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How to Customize the eBA Web Interface?

Apart from the default appearance that comes with the installation on the eBA web interface, the companies can It is provided to make its own branding and customization can be done on the interface. In this document Customizations that can be made on the web interface and how to perform these customizations Describes.

1. Changing the Web Browser Icon

On the web interface login screen, click the icon (number 1) shown on the tab in the browser window Marked Area) to be Changed in File Properties • Resolution: 16x16 pixels • File name: favicon • File extension: ico A new icon file should be prepared. A sample icon file Shape that you want to change It can appear at 2.

The designed icon file is located in two different folders on the server where the eBA is installed It is replaced with the file "favicon.ico" in the folder path. Directories with files to replace • Favicon.ico file in C:\BimserCozum\eBA\ • Favicon in C:\BimserCozum\eBA\\Desktop\Images\Design\Theme.ico file. Attention: the directories specified for the favicon.ico file are not changed in the installation of the eBA application directory, It is written taking into account that it is installed via the default file path that comes with the installation. If this file is the path if modified, the specified folder directories should be organized by directory on the server. After replacing the favicon in these two file paths in the system, the eBA services are restarted must be started. To restart the service, restart the services with the .bat extension on the server The enabling file is run as administrator. Attention: when the file with the bat extension is executed, all users logged in to the system are automatically logged out is being carried out. When re-logged in to the web interface, the icon in the browser tab is changed to the icon will come.

2. Changing Logos on the Home Page

2.1 Changing the logo in the login information section

On the login screen in the web interface, the logo on the user information is changed if desired, the properties of the new image file • Resolution: 198x74 pixels • File name: ebalogo • File extension: png should be prepared in such a way that it is. The new logo prepared, ebalogo in "C:\BimserCozum\eBA\\Desktop\Images\Design\HeaderText".png file. Attention: The directory specified is that the eBA application directory was not changed during the installation, the directory that came with the installation It is written taking into account that it is installed with the default file path. If this file path has been changed, The specified folder directories must be organized by directory on the server.

After changing the logo, the eBA services must be restarted. To restart the service The file that allows restarting services with the .bat extension on the server is run as administrator. Attention: when the file with the bat extension is executed, all users logged in to the system are automatically logged out is being carried out. When logged in again in the web interface after the operations, the logo on the login information on the login page appears as the new logo.

2.2 Changing the logo in the upper left corner of the login page

If you want to change the logo in the upper-left corner of the home page in the web interface (marked area in the picture) In Document Management, enter a system library called customstyle folder (Figure 8) should be created.

In the created folder, the style file customstyle.css and the final designed parent logo are added. The css code inside the loaded file looks like in Figure 7. Note: The toplogo.png which is written to the background-image property in the .startupHeader class, must be named, appears the name of the new logo to be changed. A different name can be written instead of toplogo, but The written name must be the same as the image file to be uploaded. Note: The logo resolution used in this example is 196x75 pixels.

After changing the logo, the eBA services must be restarted. To restart the service The file that allows restarting services with the .bat extension on the server is run as administrator. Attention: when the file with the bat extension is executed, all users logged in to the system are automatically logged out is being carried out. When logged in again in the web interface after the procedures, the new logo is in the upper left corner of the login page is coming.

3. Changing the Background Image

If you want to use a different image instead of the vector image shown in the background in the web interface In Document Management, a folder named customstyle (Figure 12) is created in the system library. In the new folder created, customstyle.css and designed background image are added. Loaded The code specified in Figure 1 is written into the CSS file. Note: The water_background.jpg name in the url parentheses in the background line is the name used for the example It belongs to the background image and can be changed as desired. (water_background.jpg offline The resolution of the file is 1920x1080 pixels.)

4. Changing the Text in the Browser Tab After Login

If you want to change the text shown in the browser tab, the following actions are taken: workable. After logging in with this process, the header information in the browser changes.

In the directory where the eBA is installed on the server (the default installation path is C:\BimserCozum\eBA, this path may vary) in XML files located in the Server folder within the Languages folder, The file for the language in which the title will be changed is opened with the XML viewing application. The contents of the file The value in the line named 170AppName is replaced with the header information you want to change. Note: In which languages the header information is intended to be changed, 170appname is required in the XML files for those languages. line must be modified.

Following the change to the XML file, the eBA services must be restarted. Reinstall the service the file that allows to restart services with the .bat extension on the server to start it, as administrator Run. Attention: when the file with the bat extension is executed, all users logged in to the system are automatically logged out is being carried out.

5. Changing the Text on the Browser Tab and Login Information Before Login

In the browser tab and on the user login area before logging in to the web interface If it is desired to change the texts shown, the following procedures are applied.

In the directory where the eBA is installed on the server (default installation path is C:\BimserCozum\eBA, this path can vary) eBA located in the Common folder The Configuration Editor application runs.

By clicking the Advanced tab in the eBA Configuration Editor (field marked number 1) tab is switched. Click the Web tab (field marked number 2) at the values listed and apply it Clicking the small green plus sign (the field marked with the number 3) in the new value tab is added.

When the new value is added, the "Node Text" expression is changed to "ApplicationCaptions"

After changing the added value field caption, with the ApplicationCaptions field selected, the Key The name of the language to be displayed in the field (Turkish, English, Russian, French, etc.) should be written. In the Value field, tap The equivalent of the title information of that language should be defined. Note: Since five different languages are active in the system described in Figure 23, the equivalents for each language are; Written. According to the languages active in the eBA application, key and value equivalents can be written.

After the introduction of languages and their equivalents in ApplicationCaptions, the eBA Configuration The panel opens by clicking the File button in the Editor and clicking Save. Saving changes The eBA services must then be restarted. To restart the service, use the .bat extension on the server The file for restarting the services is run as administrator. Attention: when the file with the bat extension is executed, all users logged in to the system are automatically logged out is being carried out.