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Transaction History Panel

The transaction history panel is the panel that keeps records of edits made to the form or flow.

When an object is added to a form or flow, an object is moved, object properties are modified, or an object is deleted, all of these process steps are listed in the transaction history panel.

Transaction History Panel

As you step back through the process steps listed in the transaction history panel, the screen shows the changes up to the action step that was currently clicked. The final processing step refers to the final state of the form or flow. A change can be undone by selecting the processing step that preceded that change. Transaction history is retained for the duration of the current session. When the project or interface is closed, the transaction history panel is reset.

A Radio object is added to the form from the toolbox panel, and this edit is reflected in the transaction history panel;

Transaction History Panel

Clicking the step before the last operation step in the transaction history displays the step where the last Radio object added to the form has not yet been added;

Transaction History Panel

And the structure can be rolled back to the desired processing step.