Web interface Document Management of multiple GetParameters requestsdiscard error fixed.

3.1.2. Workflow Management

  • 39328 - Created of History in Workflow Management tab in web interface When data is entered in the filter in the Processes menu and the Apply button is pressed, the filter is displayed in the Not Closing Error Fixed.
  • 42691 - Incorrect grouping error in DataGrid in Workflow Management in web interface Fixed.
  • 42821 – Jobs I've Created and information in the Workflow Management menu in the web interface Grouping on the streaming Datagrids drop-down for reposition of columns You can view the operation from the information under the History tab and to the Stream Datagrid in Jobs I've Created. non-reflection error fixed.
  • 42659 - Pagging in History of Workflow Management section in the web interface Disappearance error fixed.
  • 42811 - Workflow Management panel in web interface inresponsiveness of small screensbug fixed.

3.1.3. Human Resources

  • 42146 - In the web interface, in the Users section of the Human Resources section, click User Fixed the status of Inactive user logon failure.
  • 24501 - 'Admin Keys' in the Human Resources section of the web interface, Clicking on a record in the 'Companies', 'Shift', 'Salaries', 'Overtime' sections When we close the pop-up window, we see the window with the information on the left side is repeatedFixed the error of not slipping instead of the old one.
  • 42795 - In the web interface, under the Human Resources menu, under the Users section error during new registration process with Department and Occupation Lists coming up empty Fixed.
  • 42963 - In the web interface, under the Companies section of the Human Resources menu Fixed bug where data in table does not appear when clicked.

3.1.4. Web Home

  • 41104 - 3rd message in the 5th reply to a message in the Activities section of the web interface, and 5. Fixed the error where message contents appear blank.

  • 41706 - Subject or message when creating Announcement in Announcements in the web interface When I use one of the MultiLanguage columns, I don't use the other Required bug fixed.

  • 42310 - 'Only those mentioned can reply' in the Activities field in the web interface The message generated by selecting Reply to by all users** bug fixed.

  • 42726 - Failure to send Forgot Password email on the Login screen in the web interface bug fixed.

  • 42741 - In the Access Keys section of the My Account menu in the web interface The generated access key Error according to the authorizations of the person who generated the key Fixed.

  • 43187 [DR6215] - When a user is removed from the Authorization group in the web interface, o Fixed Error deleting privileges for all users in the group.

  • 43244 - menu in Security module in Security Settings in the web interface **Fixed an error where profiles defined in entitlements were not displayed.

  • 41902 - Approved in the History field of the newly created flow in the web interface, and Fixed Rejected statuses bug in Russian language.

  • 42038 - When the Dynamic FishBone object in the form in the web interface is advanced through the flow, Error in self-replication of items on an object has been fixed.

  • 42553 - In scenario where the ApprovalCancellar object is used in the web interface Errors when deleting requests in the stream and canceling have been fixed.

  • 42723 - ACTIONUSERID that appears when attempting to advance stream in the web interface bug fixed.

  • 43104 - Using KeepCancelled and Approval Cancellar together in the web interface in the scenario hung if the flow ends before all approvals are completed KeepCancelled still decides whether to delete the events or not. Default false , Deletes. True confirms these registrations have been cancelled. Cancelled and deleted status bug fixed.

  • 43306 - Objects with Timeout defined in the stream in the web interface are added to Timeout drops, the Process Request record for that object and the History associated with that record, and so on. Determines whether Database records are deleted. If Keep Timeout is True Not deleted is Update as Timeout happened. False is records are deleted Runtime Implementation was performed.

  • 43328 - Error when attempting to open project from Applications menu in web interface Import issue fixed.

  • 34529 - Flow in ComboBox object that takes parameter on form screen in web interface and opening the form from the Approvals screen, the ComboBox list Not displaying error has been fixed.

  • 10960 - A number more than 21 digits in the NumberBox object on the form in the web interface , the number automatically changes to 1e+21 format, resulting in form not saving error has been fixed.

  • 37520 [DR4342] - Added to RelatedDocuments object in web interface Error when the e parameter is empty in the code inserted for file information of files Fixed.

  • 37968 - Show Clear All Button of TreeList object added to form in the web interface Fixed the error the corresponding buttons do not come up on the web side when the feature is active.

  • 38783 - Icons added to FishBone object elements on form in web interface Not showing up error** fixed.

  • 39884 - Error when title part of Panel object in form in web interface comes up empty Fixed.

  • 39932 - FormViewer object Enabled and Client Enabled in form in web interface when the continue to be selected on object error, this fixed the options by removing them from the form.

  • 40035 - Re-re-own the Activities field on the form in the web interface Fixed the bug where resizing text comes up with a distorted image.

  • 40160 - Proxy and Access Keys in the My Account menu in the web interface tab Misspelling on the Create Access Key screen error has been fixed.

  • 40567 - From Ribbon object elements on form in the web interface to Colorpicker property Fixed the error error receipt and color panel not opening when clicking.

  • 40626 - Web interface Task Management where the first selection is All Users and When ensuring that it is made from Positions, the second selection is only available to Active Users and Fixed the bug where Positions are not being made.

  • 40669 - Breakdown property of TreeList object on form in web interface without turning on Fixed error not adding children to selection** when selected.

  • 41731 [DR5842] - entered in the Title field of the Panel object on the form in the web interface error where data still remains Bold when the Bold feature is turned off Fixed.

  • 41996 - FileSelector object in form in web interface is constantly loading Display error fixed.

  • 42025 - When searching the ListBox object on the form screen in the web interface Exit domain error fixed.

  • 42026 - Flow in Dropdown object that takes parameter) on form screen in web interface and open the form from the Approvals screen, the Dropdown list The not displaying** error has been fixed.

  • 42050 - Selected to Title Expression property of Dynamic Card object in web interface Fixed an Dynamic Equivalent of the Title Bug Not Appearing.

  • 42076 - Clicking on the Static TagBox object on the form in the web interface will move to the console Error drop issue fixed.

  • 42131 - Checkable of Dynamic TreeView object on form in web interface Not going to the next approver when items in the Multiple property are selected bug fixed.

  • 42455 - Show Informations on Flow History in the web interface Error showing notifications in stream when Checkbox is not selected Fixed.

  • 42472 - RelatedDocuments object in form screen in web interface Several Too many GetDownloadUrl running errors has been fixed.

  • 42529 - text appears dimmed in files opened in PDF format in the web interface bug** fixed.

  • 42897 [DR5978] - focus on Required property of the Lookup object in the web interface Not showing up error** fixed.

  • 42951 - Form objects when Enabled property is False in form in web interface Fixed an error where background colors were not gray.

  • 43085 - Card Reader and Certificate on the Digital Signature Entry screen in the web interface Fixed the bug in the appearance of the Refresh buttons in the fields.

  • 43620 - Project when on an outdated form screen in the web interface js file running in the background not refreshed when changed and re-Deploy bug fixed.

  • 44052 - User who does not have Document Management privileges in the web interface, Document Management authorizations when generating Power of Attorney and Access Keys Unable to see bug fixed.

  • 42869 - In the process of Create a proxy from the My Account menu in the web interface position-based power of attorney , under the My Account menu user-based Showing error fixed.

  • 44232 - When pressing the Forgot Password button on the Login screen in the web interface Fixed the error Password reminder email could not be sent by typing the username.

  • 42083 - Database requests in Stream end object in web interface Bug handling of unnecessary registrations fixed for speeding up.

  • 43007 [DR6194] - Form opened with Datagrid Toolbar Button in web interface Fixed ComboBox value **Selected error not coming.

  • 39393 - Every time the Activities button on the form is clicked in the web interface Multiple opening errors of the Activity panel have been fixed.

  • 39906 - Search in the Show Search property of the TreeView object in the web interface previously selected items in the object are deselected when the made item is selected bug fixed.

  • 40128 - On top menu every time the Task Management menu is launched in the web interface multiplex error fixed.

  • 42927 [DR6173] - Enabled property of Lookup object in form in web interface False Fixed background not gray error when done.

  • 42955 - On form when Visible property of Mirror object is set to False in the web interface Continuing to appear error fixed.

  • 43619 - ReadOnly and Editable added with Open form method in web interface parameters defaults to Editable: true, ReadOnly: false is defined in GetFormInfoByName and GetFormInfoById requests default The bug was fixed by getting ReadOnly: false**.

  • 43698 - With Confirm Document or View action via Mail in the web interface Error not displaying of documents in PNG and PDF format when the form is opened Fixed.

  • 44525 [DR6553] - Datagrid object in web interface with Editing Enabled property Code The error that occurred when true/false was set to true/false has been fixed.

3.2. Development Interface

  • 42266 - Versioning feature from project properties in the development interface Fixed error with no warning if there are flows in progress when requesting to close**.
  • 42558 [DR5998] - In a Rest-type Datasource query in form in the development interface Timeout error fixed.
  • 36201 - In the development interface, Column Hiding for Static DataGrid Cell modeEnabled property active due to data entry into columns in the bottom drop-down panelFailure error has been fixed.
  • 38298 - In the process of opening flows listed in Stream admin in the development interface Error where opened stream does not open on the right side of the corresponding panel has been fixed.
  • 39813 - Default of Image object added to form in development interface Error when an icon similar to Failed to upload file appears in the image Fixed.
  • 39835 - Edit Parameters under Datasource folder in the development interface section Collection screen warning message appears as " 101345 " ** Fixed.
  • 40300 - Reports of ReportViewer object in form in development interface In the Fields section, select Datasource, deploy, and then start the project again. Fixed the error of missing selected Datasource when entered.
  • 41495 - On the Controls tab of Datagrid columns in the development interface Fixed the error where Fieldname name is not the same as Column Name name.
  • 41755 - Feature Viewer elevation issue fixed in the development interface.
  • 41827 - Opened in type OpenForm triggered by Events in the development interface the form's editable information is not shown in the Payload of the GetFormInfoById request bug fixed.
  • 42052 - General and Link on the Edit IDE Links screen in the development interface Error popping out of data-entry fields when typing data on Information tabs Fixed.
  • 42119 - Up to Property Viewer of objects in the development interface When switching between objects in the Most Used field, select the previous objectContinue showing error fixed.
  • 42391 - In the Preview screen inside the object added to the form in the development interface when returning to the form again after data has been entered, the object of the entered data Stay in error fixed.
  • 42594 - Turning off Versioning from Project Properties in the development interface on-demand initiated flows in previous versions of that projectVersioning shutdown error, if any, has been fixed.
  • 42766 - Filtering bug in Stream admin fixed in the development interface.
  • 42853 - Datagrid object on form in development interface A column of type Object is added to this column's Datasource and then added to another DataGrid in this column.
Error fetching missing information when attempting to return value from Object column
  • 42992 - Datagrid when Editing Settings Edit mode is enabled in the development interface Extra space error has been fixed on .

  • 43034 - Image column in DataGrid columns in the development interface by fixing the typos in the header , the Action Button tab in the Image column Arrival error fixed.

  • 43036 - When DataGrid object Image column is selected on form in authoring interface localStorage error fixed.

  • 43092 - Values with passive status in Human Resources in the development interface, In the Position , Position Group , Information , Title, and Department objects Ability to view and select error** has been fixed.

  • 43096 - Development interface in the Position object on the fixed user select screen typo fixed.

  • 3097 - Located in the Node entry object on the Flow side of the development interface The NodeName field has been made mandatory. In the document status object, select Document and Status Fixed a freezing issue when selecting and Stream initiator object from toolbox Removed.

  • 43292 - Setting of KeepCancelled to Flow Properties in the development interface A CheckBox that will trigger the KeepTimeouts property in the same way as the breakdown it is located in Added.

  • 43502 [DR6310] - A new Activity to stream in the Stream properties in the development interface error failing to do so when we want to define** and use it in an object Fixed.

  • 43771 - Defining a new Event to the flow in the Flow properties in the development interface Fixed error failing to do this when we wanted to use it on an object.

  • 40698 - Document in the Development interface Objects in Stream admin Fixed the Type field of the Create object, empty error.

  • 43512 - Errors received when performing Rollback in the development interface Flow manager** dissolving and other improvement work has been done.

  • 43794 - Under the Action tab in the Information object in the Development interface The Continue If Error Occurs property has been removed and the object in the Web interface has been error-provoked in the scenario where it is expected to fall whether the error is swallowed by the object status fixed.

  • 43898 - Export Flow in Development UI Import Back into Another Flow Fixed default flow json values coming as different error when exported.

  • 43909 - "bool result = in Flow.cs on Flow side in the development interface Document1.SaveDocument();" Fixed the compilation error of method. Other use "bool asyncResult = Document1.SaveDocumentAsync(). Result;" ** form.

  • 39021 - Timeout and Size of objects on the Form and Flow sides of the development interface Error to enter negative value in values has been fixed.

  • 42121 - In the development interface, the DataGrid object under the Filtering Settings property Row Filter Enabled and Show Operation Chooser are enabled non-reflection error fixed.

  • 42817 [DR6128] - Changes to Flow variables in the development environment Too late reflection on the Approvals (History) screen in the web interface bug has been fixed.

  • 43097 - Located in the Node entry object on the Flow side of the development interface The NodeName field has been required. In the Document status object, select Document and Status freezing issue fixed when selecting. The Stream Initiator object has been removed from the toolbox.

  • 43779 - In activities of the Flow Stop object in the development interface Error not having OnBeforeEvent definition fixed.

  • 43793 - Under the Action tab in the Information object in the Development interface The Continue If Error Occurs property has been removed.

  • 43796 - Created After in the development interface Filtering in Stream admin and Created Before error fixed.

  • 43820 - Clear filters in Stream admin icon in the development interface data continues to display error when clicked, and the Status filter errors where options appear in English on the Datagrid have been fixed.

  • 43822 - Description in the Steps field in the Flow admin in the development interface Bug where info appears blank** has been fixed.

  • 43827 - Show Clear All Button in TreeList object on form in development interface Filter buttons such as Row Filter Enabled and Row Filter Enabled are activated on object** Not showing up error fixed.

  • 43864 - In the development interface Rollback in the Stream manager "Process Request Not Found " bug fixed.

  • 4 4123 [DR6407] - In the development interface, ServiceAPI > GridData.FromControl In the process Cells.Add, click cell. Text String cast issue fixed.

3.3. Android

  • 37331 - In the mobile interface of Android devices, in the Webview view The Background Color and Text Align properties of the DateTimePicker object Not showing up error fixed.
  • 39607 - ComboBox in Webview view in mobile interface of Android devices object's background color property not showing up has been fixed.
  • 42972 - ComboBox in Webview view in mobile interface of Android devices Failure to delete error has been fixed for object.
  • 37324 - ComboBox in Webview view in mobile interface of Android devices Fixed error where selections are not reflected in objects.
  • 42172 - in the mobile interface of Android devices, in the Native+ and Webview view Selections not appearing on the next user in object TreeView Fixed.

3.4. iOS

  • 37331 - DateTimePicker in Webview view in mobile interface of IOS devices Invisible error of the Background Color and Text Align properties of the object Fixed.
  • 39607 - ComboBox in Webview view in mobile interface of IOS devices object's background color property not showing up has been fixed.
  • 42972 - ComboBox in Webview interface of IOS devices Failure to delete error has been fixed for object.
  • 37324 - ComboBox in Webview view in mobile interface of IOS devices Fixed error where selections are not reflected in objects.
  • 39190 - TreeView in Native+ view in mobile interface of IOS devices object in when the form navigates to the next user after the selection is made, it is made Selections not showing up bug fixed.
  • 42172 - Might interface of IOS devices, Native+ and Webview view Selections not appearing on the next user in object TreeView Fixed.

4. Breaking Changes

  1. Projects should be published again.
  2. A form that consists of objects that are added to the Datasource is added to another form or project the same query should be added under the Datasource folder. Then click the Datasource attached on objects this query must be selected again.
  3. In queries created under the Datasource folder, the variable parameters are "{{Parameter Name}}".
Old usage : select*from osusers where department= @department
New usage : select*from osusers where department= {{department}}
  1. When generating the Service Api instance;
var serviceApi = new ServiceAPI("");
or var serviceApi = new ServiceAPI("dev");
To resolve the error received when used in the form of credential given
it needs to be replaced with one of the constructors.
public ServiceAPI(LoginWithBasicAuthenticationParameters loginParameters,
string apiUrlOrInstanceName,
LogSeverity logSeverity = LogSeverity.Information,
ITelemetryCollectorHolder telemetryCollectorHolder = null)
public ServiceAPI(LoginWithTokenAuthenticationParameters loginParameters,
string apiUrlOrInstanceName,
LogSeverity logSeverity = LogSeverity.Information,
ITelemetryCollectorHolder telemetryCollectorHolder = null)
public ServiceAPI(LoginWithAccessTokenParameters loginParameters,
string apiUrlOrInstanceName,
LogSeverity logSeverity = LogSeverity.Information,
ITelemetryCollectorHolder telemetryCollectorHolder = null)