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Release Notes (2.23.0)

(25 April 2022 - 20 May 2022)

1. Highlights / New Features

'27689' - Support has been introduced for locking a document when performing the Start Work on a system-wide document in the Document Management section of the web interface. In order to enable this feature, it is necessary to add the DocumentManagement.AllowMultipleCreateBranch key in the CONFIGURATIONS table and write true to its value. By activating the key, a different user will be prevented from working on the document while it is being done.

🔗 Click for document locking usage video

'27755 [YA24177]' - In the development interface, when the Reason property of events is activated in the flow design, the Reason Title field can be customized if desired, so that the reason title can be changed.

🔗 Click for the reason title customization usage video

'26913' - Filtering has been made possible by selecting the data in the column with the Header Filter property in the "Form Design Objects - DataGrid" object in the development interface.

In order to enable filtering, it is necessary to first activate the Header Filter Enabled field in the Property Viewer of the object and then to activate the Header Filter Enabled property in the columns defined in the Columns area of the object.

🔗 Click for DataGrid Header Filter usage video

2. Improvements

'27751 [YA25044]' - In the development interface, the "Form Design Objects - DataGrid" object has been added to the Mode selection list in the Editing Setting area in the Property Viewer so that changes can be made to the rows in the web interface without clicking the edit button** in the object.

🔗 Click for DataGrid cell mode usage video

'28437' - Added the ability to select DateTime and DateTimeOffSet as parameter values in parametric data sources defined in the DataSource field in the Solution Explorer** section of the project in the development interface.

'23467' - Keep Cancelled feature has been enabled in the Feature Viewer of the stream in the development interface. For example, when it is desired to show other contacts who are not trading in the Position Group object in the flow history, the option can be activated and used.

'6349' - Enabled printing while viewing a document in the Document Management section of the web interface.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

'28628' - Fixed that when the project selected in the Metadata property is changed in the panel that opens by selecting the repository or folder in the Document Management section of the web interface and clicking the Properties button, the form for the project is not listed in the selection area and the defined form is not shown when adding files to the metadata defined repository/folder.

'23997' - Fixed Ability to move a folder to a subfolder within a folder with the Move button in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'28695' - Corrected the phrase in the English error message in the Document Management section of the web interface.

'29167' - Fixed when viewing a document in the Document Management section in the web interface, copying buttons when clicking any button in the panel.

'26891' - Fixed hiding buttons in toolbar when selecting panel size as 1 or 3 when viewing a document in Document Management** section in the web interface.

'28625' - Fixed the gap between Metadata property in the panel opened by clicking the Properties button in the Document Management section of the web interface, showing the Import from parent directory option when the panel is opened on the repository and Metadata project/fields selection.

'28671' - Fixed that when scrolling through the Document Management section of the web interface and opening the folder contents, the folder contents are listed according to the position where the ScrollBar is located, not showing the beginning of the folder content**.

'24062' - Fixed unable to click on page switching and listing count items in the panel when filtering in columns in the Human Resources** section of the web interface.

'25123' - Fixed when searching in the Users field in the Human Resources section of the web interface, listing items other than the search result.

'26818' - Fixed no results not showing results when filtering with Not Include/Not Equal to options in the Titles field in the Human Resources** section of the web interface.

'26830' - Fixed no results listed when filtering in the Currency column in the Salaries field in the Human Resources section of the web interface.

'27153' - Fixed Filtering not appearing in the Required column in the User/Position/Title/Department/Group Properties fields in the Human Resources** section of the web interface.

'19736' - Fixed deletion icon on keys in use in the admin keys field in the Human Resources section of the web interface.

'23723' - Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface section power of attorney field without authorization to view pending process in approval when registration is created and proxy recipient switches to the other user's account error message content when attempting to open the unauthorized process from approval has been fixed.

'13141' - Fixed error message content when receiving an error while identifying users to the group in the Security section of the web interface.

'29016' - Fixed unable to click the Add/Save/Close icons when adding a new menu item in the Application Explorer section of the web interface.

'21326' - Fixed an OnClick method defined to the object not working when clicking on any of the child items in the drop-down menu clicking on any of the sub-items in the pop-up menu on the form in the web interface.

'28490' - In the ContextMenu object on the form in the Web interface visual adjustments have been made.

'27054 [OR24753]' - Fixed the self-ordering of the items listed in the ComboBox object on the form in the web interface.

'29119 [DR]' - Fixed an object content not appearing in the user who will perform the operation when selecting the ComboBox object on the form in the web interface and sending the process to the next performing user.

'29242' - Fixed the ComboBox object on the form in the web interface to allow data entry when the form is readonly.

'22680' - Fixed the display of Form Document Blank image when opening and closing a form using actionButton in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'24883' - Fixed that when color selection is found in the Background Color property in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface, it does not appear with the selected color**.

'21265' - Fixed an issue where, when actionButton is found in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface, the title expression defined to the actionButton is not displayed when the mouse cursor is moved over the button.

'21555' - Fixed calculation of average value in column number in DataGrid object on form in web interface and calculation of average without including blank when a field in column is left blank**.

'22227' - Fixed that when the column selection pop-up is displayed and the form page is scrolled in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface, the pop-up element that opens also moves with the page.

'22714' - Fixed that when opening the form with modal/drawer views using actionButton of type Open A Process in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface and clicking the save button on the form, the save operation does not work**.

'20838' - Fixed that showing with default color when a different color selection is made in the Alternate Color property in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface.

'24882' - Fixed an DataGrid object on a form in the web interface where Batch mode could not be selected in the date type column object.

'27608' - Fixed Export of first 200 rows when exported of DataGrid object content on form in web interface via Export to Excel operation.

'28983 [DR]' - Fixed a DataGrid object on a form in the web interface where Not being able to select in a column of type Time when using the object in batch mode.

'29111' - Fixed the duplication of selected data when selecting items in the Select type column in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface and re-editing the same row by saving the row**.

'29394' - Fixed the inability to filter using column headings on DataGrid object on form in web interface, using column headings in columns of type number.

'29438' - Fixed the selection panel not appearing in columns of type date/time/datetime in the object when using DataGrid object on form in row or batch mode in the web interface.

'21362' - Fixed the visual bug in the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface, when a long expression is entered in one of the columns while adding a row to the object, the information is shown over the information in the other column.

'28753 [DR]' - Fixed showing one day before the selected date in the object when the user is in the GMT +04 time zone in the web interface the user is in the GMT +04 time zone when the user makes a selection and the process is sent to the next user who will take action when the user is viewing the form with GMT +03.

'28836' - Fixed DDL Size warning in HTMLTextBox object on form in web interface.

'28860 [DR]' - Fixed that any of the enabled/client enabled properties could be off in the ListBox object on the form in the web interface, while the object could be selected when the Select All property was enabled.

'28759' - Fixed selection panel content not displaying in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface.

'29200' - Fixed an inability to filter on column number using the global lookup field in the item selection panel in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface.

'21446' - Fixed that showing before the comma in the text field in the object of the next operation when selecting an item with a comma in the Lookup object on the form in the web interface is selected.

'29223' - Fixed an error when uploading a file and attempting to view the loaded file in the Related Documents object on the form in the web interface.

'28527' - Fixed an error when assigning a value to the TimePicker object on the form in the web interface using the **rules manager' and requesting to send the process to the next user to take action.

'28319' - Fixed the ability to modify the TreeView object on the form in the web interface when the enabled property is active.

'29234' - Fixed data not showing in UserMetadata object on form in web interface.

'24016 [YA24037]' - Fixed in a process pending user group approval approval etc. in the web interface where when action is taken from events, who is taking action on the group does not appear in the flow history.

'26339' - Fixed that when the web interface opens contains two different documents, a form and a document, the verification message is shown twice when the process is sent to the next user.

'28002' - Fixed the message Showing that the event was cancelled because the incident form was cancelled by clicking on an Event Form undefined event in the process pending user confirmation on the web interface.

'28263 [DR]' - Fixed Unable to deselect Show Notifications in the flow history when the process is sent to the next user in the web interface.

'28396' - when opened in form drawer type in web interface close icon is replaced changed fixed.

'28611' - UITour, shown on the web interface when the user enters the system for the first time Fixed various visual bugs** in the feature.

'28990' - Loading toolbar when performing on form in web interface Fixed the animation not appearing.

3.2. Development Interface

'27921 [YA24918]' - Fixed Changing the Width value of the column at the end of the list in attached columns in the Columns field in the Property Viewer in the Form Design Objects - DataGrid" object in the development interface not showing at the selected value in the web interface**.

'21240' - Fixed that when a Open A Selection Form type button is added to the Toolbar Buttons field in the Property Viewer in the "Form Design Objects - DataGrid" object in the development interface, it is listed in the columns that are not in the object in the button properties**.

'29214' - Fixed that if a Select type column is added in the Columns field in the Property Viewer on the "Form Design Objects - DataGrid" object in the development interface, the Icon and Selected selection is not saved in the defined elements in the column**.

'28680' - Fixed an error on the page when defining "Form Design Objects - DataGrid" in the Development interface in the ContextMenu** field in the Property Viewer and clicking the Preview button on the toolbar.

'29237' - Fixed the ability to create columns of type DateTimeOffSet in Property Viewer on "Form Design Objects - Lookup" object in the development interface.

'28865 [DR]' - Fixed the same information in the directory where objects will create the pdf file and filename fields in the Property Viewer on multiple "Flow Design Objects - Export to PDF" objects in the development interface, creating a pdf file for only the first object but not for other objects, and the pdf file being versioned**.

'29205' - Fixed a "Flow Design Objects - Timer" object in the development interface where the Time Out field in the Property Viewer time is not triggered when the time elapses in the web interface.

'28515' - Fixed that the value in the DateRangePicker object was not added properly when the value in the DateRangePicker object was not added properly when the pdf file was found with the liquid variable tag for the "Form Design Objects – DateRangePicker" object defined in the Property Viewer in the Development interface "Flow Design Objects - Export to PDF"** object.

'28343' - Fixed Footer and Header properties in Property Viewer in "Flow Design Objects - Export to PDF" object in the development interface Header/footer information not being written to the template file if enabled**.

'28371' - Fixed an issue where, in the Property Viewer in the "Flow Design Objects - Position" object in the development interface, the e-mail content is not sent in English when the e-mail template is customized for the Turkish language but the action is not performed for the English language**.

'28832' - Fixed an error in the synchronizer object when advancing the process in the web interface, if the **"Flow Design Objects - Synchronizer" object was used in the development interface.

'28914 [DR]' - Fixed that the pdf file would not be created when attempting to proceed without adding data in the Select type column in the DataGrid object in the web interface by adding the liquid variable tag for the Form Design Objects –DataGrid object in the template file defined in the Property Viewer in the **"Flow Design Objects - Export to PDF" object in the development interface.

'25622' - Fixed that a file in document management is not sent in electronic mail when a file in document management is selected in the Attachments field in the Property Viewer on **"Flow Design Objects - Position/Position Group/Informational" objects in the development interface.

'29171' - Fixed the change appears in other events when the selection is changed in any event Visible-Validate-Reason from the events attached to the Events field in the Property Viewer in the Development interface "Flow Design Objects - Position/Position Group/Start of Flow/Flow Stop"** objects.

'21397' - Fixed sending value as datetimeoffset when Query Parameter of type dateTime is defined in the Rest type query attached in the DataSource section of the development interface.

'17866' - Fixed that when Schedule is created in Solution Explorer in the Development interface and a simple trigger is added to the job in Schedule, the date selection made in the **Enable Tween) field in the trigger's Property Viewer appears one day before the selected dates.

'25128' - Fixed test not working when attempting to check the connection information accuracy by changing a defined connection information in the Connections section within the Tools button in the Development interface and clicking the Test button**.

'23903' - Multiplexing of deleted character when deleting connection information within the Advanced tab of a link defined in the Connections section within the Tools button in the Development interface, has been fixed.

'25126' - Fixed the error message in the Connections section within the Tools button in the development interface to add a new ODBC connection and **display an error message even if the information entered is correct when tested.

'29209 [DR]' - Fixed a publish operation in the development interface during project publishing with an error and showing Invalid Object name message.

'28734' - Fixed changes made to the form in the web interface not showing changes to the web interface when the project was published in the development interface.

'20874' - Fixed an error in the development interface when all objects in the flow in the flow design are deleted, objects in a different flow are copied via the Copy button in the toolbar and pasted into the deleted flow design **.

'21842' - Fixed the visual design in the area that shows the number of pages in the area that shows the number of pages if the screen resolution is low when opening the file directory panel in create new project or open project options** in the development interface.

'22983' - Improved the working status of the Copy/Paste-Forward/Undo buttons in the toolbar in the development interface.

'24085' - Fixed the opening of the Property Viewer panel when double-clicked on the zoom (+) or zoom out (-) options in the Zoom area in the flow design in the development interface.

'24259' - Removed Icon Finder section access blocked in the development interface.

'20943' - Fixed adding projects to solution in the development interface in the directory window folder selection panel staying loading when selecting the folder and clicking the ok button.

'25661' - Fixed that the Is Lock selection in the object's Property Viewer is not activated when selecting an object in the flow in the development interface and clicking the Lock button** on the toolbar.

'28485' - Visual editing has been done in the breadcrumb field in the panel that opens in the directory selection process in the development interface.

'28503' - Fixed the alignment of the operation buttons within the panel when the message box is displayed in the development interface.

'28827' - Fixed file paths not being accessible in the Recent Files tab on the toolbar in the development interface.

3.3. Mobile

3.3.1. Android

'26368' - Fixed no result shown in the object when the sum of the columns of the number type in the DataGrid object on the form was written with code to the NumberBox object on the form in the project designed as Native+.

'27106' - Fixed that no results are listed when searching in the DataGrid object on the form in the project designed as Native+**.

'25919' - Fixed Not filtering results when searching in a static type DataGrid object on a form in the project designed as Native+.

'25834' - Fixed that in the project designed as Native+, elements added with Open A Selection Form in the DataGrid object on the form are not shown when the Selection Form is reopened.

'26355' - Fixed an error when editing the attached row in the DataGrid object on the form in the project designed as Native+ and the process wanted to be sent to the next user.

'26948' - Fixed the error when the process was attempted to be sent to the next user without entering data and entering it in multi-language equivalent in the field shown in the DataGrid object in the multi-language column** on the form.

'28877' - Fixed an incorrect display in the NumberBox object on the form in the project designed as Native+ when entering data and deleting the entered data.

'24594' - Fixed that in the project designed as Native+, when file description is required in the Related Documents object on the form, the warning message is not shown when the file is loaded without commenting and the process is next wanted to be sent to the user.

3.3.2. iOS

'26368' - Fixed no result shown in the object when the sum of the columns of the number type in the DataGrid object on the form was written with code to the NumberBox object on the form in the project designed as Native+.

'27106' - Fixed that no results are listed when searching in the DataGrid object on the form in the project designed as Native+**.

'25919' - Fixed Not filtering results when searching in a static type DataGrid object on a form in the project designed as Native+.

'26355' - Fixed an error when editing the attached row in the DataGrid object on the form in the project designed as Native+ and the process wanted to be sent to the next user.

3.4. Other

'29225' - Optimization work has been done on the **"Flow Design Objects - Export to PDF" object in the development interface.

'23708' - Visual improvement has been made to the display when clicking on the Button object on the form in the web interface.

'23709' - Visual improvement has been made to the Force Refresh button in the item selection panel when bound to a data source in the ComboBox object on the form in the web interface.

4. Breaking Change

  • Projects should be republished.

  • Position does not work when the value {{Document1.FileId }} listed for the value value is selected when we select the type value as flow in the Attachment property on Position Group objects; Entering {{Document1.DocumentId}} sends the current document attached.

  • DataGrid-Columns-Allow Hiding: false works on new datagrid instances, behaves as true in existing datagrid instances, and can drag columns to the Columns Chooser area even though it is false. For the solution, the existing object must be redesigned in the same way by adding a new DataGrid.

  • When you connect a datasource to a dynamic DataGrid and generate columns, if there is a STATUS column, the Data Definition Language Field Name must be changed by switching from the columns properties to the Control tab. The name STATUS has been updated to a reserved field. Therefore, in existing projects, you need to change the Data Definition Language(DDL) Field Name to the STATUS column.

  • In an imported project, the contents of the datasource are empty; The Selection Settings-Disable Value Column Name field in the DataGrid object does not list the column data. To do this, the corresponding queries must be selected again in the DataSource field.

  • In existing projects, if the Document-View In-Stream object in the stream is empty, the following error is received when starting the flow on the web-interface side:

> "Message\":\"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\"

To resolve the error:

The relevant form view must be selected in the Document-View field in the Start of Flow object, and the project must be published and the flow started again.