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Where Can I See eBA Logs?

1. Event Log Viewer

The operations carried out during the operation of the services belonging to the infrastructure in the eBA, the consent of the user Error details if an error occurs, user trying to log in and IP information, Document Management section (change of library/folder property, etc.), Human Resources Records of the result of the transfer, records of proxy transactions (power of attorney, deletion), other records of the eBA Records of many features, such as logs for modules, are available in the Event Log Viewer Lists. The records shown in this section are readable and cannot be modified. The records shown in Event Log Viewer and any addition(s) to the record are eBA's data is stored at the base. In the Event Log Viewer panel, select the application name to display, the month of the application registration There are fields that select the period, date range, event type on the basis. According to the choices made in these areas Records of the desired event at a certain time interval can be displayed. Records listed using the selection fields, as well as the user, text, and details fields Filtering can be done in the Descending check box according to the selection of also log records descending or ascending can be listed as follows.

The records that come as a result of the filtering process are listed in a side panel. In this panel, the record type is the date of registration, the user from whom the registration occurred (in some application selections, the IP address), and a brief description of the recording that occurred The description is shown in the corresponding columns respectively.

When a log record listed in the field is clicked, the detail log of that record Displays.

The records listed in the Application name field, which can be opened later, are as follows. 1) Application Service: eBA is the log where the infrastructure operations performed in the Application Service are kept. 2) Licensing: It is the log in which records related to eBA licensing are kept. 3) Schedule Service: It is the log where the infrastructure operations performed in eBA Schedule Service are kept. 4) Schedule Server: Triggering of items added to the Schedules Tasks field in the eBA Configuration Editor is the diary in which records are kept. 5) Capture Service: It is the log where the capture infrastructure operations performed in eBA Capture Service are kept. 6) DM Index Service: eBA DM is the log where the infrastructure operations performed in the Index Service are kept. There are records such as indexed files, files with errors during indexing. 7) Logging Service: It is the log in which the operations performed by the infrastructure operations in the eBA Logging Service are kept. 8) DM Service: A record of the transactions performed by the infrastructure within the document management within the eBA DM Service is the diary in which it is kept. 9) Workflow Service: When a process is performed in eBA Workflow Service, the process does in the infrastructure it is the log in which each step is recorded. 10) Compile Service: In eBA Compile Service, compiling when a project is built in Workflow Studio is the log that keeps a record of the infrastructure of the transaction and who made the request. 11) Document Management Log: In Document Management, in a library and in the library is the log in which when a feature/authorization change is made to the folder, a record of it is kept. Appearance of the log , select the library and select All in the History field under the Administration section within the properties must be selected. With this selection, you can also view information such as viewing and downloading files in the library. It is recorded in the library's own history.

12) Web User Interface: It is the log where all the errors received by the user on the web interface are recorded. The logs also contain the user who received the error and the user's IP information. 13) Compiler: When compiling the project in Workflow Studio, make a backup of the previous successful project compilation. is the diary in which it is kept. 14) eBA Scheduler: The process related to the items added to Schedules Tasks in System Manager is the log in which start/resume records are kept. 15) Workflow Schedules: Where the schedule sessions processed in the eBA Workflow Schedule are kept daily. 16) eBA Form Log: The data on the form is recorded in the OnLoad and Save stages of the form daily. In the eBA Configuration Editor, on the Advanced tab, click Enable FormDataLogging on the Web Break key and set the value to true. 17) Authorization Changes: Record when new is added/deleted in Authorization Manager in System Manager it is the diary under which it is taken. 18) Delegation Log: It is the log in which the user's proxy issuance/deletion transactions are recorded. 19) eBA Process Management Log: Record the operations performed in the process request management section of the web interface it is the diary under which it is taken. 20) HR Changes: When changes are made to the organizational structure in System Manager, the changes made is the diary in which it is kept. 21) Digital Signature: If the electronic signature is active, it is the diary in which the records of the electronic signature transactions are kept. 22) System Cleaner: It is the log that keeps the records that occur when the System Cleaner application is run. 23) eBAMailIntegration: This is the log in which records related to the eBA Mail Integration System (MIS) module are kept. 24) Web Login Attempts: It is the log where the login requests and IP information made on the web interface are kept. eBA WebLoginLogEnable key added to the Security breakdown on the Advanced tab in Configuration Editor It is activated by assigning true as the value. 25) Query String Login: The date of creation and access of the links generated by Query String is the diary in which it is kept. 26) Push Notification: where records of notifications sent via the eBA mobile application are kept daily. Notifications must be active in the mobile app. 27) Archive Time Stamp: Performed when the document is selected in document management and the archive time stamp is clicked is the log in which records of the transaction are kept. 28) Flow Manager Log: Process rollback in the Flow Manager section in System Manager is the diary in which it is kept. 29) DM Service Details: It is the log where detailed DM Service logs are kept. Only by Bimser, needed if it is heard, it is opened. 30) DM Service SQL Execution: It is the log where the SQL queries and details run by the DM Service are kept. It is opened only by Bimser, if needed. 31) Workflow Service SQL Execution: When the process is processed in the web interface (process start/resume etc) SQL queries run by the workflow service and details are kept. daily. It is opened only by Bimser, if needed. 32) EBA.NET SQL Execution: It is the log where the SQL queries and details run by the eBA engine are kept. It is opened only by Bimser, if needed.

2. Designing a Custom Log

Apart from the records kept by the system, the project is made by using eBALogAPIHelper within the project. customized records of the transaction can be kept. Any event or button object on the form can be used in . It can also be used in in-flow functions. This In this way, the follow-up of a transaction made in the flow or form is also checked from the customized log of records It can be used. Example usage:

%SystemPath%\Common\eBALogAPIHelper.dll //eBALogAPIHelper must be added to the project reference. using eBALogAPIHelper.Helper; Using must be added to the flow or form in which the record will be kept. eBALogAPI logApi = new eBALogAPI("PurchaseTelep", "PRODUCTION"); Project name, eBA INSTANCE Name public void WriteLog(string caption, string description, Exception ex = null) //Method to add record { logApi.AddLogAsync(caption, description, ex == null ? eBALogType.None : eBALogType.Error,LogonUser, ex); }

public void btnLog_OnClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) { WriteLog("BuyTelep"+" - Process No: "+id, "Button pressed: btnLog\n Date: "+DateTime.Now+"\n Process Performed by: "+LogonUser , null); WriteLog("\n PurchaseTelep "+"\nProcess No: "+id, "\nButton pressed: btnLog\nDate: "+DateTime.Now+"\nProcess Performed by: "+LogonUser+" \nView: "+CurrentView , null); }