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General Features of Panels

The general properties of the panels under the Appearance heading can be listed as follows;

  • When all panels under the View heading are made visible on the screen, each panel defaults to the designated areas in the sidebars.

General Features of Panels

By clicking on the icon of the panel to be repositioned and dragging / dropping, the panel can be positioned in the desired place between the sidebars.

General Features of Panels

General Features of Panels

  • Panels are minimized to the interface by default. To use the panel functions and components, click the panel icon located in the sidebars. Clicking on the panel icon will open the corresponding panel on the screen.

General Features of Panels

To minimize the currently open panel, click the panel icon again.

  • To pin an open panel to the screen, click the pins button at the top right of the panel screen.

General Features of Panels

The pinned panel is docked to that area of the authoring screen. Even if you click another area on the development screen, it is not minimized, the panel screen remains open.

To detach a panel docked to the screen from the screen, the bulk pin button is clicked again. This time the panel is made of unpin. The panel is no longer securely attached to the screen. When a panel in this state is open, the panel is minimized when it is clogged anywhere on the authoring screen.

  • To remove the panels from the view that are added to the development screen or added to the development screen by default, click the cross button in the upper right corner on the open panel.

General Features of Panels

The panel closed by clicking the cross button becomes invisible on the screen. To make the closed panel visible on the screen again, the corresponding panel is added to the screen by clicking on the View title.

  • According to the screen active in the development interface, the area clicked or the panel type, the areas in the panel contents vary. The search field on the panel screen is used to search between areas within panels.

General Features of Panels

In panels with many features, it is ensured that the area to be displayed and edited is quickly found from the search section.

Typing a value in the search field automatically starts a search in the panel content. The search process supports in-text, lower-text, or end-of-text searches and displays the field that it matches.

The value typed in the search section can be deleted by clicking on the cross that appears in the search section. Thus, all the areas contained by the panel are visible again in the panel.