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Flow Trigger

The Flow Trigger object is the object that allows these processes to be started without writing code when the process needs to be started, such as starting a different project at a certain stage when the project is designed, starting a different flow in the same project.

Using the object, one or more processes can be triggered. When you want to trigger a single process, flow triggering can be done by defining values in the Parameters field in the object. Triggering more than one process can be done by defining the process data to be triggered on the DataGrid object on the form.

When the object in the Flow design screen is clicked, the object properties appear in the Property Viewer panel.

Flow Trigger

When the Stream End object is clicked, there are "Appearance", "Properties" and "Events" tabs in the Property Viewer panel.


Text Configs

'Object Name' - The name of the object to be used on the system side. On the code side, the object is accessed by the value that is written in the object name field.

'Caption' - The area where the object's title text is entered.

'Is Lock' - This field is activated if the object is not to be moved at the time of design.

'Size' - The part where the width and height of the object are adjusted.



'Document' - The area where the Document object containing the DataGrid object to be used in the triggering process is selected when more than one process is requested to be triggered.

'Control Name' - The field in which the selection made in the Documents field contains the form defined in the object and the DataGrid object to be used when triggering processes is selected.


'Project' - The area where the project to be started is selected.

'Flow' - The area where the project to be started is selected to trigger whichever flow is desired.

'Parent ProcessId' - When the process is triggered, the part where the connection is established between the triggered process(s) and the parent process. When the field is defined and the process is triggered, the other flows started in the flow history are shown as breakdown in the flow history of the process. Statically, the data contained in a variable in the flow ({{Variable1.Value}} ) or the flow number data of the process itself can be entered.


If you want the process's number to be used automatically, you can type {{ProcessId}} in the Parent ProcessId field.

'Show in Flow History' - Allows the Flow Trigger object to appear in the flow history when the feature is activated.

'Starter User' - The area in the flow history where the definition is made to show which user the triggered flows started with. Data contained in a static value or variable ( {{Variable1.Value}} ) can be entered. The starter works with the selection made in the User Type field. Based on the selection made in the Starter User Type field, the ID and USERNAME values in the user's OSUSERS table must be entered.

'Starter User Type' - The field used to determine the type of information entered in the Starter User field. If the flow triggered in the flow history is desired to be triggered with one of the user id (UserId) or user name (UserName) information, this is the field according to which information the trigger will be selected.

>Choices Can Be Made: UserId, UserName

'Process Count Variable' - The area where the number of streams initiated through the Flow Trigger object is passed to a variable object in the stream. A variable object that exists in the stream is selected.


'Parameters' - The area on the Flow Trigger object where the variable information to be sent over the selected project-flow is entered.

Flow Trigger

Clicking the Parameters field opens the screen where the parameter values to be sent to the streams to be started will be defined.

Flow Trigger

By clicking the add button on the screen that opens, the variable name to send the data in the stream to be started, the type of data to be sent, the definition of the data to be sent are made.

Flow Trigger

NameThe field in the object that is in the flow for the selected project and in which the name of the variable object that will receive the parameter value is typed. For example, if the object is selected as the Permission Request project and Flow1 is selected as the flow, the name field must type the name of the Variable objects contained in Flow1 with the General option activeFlow Trigger
TypeThe field from which the data type to send is selected. String, Number, Boolean, DateTime, and Control options are available. The Control option must have DataGrid selected in the Control Name field of the object for it to be available.
ValueThe field that defines the parameter data to be sent to the Variable object selected in the Name field. Static data or liquid data that can be used in the stream can be defined (such as {{Document1.DocumentId}}, {{ProcessId}}). If Control is selected in the Type field, the field will list the columns of the DataGrid object defined for the object.

> An example parameters definition Flow Trigger


In the following illustration, in the Parameters field of the Flow Trigger object, the UserId, ParentDocumentId, and ParentProcessId variables (the values specified in an example parameters definition) are defined in the flow to be triggered in the object.

Flow Trigger

Flow Trigger


It is checked by the system that the attached properties on the object are correct. When a missing feature is found, a red exclamation point icon can be displayed on the object, and hovering over the icon with the mouse pointer can display what is missing or incorrect.

Flow Trigger


The events owned by the Stream Trigger object are located in the "Events" tab in the Property Viewer panel. Each event is triggered at different runtime moments, performing its own unique operations. Code written by the developer to these events is also executed at the time the corresponding event is triggered. To write code for any event, double-click the appropriate event line from the Events tab. The screen is directed to the flow code editor section named "FlowName.cs" and the method block for the clicked event is automatically created. The developer can construct any code block he wants in this method. Next to the event whose method is created on the code side by clicking from the Events tab, the method name information is automatically generated and the relationship between the event and the method is indicated.

Flow Trigger