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Bimser Synergy 2023 Spring Release Notes

(1 April 2023 - 30 April 2023)

1. Highlights / New Features

  • 34105 [DR973] - Added Check In – Check Out property to the Form Properties panel. Default When this feature with a value of passive is active, it is set to Timeout (Timeout period for the operation) value. The default value is 10 minutes) and Additional Time is given. The default value is 5 minutes) fields are entered timeout duration information in minutes. When one of the users in the Position Group object used in the flow opens the form, the left** the Timeout time appears as a countdown in the top corner. 10 seconds before time runs out reminds the user that it is modally about to expire. User processing when it says continue, the time specified in the additional Additional Time field takes effect and the form is shown as a countdown on the . As long as the form remains open, until the time runs out The other user in the Position Group cannot open the form. When the first user expires or this property that allows a second user to open the form when the form is closed Added.

  • 43842 - In the development interface, on the Flow side, set the Flow Events properties to "Selectively Remove" feature has been added. With this feature, objects that use the corresponding events in the stream can be streamed with the DataGrid Introduced the properties of listing and removing the event from the desired object.

  • 43428 - In the Security tab in the web interface, in the Document Management settings Added Cancel and Past Revisions authorizations.

  • 34095 [DR2500] - rejection entered when stream rejection is performed in the web interface Like {{ProcessId}} in the mail template in the development interface of the reason {{Reason}} and the reason can be sent in mail template has been improved. The {{Reason}} field its purpose is to reach the reason for the rejection in the stream. {{Reason}} in Liquid templates can be accessed in the form of.

  • 42485 - Deleted to GetProcessLean endpoint in the development interface Stream manager Added Delete Date field to keep the date information of the feeds.

  • 35277 [DR2887] - Draft in Drafts in Workflow Management in the web interface to delete forms or flows that are saved as user interface button added.

  • 35217 - ContextMenu object to TreeList object on form in development interface addability feature has been introduced.

  • 38947 - To the Steps tab of the project filtered from Flow admin in the development interface Rollback improvement added. With this improvement, flow rollback provided.

  • 16428 - Image column added to Datagrid object in development interface.

  • 43951 - Set Column and Section Padding property to Top, on form in the development interface Ability to position object by entering Down, Right, and Left values has been introduced.

  • 44141 - DataGrid Start a Process in the web interface after ProcessId can be accessed feature has been improved.

  • 44488 - In the authoring interface, on the Toolbar Buttons tab of the DataGrid object By changing the Project Name, Form Name, and Default View fields to Select data has arrived.

  • 44569 - Continue If Error Occurs feature on the Flow side of the development interface Edited. Flow fails, but progress to next step has been achieved.

  • 40131 - Development interface, Auto Start in Project Properties feature improved. This When developing with Deploy Agent restart, projects that have this option selected Auto-start status has been improved.

  • 42447 - In the development interface, in the preview of what is written in the form's css codes show provided.

  • 42900 - Two new vector maps named Map and VectorMap to the development interface and Regular Map Chart Objects has been added.

2. Improvements

  • 29795 - New creation and editing of Proxy and Access Key in the web interface listing of authorizations that have occurred in their transactions and not reflecting changes made** bugs fixed.

  • 28742 - In Document Management web interface, entering repositories, selecting files, sharing Required to be able to type mail subject in the mail sending field when using the feature development has been done.

  • 37923 - Web interface in Document Management, to associate a file with itself give warning screen to user when attempted.

  • 42487 - In the Development interface, in the Objects in Stream Manager tab, objects are in the flow Improved the CheckStepHasEverWorked endpoint that checks that they are running.

  • 34653 - New embeddedView in the Body field of the CreateLink API in the development interface parameters have been added. Added parameters "viewHideInfo" : "hideLeftMenu": false , "hideBreadcrumbNavigation": false , "hideBreadcrumbItems": false , "hideAppSearch": true , "hideAdminTools": false , "hideProfileMenu": false , "hideApprovals": false , "hideLastVisitedDocuments": false , "hideAnnouncements": false

  • 41409 - location information to objects under Geolocation name in the development interface **The inclusion feature has been improved.

  • 42533 - Added GlobalCss field to the GetLoginParameters endpoint in the web interface.

  • 43926 - Only for Workflow Management and Human Resources Menu Element in the web interface not the main breakdown authority, but one of the elements under him in the list if he has the authority Visibility has been improved.

  • 45125 - Rollback to finished flows in the Stream Manager menu in the development interface (Rollback) not done.

  • 37510 [DR4284] - in the development interface, triggered by Events of type OpenForm the opened form is Editable: false/true.

  • 2076 - On a form using the Synchronizer Object in the development interface at the stage where the flow progresses with another object in another form, the same value return state has been improved.

  • 22453 - GetProcessLean and GetProcess in Stream Manager in the development interface queries for Paging Edit with GetProcessLean endpoint PackageVersion and Count information has been added and blocking for the first and last process in the Rollback operation processes have been improved.

  • 35026 - In the development interface, the form opened in type OpenForm triggered by Events Error not showing Editable in payload of GetFormInfoById** request Fixed.

  • 22359 - Regarding Initiator/Approver of the process on the Flow side of the development interface (Geo coordinates) of the information has been improved.

  • 38049 - Visible value of button to be advanced in flow advanced via Service API Enabled stream to be forwarded when False.

  • 38275 - Enabled operation in Events in Streaming Properties in the development interface Edited.

  • 38592 - Listing data in Flow Manager in the development interface to filter field Toolbar Sorting feature has been improved.

  • 40911 - Versioning in Flow Manager improvement in the development interface.

  • 42501 - Number of steps for the corresponding flow in Stream Manager in the web interface GetProcess Added the Steps endpoint as the Count property.

  • 43681 - Flow Id to Flow Id to GetProcessLean endpoint in the development interface Added.

  • 42874 - On the Flow side of the development interface, Process Creator, ProcessStartDate, RequestId, Request Date, ProcessStatusNo, ProcessStatus Improved addition.

  • 42912 - For use in server events in the development interface, following methods have been improved. public bool GetValueAsBool(string key) public byte GetValueAsByte(string key) public sbyte GetValueAsSbyte(string key) public char GetValueAsChar(string key) public decimal GetValueAsDecimal(string key) public double GetValueAsDouble(string key) public float GetValueAsFloat(string key) public int GetValueAsInt(string key) public uint GetValueAsUint(string key) public long GetValueAsLong(string key) public ulong GetValueAsUlong(string key) public short GetValueAsShort(string key) public ushort GetValueAsUshort(string key) public string GetValueAsString(string key) public DateTime GetValueAsDateTime(string key) public TimeSpan GetValueAsTimeSpan(string key) public DateTimeOffset GetValueAsDateTimeOffset(string key) public T GetValueJsonAsType''''<T>''(string key)

  • 42915 – On the Database side, the MAILS table, the information of the Workflow to which the mail was sent save.

  • 42923 - mail template from the user to whom the flow is sent in the web interface Project Name - Flow This template has been enhanced from Name to Project Name.

  • 45184 - WorkFlowManager error messages in the web interface "Request failed." .vb Instead of Error Messages, the error message in the response model of the Request which is fail was launched. Request failed error messages show ID information.

  • 45290 - StopWith to make the error messages that end user receives more meaningful stream termination implementation has been improved.

  • 37828 - File Settings header of DocumentViewer object on form in development interface Show On development has been made to the bottom. Under this property, select Panel, Modal, and Drawer options. These options allow you to insert the DocumentViewer object into various operations can be performed on uploaded files.

  • 34467 - In the development interface, EditType in columns of DataGrid connected to Rest query : Enabled field selection in query when binding rest query to ComboBox column.

  • 16622 - Web interface Deleting multiple files and folders in Document Management when prompted, display of the number of files provided.

  • 21181 - Background is not clickable when the Web interface Application Explorer is open provided.

  • 37996 - Improvements to the Solution Explorer area in the development interface.

  • 38355 - Flow object in the development interface Step and Object in Flow Manager fields icons** added.

  • 38570 - Improved the ability to access svg icons by URL address in the web interface.

  • 38040 - Introduced the focus method to be operated in 4 different ways in the development interface. These methods should only be on the Client side. Example uses are as follows:

    • this. TimePicker1.focus({cursor:"start"})
    • this. TimePicker1.focus({cursor:"end"})
    • this. TimePicker1.focus({cursor:"all"})
    • this. TimePicker1.focus({preventScroll:true}) Method arguments can vary by object. all changes requestedObservable in the web interface.
  • 38302 - In the development interface, in the Stream admin, click the Steps tab and select Date Filter fields icons, Status filter field based on language selection, related in Date filter added to be in the Disabled state after today's date.

  • 40199 - Showing Package version information in Stream Manager in the development interface provided.

  • 40760 - In the Development interface, in the Filter of Stream admin screen, enter the Projects field Refresh button has been added.

  • 39291 - Web interface Top of time when clicking on folders and files in Document Management To make quick work like the actions in the menu, make sure that the values are set to this onTopBarMenuPreparing methodology was provided.

  • 42477 - If the user in the stream in the web interface has delegated a power of attorney to another user; Stream Sending the approval mail to the user receiving the power of attorney and confirming via this mail The ability to perform the transaction feature has been improved.

  • 42484 - Streams that have been finished or deleted in the Stream manager in the development interface Improved the inability to make changes to objects.

  • 42511 - Style Editing on DataGrid in Workflow Management in web interface The Searchbar property is enhanced by adding the Column Chooser and Column Resizeable properties Developed.

  • 35375 - Save after changes are made to the Flow form in the web interface Pressing the button prompted the user to Record Successful.

  • 42486 - Ongoing in the Objects in Stream Manager field in the development interface in flows on completed steps , deleted or completed flows editing blocked.

  • 43777 - Send Mail object, Export to PDF object, Synchronize in the development interface Under the Continue if Error Occur property on the Responder objects, click errorOptions parameters have been added. "errorOptions": { "resumeOnError": true, "errorDescriptionObject": { "key": "5EF8EB6A- 4548-769D-B698-2B5ADED9CE5A", "name": "Variable1", "typeCode": 30 } }

  • 43778 - Adding TargetObject values to Assignment object in the development interface provided. "targetObject": { "key": "a40d52c6-9bf1-b38c- 2631-1433d170506f", "name": "Position1", "typeCode": 15 }

  • 43790 - In the Flow Manager menu in the IDE interface, enter Filter in the Flows filter addition provided.

  • 43767 - Web interface When multiple files are deleted in Document Management, Improved endpoint that prevents the page from failing.

  • 42578 - Adding Studio - Auto Start On Startup to UpdateProject endpoint has been developed.

  • 43640 - " Continue When Error Occurs " feature on the Flow side of the development interface in the Json that occurs when this property is selected in the ErrorOptions property on objects found Added.

  • 45289 - StopWith to make the error messages that end user receives more meaningful message display implementation has been improved.

  • 22385 - Web interface and text using machine learning in Document Management Improved the ability to automatically categorize by reading the contents of files**.

  • 4389 - In the development interface, to DataGrid object DataType : database , formatType: In view, editorType: editing mode, it is decided how the columns appear. In the DataType section, these columns are String, Boolean, Decimal, Date, Date-Time, Time, It is listed as Object. In the EditorType section, these columns are TextBox, Checkbox, NumberBox, Datepicker, It is listed as DateTimePicker, TimePicker, Select. The new props added to the column breakdown are as follows:

The name of the Control ```>``` EditControl has been changed.
CellType prop has been removed. EditType prop added.
ML Cell;
  • 40679 - Preparing queries on the web interface Dashboard screen and using Home pageSynchronous operation status has been provided.
  • 44942 - User-by-user queries appear on the Dashboard screen of the web interface The change by user feature has been improved.
  • 41358 - Web interface Dashboard screen with preparation of queries Home pageSynchronous operation status has been provided.
  • 38544 - Recent Applications , Pending on the Dashboard screen of the web interface Approvals, Work I Initiate, Work in Progress, Information, Processes, and ProcessDetails screens have been improved.
  • 43305 – Security.IndefiniteAccessToken in the Configurations table in the database Access key can be granted expiration when the value of the parameter is true has been developed.
  • 43783 - Datagrid object Column Fixing Enabled property active in the development interface , right-clicking on the columns on the form fixing the column to the left and right, or Restoring the pinned column with the Dissolve option has been provided.
  • 37286 - After entering a value into objects in the form in the web interface and finishing the flow, Form with text entered and text entered from the search field on the start pagefindability has been improved.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

3.1.1. Document Management

  • 44639 - Properties for repository and folder in Document Management in the web interface field error with maximum file size being set to negative Fixed.

3.1.2. Workflow Management

  • 44629 - "0" in panels in Workflow Management menus in the web interface Removed.
  • 41335 - Past Approvals in Workflow Management in the web interface When a record is selected in the drop-down Datagrid tab of the tab Locate the filter in the pop-up panelbug fixed.

3.1.3. No [Human Resources]

3.1.4. Web Home

  • 44232 - When clicking the Forgot Password button on the web interface, Failure to send Password Reminder email by typing username bug fixed.

  • 44769 - Fixed bug in GetDeployAgents endpoint in the web interface.

  • 41728 [DR5832] - Typed Text and Custom in Ribbon object in form in web interface Fixed the error of Disabled property not working in the elements.

  • 41973 - After adding rows with DataGrid Cell mode selected in the web interface Fixed the error when immediately trying to add rows again.

  • 42861 [DR5982] - When the Datagrid object in the web interface is in Cell mode, the data Fixed cursor error in two DataGrids that were in a row when added.

  • 43005 - Dropdown, with ReadOnly turned on in form in web interface FileSelector, TabMenu, RelatedDocuments, FishBone, and Transfer objects Fixed cross-cursor error**.

  • 44654 - Reading Style errors on the login screen in the web interface, fixed.

  • 44765 - Error on console in fields with Datagrid structure in the web interface Fixed.

  • 44474 - Repeater with a form from another project inserted into it in the web interface The object won't open error has been fixed.

  • 44907 - Static Datagrid editing operation next checker in web interface no-go error fixed.

  • 40132 - Task Management column in Administrative Tools in the web interface titles both Turkish and English spelling error have been fixed.

  • 45270 - From Toolbar Buttons of Form Properties in the authoring interface After activating IsServerPrint from the properties of the " Print " button and selecting View Fixed an issue where clicking the "Print" button in the web interface gets an error.

  • 45515 - In the web interface, select Proxy in the Active list and press the retract button Proxy Not Withdrawn error when pressed, Passive select the proxy in the list and select Remove button gets the power of attorney has been removed but still remain in the list** error with information for New Power of Attorney and Access Key and click OK Fixed error not continuing operation when pressed.

  • 38820 [DR4835] - After confirming Position Group contacts in the web interface, Requests and connections are deleted for users who don't approve, but when an error is received existing requests are not deleted, but when the stream is reversed with the Timeout operation Bug where not only confirmations but also links are deleted has been fixed.

  • 40622 [DR5376] - process in Position object on Flow side in web interface progress error fixed.

  • 44055 - Client Visible information of the form in the web interface, no selection made and Error coming up as False on the runtime side, even though the default value is True** Fixed.

  • 44915 - next validator to FileSelector object on form in web interface Media error issue when we attempt to send Fixed.

  • 45366 - Move the View button in the Quick Archive DataGrid object in the web interface Not showing up error fixed.

  • 45580 - In the Confirmation stage after Flow starts in form in the web interface error that occurred has been fixed.

  • 39270 [DR5025] - error message appears on the form screen in the web interface Fixed inability to re-process on form screen when closed.

  • 39398 - Documents and flow in form while Application language is English in the web interface misspelling error in Turkish of headings in properties has been fixed.

  • 39674 - After Clear Filters in Lookup object in web interface Fixed error appearing during loading phase when clicking on data.

  • 39797 - When filtering in OSF-populated Datagrid in web interface Discrepancy (error) in the search process with uppercase letter i and lowercase letter i has been fixed.

  • 39842 - User selections in FishBone object on form in web interface next not going to the approver and when data is entered in the object, click the Save button and select the form** error where data we saved did not come up when we turned it off and on again has been fixed.

  • 40169 - From records listed in the Task Management menu in the web interface when someone's drill is on, when a different stream is listed, it remains undetailed bug fixed.

  • 40357 - Allow Edit header in DocumentViewer object in form in web interface In the pop-up window under the Drawer property, the object is the file that is inserted into the title keeps moving bug fixed.

  • 40555 - Featured in the Activities panel on the form in the web interface Checkbox tile not seen error has been fixed.

  • 40991 - Username and Password fields on the Login screen in the web interface Edge and Looks different in Chrome browsers has been fixed.

  • 41729 [DR5819] - ComboBox in Datagrid on form in web interface continuously when clicking inside the object while the object is open without clicking outside it shutdown error fixed.

  • 39029 - ReadOnly property of Ribbon object on form in web interface open object Fixed bug of items actively working in .

  • 40613 - To any security group on the Security tab in the web interface multiple options popping up when searching for the new user who wants to be added in the system Fixed the error not slipping and other options not appearing.

  • 43235 [DR6238] - In the web interface, the type of the Open A Selection form is Panel and size When 2 or 3, you receive an error when attempting to save the form as a draft ** Fixed the problem.

  • 44873 - Object on form in web interface on development interface side Events tab an activity is not reflected in the object error Fixed.

  • 44891 - Static in DataGrid in web interface: Row & Cell - Alignment error of rows Fixed.

  • 44972 - uppercase on Security Settings page in the web interface searched with word lowercase and search result blank error Error fetching data out of has been fixed.

  • 44990 - Export of data to DataGrid triggered by ComboBox and LookUp in web interface does not come and associated is created in the Datagrid after the form is filled out and saved then the Datagrid not filling error has been fixed.

3.2. Development Interface

  • 42121 - DataGrid object under Filtering Settings property in the development interface Row Filter Enabled and Show Operation Chooser are enabled non-reflection error fixed.

  • 42815 - Placeholder property of HTMLTextBox object on form in development interface Screen object flickering error has been fixed when entering.

  • 43705 - Adding items to Static Treeselect object on form in development interface When entering a name in the field and adding an item to the Tab object, in the data entry in the Key field, the every** Error clicking on corresponding field after login has been fixed.

  • 44058 - spread , new form in the development interface in Solution Explorer Unable to add error has been fixed.

  • 44178 - Type script even though there are objects in the form in the development interface underlining object names typed in the code section of files, and Methods not showing up bug fixed.

  • 44242 - Datagrid ComboBox with Service Api on Flow side of development interface field assignment in the Datagrid object on the form screen Columns DataType: Object and EditType: ComboBox selected, so that Text is the same as Value bug fixed.

  • 38873 - Compare in Objects in the Flow manager in the development interface Fixed the error where the Comparison value value is empty in the object.

  • 42524 - Performance error of Group object on Flow side of development interface Fixed.

  • 44003 - Create Document in Objects in the Flow manager in the development interface Fixed the error where Project information of the object came blank.

  • 44174 - GetWorkflowDataByProcessId in Flow manager in the development interface Removed Steps in the response model.

  • 44499 [DR6541] - for Datasource of type Rest with ServiceAPI in the development interface error sending parameter fixed.

  • 44513 - Create in Create object in Create Document on Flow side in the development interface In the New Form option, set the Project , Form, View, Panel Size properties to Not updating error fixed.

  • 44599 [DR6559] - In the query Datasource in the development interface Fixed the Suspended error of the ProjectFormStatuses table.

  • 44914 [DR6626] - Precision in NumberBox object on form in development interface and enter values such as comma number entry, for example, 2.5 or 5.6 in the Step value then Fixed an issue where errors were received during the build process.

  • 45133 - IMembersUserGroups model on Flow side of development interface Edited.

  • 45147 - In objects with messages in properties of the Flow side in the development interface Added Key and Path properties to the Attachments properties in MessageOptions.

  • 45252 - In the Show Statistics process in the Stream manager in the development interface The GetProcessStepsWithStatistics endpoint has been edited.

  • 45502 - Show Statistics in Steps in the Steps in the Flow manager in the development interface error message when checked has been fixed.

  • 34555 - Lookup , TreeSelect , TreeView on the form screen in the development interface objects Datasource modification when Display Expression and Display Format fields not cleaned up error has been fixed.

  • 39765 - Assigning Values by Selection in Rules Manager in the Development interface Incorrect display of target selection on action in feature , favorite Fixed the error of changing according to the selection.

  • 39792 - When entering items into the FishBone object in the development interface, on the form ** bug with item names not appearing fixed.

  • 39896 - Font in the Title Font property of the Panel object on the form in the development interface When it is desired to increase the Size value, do not continue on the existing figure and 1 Fixed the error starting from (one)**.

  • 41299 [DR5726] - the old form when importing new form in the development interface Features Feature Viewer retention bug has been fixed.

  • 41740 [DR5859] - Made in the Localization section of the form in the development interface Changes After Save said crash bug Fixed.

  • 41907 - User Group to Position Group object in Flow in Development interface in the list Search not performed for all pages, Search for uppercase failure to do , Code column of list User Group code not meeting errors Fixed.

  • 43739 - Flow control feature on Flow in the development interface enabled Fixed the bug of Position object coming back to confirmation in the Web interface.

  • 44405 - "Continue If Error in Assignment object on Flow side of the development interface When the Occurs " feature is turned off, the Continue link is deleted and The ContinueWhenErrorOccurred link bug has been fixed.

  • 44407 - Substream in Substream Invocation object on Stream side of the development interface Not selectable and not required error for Start and Substream End objects Fixed.

  • 44410 - Use No Manager If User's Manager Does Not Exist" property is set to false, and the No Manager link is defined The error not being deleted from objects has been fixed.

3.3. Android

  • 33266 - DataGrid in Native+ view in mobile interface of Android devices object in the ProcessID, RequestID, DocumentID, and Creation Date fields filtering not working error fixed.
  • 42850 - StartAProcess in Native+ view, in the mobile interface of Android devices form not opening error fixed.
  • 43887 - Lookup in Native+ view in the mobile interface of Android devices Fixed Current Page property not working error in object.
  • 44584 - Lookup in the Native+ view in the mobile interface of Android devices Fixed the error PageSize property not working in object.
  • 44492 - Archive in the Native+ view, in the mobile interface of Android devices Error performing Clear operations on objects in form opened as OpenAForm Fixed.
  • 44993 [DR6683] - Native+ view in the mobile interface of Android devices Datasource field Dynamic Objects when it runs as Run At Server The error of not coming to object and staying on loading screen has been fixed.

3.4. iOS

  • 38660 - In the mobile interface of IOS devices, click on the Panel object based on the RadioList value A Datagrid with Visible condition satisfied and an associated Datagrid inside the Panel object Create A Form with ChildForm from Toolbar Button and return to the main form, make sure that the value in the RadioList object is set to Unable to change error** has been fixed.
  • 43048 [DR6206] - Open A via Datagrid in the mobile interface of IOS devices After you have selected the appropriate users to add data to the Parametric form with Selection, Fixed an error where the Caption field of old data in the parametric table was empty.
  • 42850 - StartAProcess in Native+ view, in the mobile interface of IOS devices Fixed bug quitting main form when started and the process progressed.
  • 44584 - Lookup in the Native+ view in the mobile interface of IOS devices Fixed the error PageSize property not working in object.
  • 44492 - Archive OpenAForm in the Native+ view, in the mobile interface of IOS devices Clear operations error has been fixed on objects in the form opened as .

4. Breaking Changes

  1. Projects should be published again.
  2. When generating the Service Api instance;
var serviceApi = new ServiceAPI("");
or var serviceApi = new ServiceAPI("dev");
To resolve the error received when used in the form of credential given
it needs to be replaced with one of the constructors.
public ServiceAPI(LoginWithBasicAuthenticationParameters loginParameters,
string apiUrlOrInstanceName,
LogSeverity logSeverity = LogSeverity.Information,
ITelemetryCollectorHolder telemetryCollectorHolder = null)
public ServiceAPI(LoginWithTokenAuthenticationParameters loginParameters,
string apiUrlOrInstanceName,
LogSeverity logSeverity = LogSeverity.Information,
ITelemetryCollectorHolder telemetryCollectorHolder = null)
public ServiceAPI(LoginWithAccessTokenParameters loginParameters,
string apiUrlOrInstanceName,
LogSeverity logSeverity = LogSeverity.Information,
ITelemetryCollectorHolder telemetryCollectorHolder = null)