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View Manager Panel

Multiple views of project forms can be designed. At different steps in the flow, it may be desirable to show different views of the form depending on different people or different situations.

When projects are first created, forms have a default appearance. Objects dragged and dropped onto the form from the Toolbox panel design the default view. If, according to any condition or situation, different views of the same form are desired, this is done from the View Manager panel.

The process of creating a different view of the same form;

  • Depending on any situation or person who will view the form, when a different object that is not in the default view is wanted to be displayed on the form, > (Ex. The "Amount" field is not available in the default view. In the form that the Accounting group sees in the flow, a field called "Amount" is needed. In this case, a new form view is created for the Accounting group, adding the "Amount" field only to this view. That way, people viewing the default view won't be able to see the "Amount" field, while people in the Accounting group will be able to see the "Amount" field on the form.)

  • Depending on any situation or person who will view the form, when it is desired to change the location of the objects on the default form, cases.


If an object on the form in the current view is intended to be hidden on a case-by-case basis, instead of creating a new view in which this object is hidden, a rule that hides that object when the relevant condition is met should be defined in the Rules Manager panel.

When the "View Manager" panel is activated from the view area, if no other view has been created yet, there is a record of the default view in this field.

View Manager Panel

Clicking on the detail section that appears next to the default view record displays the "Layout" and "Duplicate" options.

Clicking in the Layout field opens a window where the name and description of the view can be edited.

Clicking the Duplicate field creates a copy of that view as a new view. All form objects that are in the current view are also present in the duplicate view. This option; In cases where there is not much difference between the two views, it is used to create a copy from the same main view and make a minor change to the copy view, rather than creating the new view from scratch and adding the objects in the master view to the new view one by one.

The Default view contains TextBox and MaskInput objects on the form;

View Manager Panel

Let's create a new view of the form called "Controller". This view differs from the default view only if there is one ComboBox object on the form in addition to the existing form objects. By clicking the "Duplicate" button from the details of the default view record, a new view named "default_copy_1" is created, which has the same form fields as the default view.

View Manager Panel

With the New view selected, 1 ComboBox object is added to the form from the Toolbox panel.

View Manager Panel

By clicking on the "Layout" option from the details of the view named "default_copy_1" created with the copy, new Name and Description texts are entered into the view.

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>

View Manager Panel


Thus, 2 different views of the form are created.

View Manager Panel

Different views of the form can be created by copying the existing view, or they can be created and designed as a form view from scratch. To do this, click on the "Create New View" (+) button in the View Manager panel. Clicking the Create new view button will open a new blank form view named "view1" in the View Manager panel.

View Manager Panel

Any object in a different view of the form can be included in the newly created view by dragging and dropping it from the object explorer panel. For example, in the default form view, you have the following objects.

View Manager Panel

If you want to show the Password1 and Label objects in the default view in the View1 view, the Object Explorer panel is switched while the view1 view is selected and the related objects can be added to the form by drag-and-drop. This shows objects that exist in another view in the other view.

View Manager Panel

View Manager Panel

If the object activated in the view is desired to be removed from the corresponding view, it can be removed from the object detail in the Object Explorer panel by selecting "Delete from View". If this option is selected, the corresponding object will be removed from only that view. The object will still appear in other views in which it is active.

If you drill down into an object from the object navigator and click "Delete", the object is removed directly from the form. Therefore, this object is deleted from all views that the form has.

Different views of the form;

  • When it is desired to change the appearance according to the person who opens the form,
  • When it is desired to show different form views to people or groups at different steps of the flow,
  • When it is desired to change the form appearance according to any condition set in the Rules Manager panel,
  • It is used for situations such as when you want to show the form view with special fields in the information mails or in the pdf view of the form.

In objects with document selection feature in flow objects (such as Document object, Position object, Position Group object, Information object), it is possible to select whichever view of the form is desired to be displayed in the object.