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How to Change eBA Mail Configuration?

In Figure 1, the eBAConfigurationEditor in directory C:/eBA/Common .exe 1 is run. In the window that opens, click on the Mail Settings tab. The fields in field number 4 are written according to the system information.

SMTP Host: It is the smtp server name or ip address field to which the mails will be sent.

SMTP Port: This is the port used by the SMTP server. In general, ports 25 or 587 are used.

Username: If the "Required Authentication" option is checked, it is the user name information to be used when connecting to the SMTP server.

Password: The connection user password. Default Address: If the sender address is empty in the mails sent by eBA, the sender address of the mails is set as this value by default.

Default Name: This value is used if the sender name of the eMAILs sent by eBA is blank

Try Count: An error may occur when sending mails. The reason for this error may be many reasons such as SMTP server, network, mail address inaccuracy. If there is an error while sending mail to the mail server, it tries to send the mails again. The Try Count is the number of times the Mail Server will try to send the mails.

Mails per Session: The Mail Server determines how many emails to send each time it starts sending mails.

Delete Mails: The value of whether mails will be stored in the database or deleted after they are sent. If it is to be deleted, the number of days after which it will be deleted is written in the box that opens.

Requires Authentication: Specifies the requirement of a user name and password when connecting to the SMTP server.

Debug: More detailed logging is done in debug mode.

Requires SSL Encryption: Specifies the use of SSL encryption during the connection to the SMTP server.