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The comparison object is the object from which the process is driven by a value within the designed process. In the flow design, this object should be added to the places after which the comparison is desired after which step in the process.

When the object in the Flow design screen is clicked, the object properties appear in the Property Viewer panel.


When the comparison object is clicked, there are "Appearance", "Properties" and "Events" tabs in the Property Viewer panel.


Text Configs

'Object Name' - The name of the object to be used on the system side. On the code side, the object is accessed by the value that is written in the object name field.

'Caption' - The area where the object's title text is entered.

'Is Lock' - This field is activated if the object is not to be moved at the time of design.

'Size' - The part where the width and height of the object are adjusted.



'Source Object' - Allows the selection of which object in the stream to compare with. When the source object is selected, the Results section becomes active.

The Source Object field can use Variable, Flow starter, Position, Department and Title objects in the flow.


> In scenario 1 in the image below, the Results option does not come up because there is no selection in the Source Object field within the Comparison object. In scenario 2, the Results field comes up because Source Object is selected. Compare

{#source-variable} if Variable object is selected in the Source Object field

'Use property' - The area in the Source Object field in the comparison object that appears when the Variable object in the stream is selected. When the Document object is selected in the variable object and an object in the form is selected in the Source Object field, it can be determined whether the selection made in the object is compared to the Text or Value expressions. (For example, because the ComboBox and Lookup objects contain different information in Value and Text, the ComboBox object can be made to advance relative to the Text of the selected item.)

> Selections: Text, Value

'Results' - This is the section in the comparison where the incoming value is determined according to which terms/conditions will be evaluated and directed. Clicking the three dots opens the Results panel. A rule can be added by clicking the Add button in the window. On the left side of the window there are the added conditions, while on the right side there are the properties of that condition.


The items that can be selected in the Comparison type field will vary depending on the type of Variable object selected in the Comparison object.

:::d anger WARNING

The following table applies if Value is selected in the Use property field in the Comparison object. If Text is selected in the field, regardless of the Variable type, the selections listed in the Text column in the table (Equals, Not Equals, Blank, Not Blank, Contains, Does Not Contain, Begins With, Ends With ) will appear in the Comparison type field.


Defined Variable TypeSelections listed in the Comparison type field
TextEquals, Not Equals, Blank, Not Empty, Contains, Does Not Include, Begins with, Ends With
IntegerEquals, Is Not Equal, Blank, Not Empty, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less, Less Than or Equal to, Between, Not Between
Decimal issueEquals, Is Not Equal, Blank, Not Empty, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less, Less Than or Equal to, Between, Not Between
HistoryEquals, Is Not Equal, Blank, Not Empty, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less, Less Than or Equal to, Between, Not Between
MoneyEquals, Is Not Equal, Blank, Not Empty, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less, Less Than or Equal to, Between, Not Between
True/FalseEquals, Not Equals
  • The Value Type field in the item added to the identification panel within the Result field has the options Constant and Liquid. Selecting Constant can control the comparison result with a constant value, while selecting Liquid can perform a comparison using the liquid data in the stream or the value in a dark Variable object.

> Comparison with constant value Compare

> Compare using the contents of a different Variable object in the stream Compare


When a Variable object of type Date is defined, the Format field appears for formatting the date value contained in the Variable, and if the Value type is Constant, the Date selection must be made in the Value field.

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When a Variable object of type Boolean is defined, if the Value type is Constant, the switch corresponding to true/false will appear in the Value field.

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If you want to delete the defined results in the Results field, the Reset button can be used from within the panel or next to the ellipsis expression in the field.


{#source-position} if Position object is selected in the Source Object field

'Comparison value' - The area where it is determined whether the Comparison operation should use the ID or ID according to the selected Position object.

> Choices available: Code, ID

'Collection type' - The area where the comparison operation is determined to be performed according to the selected Position object, user or position information.

> Selections available: User, Position

'Results' - This is the section in the comparison where the incoming value is determined according to which terms/conditions will be evaluated and directed. Clicking the three dots opens the Results panel. According to the selection to be made in the Collection type field, user information or position information is listed and the data to be used in the comparison process is selected.

{#source-department} if Department object is selected in the Source Object field

'Comparison value' - The area where the ID or ID is determined whether the comparison operation is used based on the selected Business Department object.

> Choices available: Code, ID

'Results' - This is the section in the comparison where the incoming value is determined according to which terms/conditions will be evaluated and directed. Clicking the three dots opens the Results panel. By selecting between the departments listed in the panel, the data to be used in the comparison process is selected.

{#source-profession} if Title object is selected in the Source Object field

'Comparison value' - The area where it is determined whether the Comparison operation should use the Code or ID according to the selected Title object.

> Choices available: Code, ID

'Results' - This is the section in the comparison where the incoming value is determined according to which terms/conditions will be evaluated and directed. Clicking the three dots opens the Results panel. By selecting between the titles listed in the panel, the data to be used in the comparison process is selected.

{#source-flow-starter} if Flow initiator object is selected in the Source Object field

'Collection type' - The area where the comparison operation is determined to be performed according to the selected Stream initiator object, user or position information.

> Selections available: User, Position

'Results' - This is the section in the comparison where the incoming value is determined according to which terms/conditions will be evaluated and directed. Clicking the three dots opens the Results panel. According to the selection to be made in the Collection type field, user information or position information is listed and the data to be used in the comparison process is selected.


If the wrong condition is attached to the object when the link arrow is pulled on the comparison object, there is no need to delete all arrows and re-create the links. Double-clicking the erroneous arrow with the mouse pointer opens the link editing and deleting panel.

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Clicking the OK button with the Delete option selected in the panel will delete the created link. When the Replace option is selected, the condition to be changed can be selected in the lower field and the OK button can be clicked.


It is checked by the system that the attached properties on the object are correct. When a missing feature is found, a red exclamation point icon can be displayed on the object, and hovering over the icon with the mouse pointer can display what is missing or incorrect.



The events owned by the comparison object are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered. To write code for any event, double-click the appropriate event line from the Events tab. The screen is directed to the flow code editor section named "FlowName.cs" and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. The developer can construct any code block he wants in this method. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is indicated.
