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eBA Database Authorizations

In order for the eBA Server system to perform Database operations effectively, the Database user defined on MS SQL Server needs some authorizations. Before specifying these authorizations, it is necessary to mention the Database authorizations on MS SQL Server.

MS SQL Server Role Concept

SQL Server has divided the authorization process into 3 parts through roles.

These roles are;

Server Role

These are the roles given to make the necessary authorization on the server.

Database Role

Used to perform authorization on the Created Database

Application Role

Server Role

Bulkadmin (Bulk Insert Administrator)

Authorized to the Bulk Insert command

Dbcreator (Database Creator)

Have the authority to create, delete and edit databases

Diskadmin (Disk Administrator)

Authorized to manage files on the disk

Processadmin (Process Administrator)

Have the authority to control the processors running on SQL Server.

Public (Restricted Rights for All)

The role of anyone who signs in to SQL Server with standard settings. With this rule, all users have restricted rights. Later, these users can be assigned other rules by changing the rule

Securityadmin (Security Administrator)

Have the authority to control and manage the authorizations of users on the server and reset their passwords or change them when requested

Serveradmin (Server Administrator)

SQL Server has permissions on build settings, such as start/stop/restart.

Setupadmin (Setup Administrator)

Authorized to perform operations on SQL Server using a different database

Sysadmin (System Administrator)

He is the one with the highest authority. Has all the authority over the system

Database Role


It is the highest authority in the database. It has powers such as deleting, adding, editing, starting/stopping


It is the administrator who assigns access rules/authorizations to users in the database


Manages the rules/authorizations in the database


Allows users in the database to run the "SELECT" query


Allows users in the database to run "INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE" queries


Allows users in the database to run "DDL" commands


Restricts users in the database from running the "SELECT" query


Restricts users in the database from running "INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE" queries


Rule for backing up the database

Application Role

If you create a "guest" account, you do not need to open and define individual user accounts for the database in the database.

Operational Operations Required by the eBA Server on the Database

The powers required by eBA Server on the Database on which it is installed are as follows:

Delete data

Data Update

Adding Data

Change in table and column names (ALTER)

Edit DB Schema

Ability to take DB Backup

As mentioned above, it is necessary to be able to perform the operations specified on the eBA Server DB during the use of the program and at the time of updating the application. For this reason, the equivalent of the SQL User given during the installation on the SQL Server DB Roles is determined as DB_owner.