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An assignment object is an object that can be used to set values for many objects on a stream. Whichever flow step the object set as a result of the assignment process will be used, the assignment object must be used before that step.

When the object in the Flow design screen is clicked, the object properties appear in the Property Viewer panel.


When the assignment object is clicked, there are "Appearance", "Properties" and "Events" tabs in the Property Viewer panel.


Text Configs

'Object Name' - The name of the object to be used on the system side. On the code side, the object is accessed by the value that is written in the object name field.

'Caption' - The area where the object's title text is entered.

'Is Lock' - This field is activated if the object is not to be moved at the time of design.

'Size' - The part where the width and height of the object are adjusted.



For the assignment process; It is the part where it is determined which object, of which type, which value will be assigned.

'Target Object' - Whichever stream object is intended to be assigned is selected from this area. Objects that can be used as target objects in the assignment object; Position, Variable, Department, and Title objects. Depending on the target object selected, the type of value that can be assigned to that object varies.


  • If Position object is selected as Target Object;

When the Position object is selected from the Target Object, the Source Type values of the assignment to this position object and the Source Value information about which value to assign based on the selected resource type are described in the following table.


Target ObjectResource TypeResource Type DescriptionSource Data
PositionFixed positionUsed to assign one of the system-defined position definitions to the selected target objectAs resource data, a selection field opens that lists the position definitions in the system. From this list, the developer selects the position information to assign to the target object
PositionFixed userUsed to assign one of the system-defined user definitions to the selected target objectAs source data, a selection field opens that lists the user definitions in the system. From this list, the developer selects the user information to assign to the target object
PositionVariable positionUsed to assign to the selected target object the person who is in the "Flow Initiator" and other "Position" objects in the flowAs source data, all position objects present in the flow design and the object that initiated the flow are listed. Whichever flow object the developer wants to assign the contact to the target object as a contact, they select the corresponding object from this list
PositionStream starterUsed if the selected target object is intended to be assigned the user who initiated the flow
PositionAdmin of the person who started the streamUsed if the selected target object is intended to be assigned the manager of the user who initiated the flowA user can have multiple administrator definitions in the system. These managers are defined by different manager profiles (such as one person having two managers as his technical supervisor and his administrative supervisor). Selecting Flow Initiator's Manager in the Source Type field opens a "Profile" field to select the administrator profile to assign. Here it is selected which profile supervisor of the person will be assigned.<br/>``````<br/>When the administrator of the initiator of the flow is selected, the NoManager link that occurs on the object should be used for the scenario where there is no administrator.
PositionUser managerUsed to assign to the selected target object the manager of the contact in any position object in the flow or in the object that starts the flowA user can have multiple administrator definitions in the system. These managers are defined by different manager profiles (such as one person having two managers as his technical supervisor and his administrative supervisor).<br/>``````<br/>A "Profile" field opens where the administrator profile to be assigned first will be selected as the source data. Here it is selected which profile supervisor of the person will be assigned. Then, from the source data section, from the list of "Flow Initiator" and other "Position" objects in the stream, the selection of whichever user's manager wants to be assigned to the target object is made
PositionDepartment ManagerUsed to assign to the selected target object the manager of the "Department" object that is in the flow and holds one of the department information defined in the systemAs source data, the "Department" objects used in the flow design are listed. If the manager of the department defined in which department object is desired to be assigned to the target object, the corresponding object is selected from this field
PositionPosition from variable valueUsed to assign to the selected target object the position code value contained in a "Variable" object in the flow, or the return value from a "Function" object that sends the position code as the return value in the flowAs source data, the "Variable" and "Function" objects used in the flow design are listed. Whichever object the position definition is intended to be assigned to the target object, that object will be selected from this list.<br/>``````<br/>The variable object must hold the position code. The function object must send a position code as the return value.
PositionVariable value from UserUsed to assign to the selected target object the user code value contained in a "Variable" object in the stream, or the return value from a "Function" object that sends user code as the return value in the streamAs source data, the "Variable" and "Function" objects used in the flow design are listed. Whichever object the user definition is intended to be assigned to the target object, that object will be selected from this list.<br/>``````<br/>The variable object must be holding user code. The function object must send a user code as the return value.
PositionTop position by titleUsed to assign the specified titled manager of a Position object in the flow or the one that starts the flow to the selected target object.As source data, the objects used in the flow design are listed as "Position" and "Stream Initiator". In addition, the "Title"** objects used in the flow for title selection or the list of titles in the system if a fixed title definition is desired to be given. There is also the Profile field to which the user's profile-defined supervisor will be assigned.<br/>``````<br/>The selected title-defined manager of the selected source position is assigned to the target object.
PositionSigned-in userFor transacted and delegated operations, the target object is assigned the user who is logged on to perform the operation
PositionPrincipal logged-in userIn transactions carried out instead of transactions and by proxy, the target object is assigned to the person who replaces or acts by proxy
  • If Variable object is selected as Target Object;


When the Variable object is selected from the Target Object, the Source Type values of the assignment to this variable object and the Source Value information about which value to assign based on the selected resource type are described in the following table. The Source Type field differs based on the "Source Type" value of the variable object.

Target ObjectVariable TypeResource TypeResource Type DescriptionSource Data
VariableTextConstant valueUsed to assign a constant text value to the variable objectOpens a **"Value" field where you can enter the constant value to assign to the variable object
VariableTextVariable valueUsed to assign the value of an object used in the stream to the variable objectAs source data, the Position, Stream Initiator, Variable, Department, Title, and Function objects in the stream are listed. Whichever object's data is desired to be assigned to the variable, that object will be selected from here.<br/>``````<br/>The function object must send a return value to be assigned to the variable.
TextTextProject nameUsed to assign the project name to the variable object
VariableIntegerConstant valueUsed to assign the value of an object used in the stream to the variable objectOpens a **"Value" field where you can enter the constant value to assign to the variable object
VariableIntegerVariable valueUsed to assign the value of an object used in the stream to the variable objectAs source data, the Position, Stream Initiator, Variable, Department, Title, and Function objects in the stream are listed. Whichever object's data is desired to be assigned to the variable, that object will be selected from here.<br/>``````<br/>The function object must send a return value to be assigned to the variable.
VariableIntegerIncreaseIncrements the value in the variable object by 1
VariableIntegerReduceDecrements the value in the variable object by 1
  • If the Department object is selected as the Target Object;


When the Department object is selected from the Target Object section, the Source Type values of the assignment to be made to this department object and the Source Value information about which value to assign based on the selected resource type are described in the following table.

Target ObjectResource TypeResource Type DescriptionSource Data
DepartmentFixed departmentUsed to assign a system-defined business unit to the business unit objectAs source data, all departments defined in the system are listed. The department definition that is desired to be assigned to the business unit object is selected from this list
DepartmentVariable departmentUsed to assign the department value from another department object used in the flowAs source data, all department objects used in the flow design are listed. The department object in which the record maintained is desired to be assigned is selected from this list
DepartmentPosition departmentThe department information of the user in a position object that is used in the flow, or of the user who started the flow, is used if the department object is intended to be assigned to the department objectAs source data, all position objects used in the stream and the object that started the flow are listed
DepartmentStream initiator departmentUsed if the department information of the user who initiated the flow is intended to be assigned to the object
DepartmentVariable valueUsed to assign the value of an object used in the flow to the department objectAs source data, the Variable and Function objects in the stream are listed. Whichever object's data is intended to be assigned to the department object, that object will be selected from here.<br/>``````<br/>The function object must send a return value to be assigned to the department object.
DepartmentExecutive departmentUsed to assign the parent business unit of the department in another department object used in the flowAs source data, all department objects used in the flow design are listed. The parent business unit of the department value held in which department object is desired to be assigned is selected from this list
  • If Title object is selected as Target Object;


When a Title object is selected from the Target Object, the Source Type values of the assignment to this title object and the Source Value information about which value to assign based on the selected source type are described in the following table.

Target ObjectResource TypeResource Type DescriptionSource Data
TitleFixed titleUsed when you want to assign a system-defined title value to a title objectAll title records in the system are listed as source data. The title to assign to the object is selected from this list
TitleVariable titleUsed to assign the title value from another title object used in the flowAs source data, all title objects used in the flow design are listed. Whichever title object you want to assign the record is selected from this list
TitleTask titleThe title information of the user in a position object used in the flow, or the user who started the flow, is used if the title object is desired to be assignedAs source data, all position objects used in the stream and the object that started the flow are listed
TitleStream initiator titleThe title information of the user who started the flow is used if the object is intended to be assigned
TitleVariable valueUsed to assign the value of an object used in the flow to the title objectAs source data, the Variable and Function objects in the stream are listed. Whichever object's data is intended to be assigned to the title object, that object will be selected from here.<br/>``````<br/>The function object must send a return value to be assigned to the title object.

It is checked by the system that the attached properties on the object are correct. When a missing feature is found, a red exclamation point icon can be displayed on the object, and hovering over the icon with the mouse pointer can display what is missing or incorrect.



'Continue If Error Occurs' - When the feature is activated, the ContinueIfErrorOccured connection arrow is used in addition to the Contunie connection arrow for the Assignment object. When the assignment process cannot be done due to incorrect design in the object, lack of assignment information, etc., the process can proceed through this arrow instead of giving an error on the end user side, and the process can be made to perform a different operation when an error occurs.


'Error Description Object' - The field that appears when the Continue If Error Occurs property is activated on the object. It should be used when an error occurs within the object, when it is requested to pass the error message to the Variable object in the stream.


The events owned by the assignment object are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered. To write code for any event, double-click the appropriate event line from the Events tab. The screen is directed to the flow code editor section named "FlowName.cs" and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. The developer can construct any code block he wants in this method. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is indicated.
