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Release Notes (2.21.0)

(28 February 2022 - 25 March 2022)

1. Highlights / New Features

 23350 – In the web interface, in the Document Management section, in the warehouse
The ability to subscribe to the found folders has been gained.
Open Link:
 24142 – Log in code used in flow and form design in developer interface
message to the browser console
The LogExtension method has been added to Bimser.CSP.Runtime.Common.Extensions. Methods
There are three different uses in it as Log, Warning and Error.
Figure 1 Using LogExtension in a form
Figure 2 Using LogExtension in streaming
Figure 3 Display of message content received with LogExtension in the Console tab in the Developer Tools area of the browser

 22335 – Developer interface, flow design, flow feature and "Flow Design Objects – Position/Position Group/Start of Flow/Flow Initiator/Informing" objects in the Property Viewer multiple languages of sending e-mail support and the ability to send additional files. Use for Human Resources it is necessary to select the Default language value when displaying user information, the user must E-mails will be sent by e-mail according to the selected language. If the choice is not made, electronic mail is sent in Turkish. In the CONFIGURATIONS table In the case where the MailService.TemplatePath key is used, the key value is The folder path where the e-mail template will be created is required. (system/settings/templates/MailTemplate.html => system/settings/templates) specified the template will be automatically created within the folder path, if prompted when viewing the file Files that contain culture information listed on the Contents tab can be customized to create the template Updatable.** Open Link: https://bimsercozumyazilim-✌️/g/personal/kozen_bimser_com_tr/EQ9DNHdQyl9IozqVYvghaI MBc8bjnqmWNzmhKWQxjPfxww?e=exGe5d

 10659 – In the developer interface"Flow Design Objects – Position/Position Group" objects in the Property Viewer Send Request If Already Processed (If Processed Before Do Not Send Request) property indicates whether the user has previously taken action the ability to customize which events do not send requests, given that they do not do so feature. o If Processed Before Do Not Send Request is inactive once it is executed (false) is being pulled, if the developer wishes, the object is reactivated (true) through the API can be passed. o If Processed Before Do Not Send Request** in earlier steps of the flow (in the request records) it works according to the user and position data. It is not checked whether the object has worked before.

o If Processed Before Do Not Send Request feature is activated Position and Position
The user and/or position that will perform the action on the group object,
has taken action with any of the events selected in the previous steps of the flow,
he is not expected to take this action again. What events this feature has
the flow is more likely to run when triggered (approve, reject, and so on)
The event processed in the previous steps is expected to continue.
Open Link:

 26310 – Swagger support has been introduced to RestAPI. To Swagger Accessed from "BimserSynergyCSPEidentAddress"/apis/doc/index.html can be provided.  15951 – In the flow history when a different process is started from within the process in the web interface it is provided to show that they are related to each other. Thus in the flow history the bottom processes. When starting the sub-process for its use var process = await CreateProcess("Process Name", "Flow Name", 0); process. ParentProcessId = _workflowData.General.ProcessId; The ParentProcessId method must be assigned the main process number. Open Link: https://bimsercozumyazilim-✌️/g/personal/kozen_bimser_com_tr/EcXCN6vdmfZJvZ2W5nomY ogBXsPL8D5cvMiSjiFzKd6TXw?e=P3tO4Q

2. Improvements

 24788 – In the development interface "Flow Design Objects – Position/Position Property on Group/Flow Start/Flow Initiator/Flow Stopper" objects Whether events attached to the Events area in the viewer appear in the web interface Added the Visible property to make it not visible.  15793 – In the development interface "Flow Design Objects – Position/Position Property on Group/Flow Start/Flow Initiator/Flow Stopper" objects In the viewer, in the Events field in the attached event, in the form field of the event, in the Event Form to be used in a different view of the selected form.  23964 – Query attached in DataSource in development interface In the save operation when Execution Type is not selected and the build/deploy operation provided a warning at the beginning.  26032 [OR24437] – Contents of DataGrid object on form in Web interface export When exporting as an Excel file, from the DataGrid object name of the Excel file name was created.  26134 – Download when viewing file related to file sharing link in web interface button display provided.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

 5512 – In the Document Management section of the web interface, click on the contents of the file delete fixed.  23988 – Search in Document Management section of the web interface and search result Fixed error in items with missing grammar when exporting to Excel content.  24368 – copy/move/shortcut in Document Management in web interface warning message when a user who is not authorized to create them performs these actions content corrected.  25657 – Create a file shortcut in the Document Management section of the web interface, Loading status when requesting to view file using shortcut remain fixed.  26029 – If you subscribe to folder in the Document Management section of the web interface, e-mail sent to the user when action is taken on the subscribed folder Fixed the Go To Folder button in the Go To Folder button not working.  24998 – A when the item is removed from the favourites list , in the All Favourites area Fixed to keep showing.  25623 – Select and Copy Docs in Document Management in the web interface button pops up in the pop-up a folder that has not been viewed before Fixed a copy operation not occurring when selected.  25774 – In the web interface, in the Document Management section, document is selected and Clicking on one of the Copy/Move buttons pops up in the pop-up folder name in the search field Fixed the error received when typed.  21013 – When viewing a file in the Document Management section of the web interface When prompted to add a relationship to a file, click in the file name field in the pop-up that opens Results not listed when searching fixed.  23027 – In the Document Management section in the web interface, click on the order of storage and folders Fixed to be different from each other.  25074 – All Favorites or All Recents in Document Management in the web interface When displaying the Used fields, the Folder is due to page incomplete loading. Fixed the display of None image.  21465 – In the Document Management section of the web interface, the user can click the Modify and subfolders) error when performing operations such as move, copy, etc. with denying privileges selected message content corrected.  26251 – In the Document Management section of the web interface, in the file Start Work button and clicking the Contents button in the panel, click Delete button not working.

 26886 – Tool selects storage/folder in Document Management in the web interface bar with Properties button various expressions in the pop-up panel have been edited.  26897 – File in search result in Document Management section in web interface Fixed files not being displayed when clicking on the results.  24267 – In the Pending Jobs field in the Workflow Management section in the web interface Customizing the columns shown and showing Radio/Switch objects on the form Fixed showing as a value of 0 or 1 in the corresponding columns when defined.  26106 – In the Workflow Management section in the web interface, in all tabs process Fixed columns not being aligned.  27075 – In the Pending Jobs field in the Workflow Management section in the web interface Display process turned back on when closed fixed.  22300 – new in the Users field in the Human Resources section in the Web interface when defining a user or editing user information, type the field in the Address field when long information is entered that the user agrees, the user error message on registration content not showing fixed.  23001 – In the User Groups field in the Human Resources section of the Web interface, Existing-to be newly created In the Add Users panel, click the OK button fixed where it was shown.  14844 – In the Users field in the Human Resources section of the Web interface How the ABC start-end filters on columns work has been fixed.  22125 – In the Shift field in the Human Resources section in the Web interface, click New Shift The error received while creating has been fixed.  24052 – In the Human Resources section of the web interface, click Events in the column all fields statement has been removed.  24070 – new shift in the Shift field in the Human Resources section in the web interface Fixed visual distortion when adding panel size was reduced.  26862 – new feature in Properties in Human Resources in the Web interface When defining the Feature Title, the Save button is not clickable Fixed the pass.  25999 – Start Flow type menu item in App Explorer in web interface when adding, within the project previously deleted and recreated with the same name Fixed showing both streams in the selection stage when a stream is found.  26658 – To newly published project in the Application Explorer menu in the web interface clicking the menu item in the Preparing the application for first use panel remain fixed.  21470 – Admin Tools panel when logged in with English language in web interface Clicking on the App Explorer tab name in the Different from the title in the panel that opens up fixed to be.  25229 – Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface Fixed the inability to edit and delete proxies** defined in the section.

 22127 – Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface section inactive not deleted from the list when the proxy is deleted, page fixed the reflection of the deletion when refreshed.  23805 – Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface field Access key without defining Menu and Applications authorizations When created, the When logged in menu on the web interface with the generated key Fixed showing all of the elements.  27115 – Power of Attorneys and Access Keys in My Account on the web interface section contains a large number of records in the proxy or access key fields paging option not appearing fixed.  26375 – Of the headings in the User Settings area in the My Account section in the web interface Fixed it appears in Turkish when entered into the system with English language.  26676 – warning on password change in My Account on the web interface messages remain on the panel fixed.  25179 – If lookup field is active in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface, searching within columns of type number has been fixed when no results are returned.  21524 – In the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface column headers when the multi-language equivalent is not entered, when the object column names are entered with other languages not showing up fixed.  23862 – Font in inserted inline font in DataGrid object on form in Web interface When hovered over the cell that contains the value , showing the contents of the row pop-up opens in a different part of the page fixed.  23897 – Defined in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface column Fixed the ability to enter data longer than the character length.  26087 [YA24533] – In the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface column movement in object when performing inserting/deleting/editing operations Fixed.  26092 – Open A Selection Form in the DataGrid object on the form in the Web interface button opened when selected , as the primary key in the DataGrid the names of the column marked as primary key in the Selection Form with the marked column when it is not the same , deleting attached rows in the object has been fixed.  23034 – On object in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Showing data after form loading has been fixed.  26501 – Filtering on columns in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Fixed filtering features not appearing when active.  22218 – Select multiple Select in DataGrid object on form in Web interface type column only one column appears with the delete mark (Allow Clear, and deleted column contents are not updated when deleted fixed.  22391 – Open A Selection from DataGrid object on form in Web interface When the form is opened with the Modal or Drawer views, the Save button icon and Display of text bug fixed.

 23831 – Type Number in DataGrid object on form in Web interface null when the item selected in the Summary Types field in the column does not contain the Suffix expression statement notation corrected.  23938 – Number and Select in DataGrid object on form in Web interface Fixed inability to search in the filter area of columns in columns of type.  24028 – Open A Selection from DataGrid object on form in web interface When the form is opened with the Modal view, the horizontal scroll bar is active in the opened form. Fixed the lack of .  26852 – Open with Toolbar Button in DataGrid object on form in Web interface A Selection Form is opened selectiond saved after making a new selection again Fixed that when prompted, added items would not appear as checked.  26855 – Open with Toolbar Button in DataGrid object on form in Web interface A Selection When a form is opened and closed without a selection, the buttons become unclickable fixed.  26860 – When delete is performed on a DataGrid object on a form in the Web interface Visual distortion in message box shown fixed.  26954 – In the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface, type number filtering in a column will result in results on other pages of the object. not listed fixed.  26956 – Deleting and editing in DataGrid object on form in Web interface the rows that contain the transactions and the rows to which the transactions belong are different size Fixed.  27077 – In the DataGrid object on the form in the web interface, type number When filtering with 0 value in the column, it is possible to change the different number values to listing fixed.  27161 – Open with Toolbar Button in DataGrid object on form in Web interface A Selection Form is opened selectiond saved after making a new selection again Fixed that when prompted, inserted items were not shown in some cases to be selected.  23537 – DataGrid object contents on form in Web interface exported to Excel Fixed that not all rows were imported when exporting as a file.  21714 – In bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface, row in object when the associated form attached as is opened and saved by modifying the fields in the form, if the modified fields are shown on the DataGrid, you must ensure that the current values not showing fixed.  24013 – modal from bound DataGrid object on form in web interface view with opened form , replace the Save button on the form with the form downwards fixed changing when scrolling.  25146 – Insertinsert in bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface, or When performing edit operations, in the column with the action icons, click move fixed.  25735 – insert operation in bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface Fixed moving rows in column with action icons** when making the process.

 25402 – bound DataGrid object on form in Web interface, bound to object When the DateRangePicker object is added to the DataGrid object as a column, the column Fixed ToolTip not popping up when hovering over the value with the mouse cursor.  25201 – In the Header object on the form in the Web interface, the object size (heading type) h1-h6** shown in the same size no matter what value is selected Fixed.  25246 – Object items in ListBox object on form in Web interface are lowercase Fixed that when created with , the item is not listed when searching within the object.  26695 – when inserting a new selection in the Lookup object on a form in the web interface Fixed the inability to change the selection made when making a selection in the pop-up panel.  26696 – when inserting new selection in Lookup object on form in web interface Selections cannot be changed when multiple selections are made Fixed.  26697 – When adding new selection in Lookup object on form in web interface Select All in the pop-up panel does not work fixed.  26762 – Lookup object on form in web interface, selection panel columns Fixed continuous display of the Loading icon when sorting between.  27189 – In the web interface, in the Lookup object on the form, in the selection panel in the column filtering by non-existent value indicates that the value that is not in the rows show fixed.  25251 – Object with uppercase letters) in RadioList object on form in Web interface Fixed the lowercase conversion of the search word when searching in the content.  25254 – Element uppercase i in the context of a RadioList object on a form in the Web interface Fixed no results when the search word contains a lowercase i.  25148 – File attached to Related Documents object on form in web interface, user's download authorization in the Document Management directory where the file was uploaded fixed the ability to download when not given.  26822 – Flow to Related Documents object on form in Web interface Document inserted at the beginning not shown to the next user to take action Fixed.  26837 – In the Related Documents object on the form in the web interface, click Document When uploading a file from the Management section, in the file selection panel each time you select Slider moving to the starting position has been fixed.  25097 – Checkable property on TreeSelect object on form in Web interface For active and object elements, the Selected property is off, but not added when clicking the item Fixed the ability to add when selected.  25099 – Default Expand All in the TreeSelect object on the form in the Web interface Fixed not showing items within the object when the property is active.  24359 [YA2416]TreeSelect/TreeView objects on form in Web interface data source context modified objects to which it is linked Reload button not listing current content** fixed it.

 26003 – A data listed in the DataGrid in the CSP Process Archive Form in the Web interface when the process is viewed and advanced to the next step, in the Process Archive DataGrid fixed the column contents not displaying the HTMLTextBox object on the form.  26009 – In CSP Archive Form/CSP Process Archive Form in the Web interface When the multiple language equivalents of the columns are not entered in the DataGrid object, the column names are not entered in the not appearing in languages fixed.  26714 – Modification of pending form in web interface Fixed the ability to add new rows to the DataGrid object while in the out state.  26113 – Forgot Password field display on the login page in the web interface data Fixed the base not appearing when activated from the corresponding switch.  20675 [YA22800] – On the web interface login with digital and mobile signature on the login page options appear in the web interface even if the corresponding setting in the database is turned off Corrected to continue.  26962 – In the web interface in Turkish only when the system has English language active show** fixed.

3.2. Development Interface

 24518 – Property on "Form Design Objects – Collapse" object in the development interface In the developer interface, when the Caption field is visibility active in the viewer not showing fixed.  25178 – "Form Design Objects – Collapse" object in the authoring interface form design , copy/paste in form not working fixed  25943 [YA24487] – In the authoring interface "Form Design Objects – Lookup" object in the Visible property of a column in the Columns area of the Property Viewer When closed, the column appears in the panel opened from within the Lookup object in the web interface. show fixed.  25480 – Property on "Flow Design Objects – Position" object in the development interface When a time value is entered in the Time Out field in the viewer, the Based on the time time entered no timeout fixed.  26248 – Property on "Flow Design Objects – Position" object in the authoring interface Fixed user or Fixed Position selection in object context in the viewer page closes when done fixed.  26678 – Property on "Flow Design Objects – Position" object in the development interface In the viewer, select Fixed User or Fixed Position, select not saving fixed.  26729 – In the "Flow Design Objects – Position Group" object in the authoring interface Failure to render group content in the Group Content field in the Property Viewer Fixed.  24494 – In the "Flow Design Objects – Position Group" object in the development interface Selection in any group content in the Group Content field in the Property Viewer , inability to select with select all fixed.  26031 [YA24445] – In the development interface "Flow Design Objects – Position/Position Property on Group/Flow Start/Flow Initiator/Notifying" objects In the viewer, click Customize e-mail template , within the customized template When the value definition of the "Flow Design Objects – Variable" object is added ({{Degisken1.Value}}) project not published fixed.  23750 [YA23828] – In the development interface "Flow Design Objects – Position Group" object is defined within the user group that initiated the flow and the object's property When the If Processed Before Do Not Send Request property in the viewer is active, When the process is in the relevant position group in the web interface, the user who started the flow Fixed the to keep appearing in pending jobs.  25827 - In the Development interface "Flow Design Objects – Synchronizer" object When defined to perform a document to data synchronization from one document to another, web Fixed the error received when the process came to the Synchronizer step interface in the interface.  22247 – In the query attached" section in the development interface datasource (DataSource Fixed that when the headings of the result columns were changed, the result did not appear.

 26720 – REST attached in DataSource in the development interface Appearance corruption when adding a variable to the Query Parameters field in the element Fixed.  26721 – In query attached to DataSource in the development interface the expression about how many rows of results are on the Result tab when the query is run not showing up fixed.  26117 – In the Connections area within the Tools button in the Development interface, click new REST When adding a connection of type Error is received when filling in the Connections field and running a test Fixed.  22724 – link in the Connections area within the Tools button in the Development interface Fixed link icons not showing in alignment when the address is long.  24868 – In the Project Manager area within the Tools button in the Development interface, the panel hovering over the column headings in the tooltip information fixed not showing up.  25912 – CSP Archive Form/CSP in Solution Explorer in the development interface Error when Process Archive Form is created, when queries for forms are run) received fixed.  21736 – In the development interface, at the directory selection when creating a new project stage, Word file icon incorrect in Document Management section Fixed.  25196 – New item in Reports in the Solution Explorer section of the development interface Fixed unable to type filename in the pop-up panel when adding.  27052 – In the Public Fields field in the form's Property Viewer in the development interface Fixed form objects not being able to be selected when adding new items**.

3.3. Mobile

3.3.1. Android

 25044 – Same as DataGrid object on form in project designed as Native+ Fixed the ability to insert rows with a primary key value.

3.3.2. iOS

 25044 – Same as DataGrid object on form in project designed as Native+ Fixed the ability to insert rows with a primary key value.

3.4. Other

 23970 – In the share links generated in the Document Management section of the web interface Logging of MAC Address information has been removed.  23086 – When clicking the view process button in Electronic mail, the web interface and App Ready for First Use to remain in the Initializing Stage fixed.  25492 [YA24292]Boolean in DataGrid object on form in Web interface In the column of the type, it was arranged in such a way that the selection of the column was done in one operation.  24272 – Password from username field with Enter key on login page in web interface Removed the passage to the field. The Tab key must be used for this migration.  25828 – In the "Flow Design Objects – Send Email" object in the development interface Removed the From Value and From Name Value fields in the Property Viewer.  26677 – From clicking the Forgot Password button on the login page in the web interface password access link in reset email not working fixed.  24468 – Forgot Password on the login page in the web interface password change The old password is blocked from being entered while the new password is being created during the process.  25863 – new in the Users field in the Human Resources section in the Web interface Warning messages when user is created when data size entered in fields is high** Edited.

4. Breaking Change

1 - Projects should be republished.

2 - Build projects containing code samples where uploading files to DM with Service API are performed While being used, Flow.cs will return the following error in their code:

Flows/Flow1/Flow1.cs(285,29): error CS1729: 'CreateFileRequest' does not contain a constructor that tak es 7 arguments.

The parameter that receives macAdress in the CreateFileRequest method has been removed, for the corresponding parameter the submitted value should be deleted and the project should be published again.

new CreateFileRequest(secretkey, fileContentInfo, fileName, new Dictionary(),null,null, null); old

new CreateFileRequest(secretkey, fileContentInfo, fileName, new Dictionary(),null,null); new

3 - Position is listed in the Position Group objects for the value value of the Attachment property Selecting {{Document1.FileId }} does not work; When entered as {{Document1.DocumentId}} sends the current document as attached.

OnBatchSave used for grids with Editing Settings-Mode:batch in DataGrid objects 4 - DataGrid objects

Because of the removal of the event, the following error is received in the build process in projects where it is used:

Forms/Form1/Form1.cs(27,45): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'BatchSaveEventArgs' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

  • The corresponding event should be deleted from the Form1.ts file.
  • Open Source Mode is opened with a right click on the form and in the clientEvents and serverEvents properties of the DataGrid The OnBatchSave events should be deleted.

The code in it must be recompiled by writing it into the OnBeforeSave event of the form.

5 - Due to the fact that the contents of the datasource are empty in an imported project; Selection in the DataGrid object The Settings-Disable Value Column Name field does not list the column data. To do this, use the DataSource The relevant queries in the field should be selected again.

6 - In the Editing Settings area in DataGrid objects, on the web side because the selection for Mode is empty The Add a row does not have the Save and Edit buttons.On the corresponding object, mode:row/batch and the project must be published again.

7 - The following error is received in the project build process due to views:

[12:02:19.244][ERROR] : [Flow1][The view named default not found on Form1.]

To resolve the error:

  • The project should be compiled or saved by adding/subtracting an object from the form.
  • The flow with the error should be opened and the Refresh button should be clicked in the View area in the Document object.
  • Recompilation should be done by selecting the view that comes after the refresh operation.

These steps should be applied to all flows that fail.

8 - The following error during compilation due to corruption in DataSource files in some projects are taken: "Message":"ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Bimser.CSP.DataSource.Generator.Providers.MSSQLGeneratorProvider"

The following steps should be followed to resolve this error:

8.1- As in Example1, this error occurs because the Datasource appears to be empty.


8.2- In source mode, the value of the properties field must be converted to json format. (Example2)

Example 8.3- To do this, using Chrome devtools, the properties value is copied and copied to devtoolsa must be glued. (Example3)


8.4- The data obtained in blue color immediately below it should be copied without adding the leading and ending quotes, and It should be saved by pasting it into the Properties field and preceding it with a comma. (Example4)


8.5- When the datasource is opened again, it is seen that the content comes properly. (Example 5 )


8 .6- Then you should right-click again and open the welding mode.

"loadOptions": null, the line should be deleted and saved.

8.7- When the datasource is executed by opening it again and all these steps are for corrupted datasources when repeated, the error will disappear.

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